Should Trans Fats be banned in Maine restaurants?


  • A Concerned Citizen - 15 years ago

    The role of government is to ensure that commerce is able to occur and to administer justice. The role of Maine government has been greatly skewed into areas that the government has no right to be in. Our state government should not have the ability or power to tell me what I can and cannot eat when I go to a restaurant. More government control and regulation = less freedom for our citizens.

    Many other areas are broken. If they want to reduce the cost of health care, our legislature should open up Maine to competition. A 30-year old male could get the exact same insurance policy in New Hampshire for about 1/3 of the price that they would pay in Maine. A corporation could relocate to New Hampshire to avoid our high income taxes, while still operating in Maine.. now why would a business want to stay?

    Stop legislating away our rights and free choice. Government, get out of our way and let the people move our state and country forward!

  • Walter Carver - 15 years ago

    We have got to have government out of our personal lives. It's not the government's job to tell us what to do, how to live, and what to eat. We have laws to protect us from harming each other. We need to be able to use our own common sense to protect us from ourselves.

  • tiredtaxpayer - 15 years ago

    I agree Sarah , it is the democrats always trying to stick their nose where it doesnt belong , clean up welfare and let me eat what I want !

  • Sarah King - 15 years ago

    Doesn't the State government have more important things to do than tell people what they can't eat and drive business out of the State (like deregulate healthcare, figure out how to pay their bills, clean up welfare, etc)?

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