How did you find American Idol Season 8?


  • Jenny - 15 years ago

    The worst season of Idol ever! There was one worthy contestant, and three that were runner-up status. Yet, the average, everyday guy with limited talent who will go NOWHERE wins! What a world! Adam should have won (most know this) with Danny, Allison, Anoop behind him. You better save your money, Kris.

  • London - 15 years ago

    Kris is an uneducated, hick dumb-bum and he sucks as a performer. This is how I summarize the season. Good Day Yanks!

  • Idol Shmidol - 15 years ago

    The season sucked. DUH!!!! The only bright spot was Adam.

  • Peggy Lee - 15 years ago

    Kris sucks. Get used to it. Boring tonal inflections among other poor singing qualities. Who cares if he 'changes up' a boring song and makes it a little less boring. He is rather dumb and will amount to nothing; unless he chooses Country music as his genre, in that case he may be popular for 18 months or so. He is boring, stale, uninteresting. Poor twit.

  • QuietStorm - 15 years ago

    Hi Grimoire! It's great to be back in touch with you and the other regulars! I also left a quick comment on Rickey's newest poll.

  • Grimoire13 - 15 years ago

    CK & QUIETSTORM: : ) I'm sure it seemed like I went to the 'cookout that wouldn't die'... but I've actually just been waaaaay busy. I'm doin' okay... just gettin' it done, you know how that goes. As for IdolGate... I can see how some opinions might be tainted. I say they need to shitcan AT & T for next year and beyond... who needs scandal tied to the phone company that supports the voting process? I want a CLEAN SLATE!! It's after 1:00 in the morning here, guys... I gotta kick it for now... g'night!!

  • QuietStorm - 15 years ago

    HI CK, GRIMOIRE, NIE, JC, KING H, and everyone! MY MODEM DIED! And talk about the timing! I had just watched the CBS Morning Show when IDOLGATE was breaking! CBS reported a statement from AT&T admitting that a "few" AT&T employees were invited to a Kris voting party so they took a "few" phones with them to hand out, and did show people how to "power" vote. " But it wasn't enough to "throw" the vote". That is their official statement! Remember when they boasted that 38 million votes came from Arkansas alone, and then when they realized that was so disproportionate they quickly retracted that statement.! And so I'll say just one more time. If they're doing that, is it so far fetched to think maybe one of those "few" employees just decided to make sure Adam's phone lines were kept "busy" for a while! OKAY! I"ll leave it alone now! Anyway, I ran to my computer to go online and see what was happening with this breaking news and that is when I discovered my modem had died! I had to wait two days for my internet carrier to send me a new modem. So now I'm glad to be back in touch with all of you!

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Yeah Grim ~ Hey Grimfriend.... that musta been one heck of a cookout you went to..... the "lost weekend"? JK BUT you did go MIA around the same time as that PA lady... and didn't show up again till after they found her... hmmmm..... GrimGate is just as plausible as any other theories.... How ya been?

  • Grimoire13 - 15 years ago

    I'm laughing my hiney off here... seriously... a Pennsylvania woman was abducted and later found at Disney World? And CK thought it might be me!! LMAO!!! Well, I guess I can think of worse endings to an abduction. Hahaha.. that's priceless. Now who was it on this board, I read that they said they didn't like Susan Boyle's voice... that they thought her voice had 'no support' ??? Was that you, NIE? We differ here.... I think she sings fantastically. She has a very pure and powerful voice, with an amazing range. She stumbled a bit at the very beginning on her performance of 'Memories'... got past that very quickly and then rocked the house AGAIN. She deserves this win. As a person, she's a bit bonkers... but she deserves the win...

  • ck - 15 years ago

    JC: I voted for Kris strictly because I felt he chose a song, changed it up and made it a "Kris Allen" tune in his own style, each and every week - However, his type of music it's not what I would normally listen to on the radio and say "WOW"! His 3 originals I've heard on youtube are soooo Kris Allen - okay if you really like that genre - there is a big audience for the sound. But I'm really curious to hear some of Adam's stuff cause I THINK he writes his own songs too. On youtube I found some of his more serious music (The Prayer Duet) very impressive of his vocal talents. Okay... so where are you sitting.... you haven't left any clues..... hmmm if I had to guess.... somewhere like Michigan area? I'm listening to Hedley will doing some laundry! LOL.... Did you hear, Susan Boyle reached her boiling point! She's dropping "F" bombs all over cause the judges now like that 12yr kid.

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    ck- I'm sure that it will be all originals beucase thats what all of the other idols have done, but I'm really interested in what genre of music and which direction adam is going to go in... it's hard to say becuase what he did on the show isn't exactly what you hear on mainstream radio.

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    ck- I'm sure that it will be all originals beucase thats what all of the other idols have done, but I'm really interested in what genre of music and which direction adam is going to go in... it's hard to say becuase what he did on the show isn't exactly what you hear on mainstream radio.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Nie: At the end of the article, it said it was a "hoax"!

  • ck - 15 years ago

    JC: Agree with you. And I do feel bad for Kris having to defend his win in each interview. But I thought it was a nice interview with both Adam and Kris there. Glad that Adam says it might be nice to do something with Queen, but he'd rather pursue his own personal choices. I am curious what their first CDs will sound like... Original stuff or covers?

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    CK - No I'm not the one who studies law so I don't really know. Has Kris mentioned that he wants to give up the title? Oh man... don't do that. Maybe he sees the title as a burden now but he has done nothing wrong so why bother. And I don't think Adam cares for the title either. People should really just drop this and move on... Lol yes I guess there can be ghosts in any buildings built upon battlefields or former cemetery. I actually found it more convincing that there isn't a single ghost on Ghost Hunters! They are only using sounds, moving objects and detection on radio to "show" there is a ghost. Funny how ghosts always respond by making sounds. But somehow it's better than showing me a "real" ghost lol. Not that I think ghost exists anyway but I found their way of hunting ghost more professional ha! And yes their eyes are the scariest thing on the show!

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    I don't understand why this contorvesy about the voting is such a big deal. I mean, it's really embarrassing Kris and I think it's led by Adam fans, don't they realise that Adam is better off without the title and the Kara song that is actually better suited to Kris? In one of the interviews Adam said "Yes, I'm working on something, but I can't say anything about it..." so really, the title doesn't do much so I think maybe the controversy is to bring media attention to american idol, not like the need to be any more popular.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    and yet another nice interview - on the voting controversy -

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Nie: Someone here said they were studying law - I thought it was you (as well as Lit), but I can't find the post. Say if Kris wanted to resign as idol, could he legally because AI claims he is the true winner? Don't they have some contractual agreements going into the show that wouldn't let him out? I ask cause I followed a link that said Kris was giving his idol title to Adam cause he couldn't sleep at nights over the rumors. At the end, it was a hoax! Yeah... I thought it was funny, in a cute way, that Kris started to giggle first at Adam's answer... My son loves Ghost Hunters - he tells me they're everywhere, fields, woods, battlefields. So I guess if you build on or near a battlefield, they could get into your condo! I've watched only a few times and have never seen anything that looked like a ghost.... the scariest part are the hunters eyes when they use those special night lights! That's creepy!

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    HELLO GRIM! Nice to have you back. What?! A lady got abducted and then found in DisneyWorld? Is it an advertising strategy of DisneyWorld LOL?! Someone should interview Mickey. From what I read, what upsets Adam fans most is that AT&T taught people from Arkansas to power text while telling the others that it's not acceptable to do such a huge amount of texting at a time. And some texts that they sent were not sent at all according to the bills. But it's true that such ungrounded rumors bring nothing good to Adam but only embarrassment to Kris. And what can be done even if people found evidence to prove the rumors true?! Re-vote? I mean, come on, they are already working on their individual projects, just forget the Idol part! But you know, Nixon resigned after the Watergate incident - so who knows what will happen to this Idolgate?

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    CK - LOL ghosts don't appear in condos do they? I always picture them in mansions, hotel rooms or abandoned factories but I don't think they go to apartments. Or at least that's the case in movies and TV series. Have you watched Ghost Hunters? They made it look pretty real! I prefer small towns too - not exactly country because I'm not sure if I can handle it lol, but small towns where you know who's living nextdoor. I've watched both clips on Rickey's frontpage! I am very much convinced that Adam is aware of the connotation when he answered he likes it on top! He's been cracking lots of sexy jokes lately! And look at Kris's reaction to it - priceless! - as put by Rickey!

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Grim ~ I started to wonder if you were that lady abducted and locked in her trunk? Wasn't that in PA????? So how was DisneyWorld? LOL I think that's were they found her. AT&T admitted that some locals gave out a few phone demos and taught them how to use it. But I think the bigger issue is they also gave them "free" minutes. Read they happend with Underwood and Pickler as well. Maybe David A. Fox put out a statement that they monitor the votes and everything seems to be in order, and they stand firm that Kris is the winner. It's good to have you back!

  • Grimoire13 - 15 years ago

    TLC, NIE, CK, QUIETSTORM... Good evening, ladies. Sorry to have disappeared. There is so much to do during the day, I can't get over here... and in the evenings I have been busy with other things... and pretty tired, as well. BUT, I shall make a concerted effort to try to be here a bit more. My take on the AT & T thing... (looks like there just MAY be an 'IdolGate' after all) is that it is an easy rumor to start, but the accusers need to have solid evidence of the tampering, or it will prove to be nothing more than a colossal (and needless) embarrassment for Kris and his camp. American Idol producers need to get a handle on things... this show is becoming nothing but tabloid fodder! Off to bed soon... hope you all have a great night.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Anybody seen this:

  • ck - 15 years ago

    King H: Go to Rickey's homepage (Krisland) and shake things up a bit! They's cry..... I'll go to Adam's and call them "Bitterberts".... they'll swear at me! LOL JC: I've been good for days now.... just this once, ok?

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Have you seen any of Rickey's links at the home page?......
    Adam likes it on top:

    Pink Elephant in the room:

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    Oh and KH that isn't much of a threat considering that I've already been crucified and I rose from that

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    LOL king H, but keep you posted about what exactly?

  • King H - 15 years ago

    I think some of the apostles have gone over to, but that seems too easy. I like Adam, but it won't be much fun hanging with only Adam lovers. --JC, please do keep me posted--or I'll have your head.

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    This is the first board i've posted on

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    KH- I don't know

  • King H - 15 years ago

    No offense, but this board is getting kind of boring. Anywhere else to hang, Jesus?

  • JC - 15 years ago

    ck- no i've never watched mental before but maybe i'll check it out.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    JC: Have you ever watched "Mental"? It's a new series (I think). I usually don't watch medical shows, but the previews for the next show look good.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Nie: I love to watch (don't laugh) House Hunters and HH International. So I've seen some of those small flats with $$$$ price tags! That's why I thought everything was expensive. When I was able to afford vacations, I use to always to take an afternoon just to "house hunt" - in case I liked that state enough to move there. I've lived at several homes in NJ, and always end up back here for one reason or another. I had a lot and design plans for my house in PA and backed out due to illness (Lyme) serveral years ago. At the time, I decided it was too far from good doctors and my family. I do prefer country, but after my son goes off on his own, the shoveling, raking and all the extra work that comes with a house will be too much for me. So... I'll probably end up in a condo or something. Where???? I don't know yet. - I'd like Virginia.... but Craig says there are way too many Civil War ghosts living there, so he's not going! LOL (He's a history buff.)

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    CK - I would say food, clothing and even entertainment are cheaper in Hong Kong than most countries in Europe and North America. But when it comes to rents and education, it is hell here! You know HK a small city with a large population and with people from the mainland China flooding in there is really just no more place to live in and hence the high rents. And living here is kind of expensive when you compare it with other Asian countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and the mainland China. But higher price level comes with higher salary so the problem isn't too serious (for most at least). Do you actually prefer staying in/close to a big city or a small cosy town? Honestly I'm tired of cities but this is so conflicting. How am I going to survive without theatres and cable tv and the latest CD's in a nearby CD store? Lol yes I know, based on my musical taste Danny or Kris are more likely my favorites. But Adam is just so refreshing and distinctive and I'm a fan of mad vocal, so it is not exactly a surprise that he is my favorite. And yes I wonder where the others have gone too. Has Grimoire got her written release and left this blog? CK you will have to "weather the hurricane" lol. I actually remember the lyrics of the song up to the chorus now. What a shame.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Grim. TLC and QS - where are you??? MIA?

  • JC - 15 years ago

    ck- yeah it's almost like a burden to be crowned winner of any idol show. Alot of people on idol have been successful without winning. I haven't eeven heard of any of the other people on Canadian idol.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    JC: Yeah, I figured that - and he's probably better off - like Daughtry and Adam. AI winners are almost like being crowned "Miss America" and you have to represent them... it's a little "hokey" for most serious musicians - also not enough creative freedom....... Nie: I wouldn't have chosen Adam as your fav based on your musical tastes. I'm surprised that QuietStorm hasn't returned yet - madder than a "hurricane" with all the new AT&T buzz about cheating. (Only kidding, QS - but where are you?)

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    He's like Chris Daughtry

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    ck- um no i think he got third or fourth

  • ck - 15 years ago

    JC: Just curious... did he win CI???

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    ck- Yeah I really like def leppard and I'm glad youo like hedley. They are a canadian band that my cousin who lives in Canada told me about, aparently the lead singer was on Canadian Idol.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Nie: I would have thought it more expensive... I live in a semi blue collar town. We're surrounded by some of the wealthiest communties in the country, which is really wierd cause most people assume you gotta be rich in this area. Hardly! Many kids my son goes to school with live in mansions and we've got a little modest cape cod. I stayed here cause of my Mom, but now I am seriously considering moving somewhere else.... not sure yet where.

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    CK - Susan Boyle did surprise me too! But you're so right that she will win because of her looks. The same happened to Paul Potts a few years ago - his background story and looks won him the title. I just checked out NY R&R Ensemble. "Beside You" is such a sweet and pecfect song for wedding! If I were you, I would have sung it myself if the band didn't bother to learn it! I like "Field of Joys" too! Wonderful melody and lyrics!! For Aerosmith - it's so weird that I love their songs but only when they are covered by other artists... And I love Bryan Adams's Summer of 69'!! Yes Hong Kong is a very exciting city! But it's not so expensive to live here. US$1 = HK$7.8 and a large fries from McDonald's costs HK$10.5 while a (traditional) hambuger costs only HK$7. Even the electronic devices, clothings and concerts tickets for that matter are much cheaper than in many other cities. Living in HK is much cheaper than in LA, NY or any other major European cities. I spent half a year in Norway last year and THAT was expensive!! Didn't even dare to enter McDonald's.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    I love Def Leppard - and I admire them as a band for waiting until the drummer could return and play with them. I didn't know too much about Hedley, so I checked them out... and they could easily be a new fav now... I really like "Streetfight" and "Johnny Falls"! Great sound! Thanks!!!!!!

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    ck- I also like def leppard, hedley, elton john, john mayer and some others. I have a strange variety in taste in music.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Nie: You're right about the Celtic Chicks... Susan Boyle did surprise me - I think she will win because of her looks. Did you check out any of the NY R&R Ensemble? I left about 3 links for QS a few posts back: I think you might like "Dedication" - - My favs are "Beside You" (wanted the band to play it at my wedding, but they didn't bother to learn it) and "Field of Joys". Micahel Kamen went on to having a brilliant career writing movie scores and an accomplished maestro while continuing to work with some rock lengends: Floyd, Areosmith, Clapton, Bryan Adams. Life in Hong Kong must be VERY exciting but expensive!

  • ck - 15 years ago

    JC: So who else do you like besides Bad Co. and Vast?

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    Yeah I really never took a liking to susan boyle

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    CK - Mandrell for Danny - Paula might just say he found a perfect fit from the female department lol! I checked out all of the bands you named. Grand Funk and Van Morrison are really cool! And I even got to pair up a few familiar tunes with the artists so thanks so much for the recommendations. Rock is still an unexplored (or at least under-explored) land for me and maybe it's time for a change. I do like Eagles and a few more current rock artists like Graham Colton and of course David Cook. For Pop/Rock - One Republic. Piano Rock - Keane, Jon McLaughlin (whom I like most among the others). I checked out Ciaran Sheehan and he is GREAT! A perfect voice for Ave Maria! But you are right, it is not the best for Sunday Mass stuff. Yes I have heard the Celtic Women/Men. Great singers but I'm not a fan. I love distinctive voices more and for me, the Celtic singers are all crystal clear voices that are drained of personality. That is also the reason why I'm not a fan of Hayley Westenra. Great singer, fullstop. And I've heard Greg Pritchard's audition too! In fact I found Simon's comment quite accurate. He has an exceptional voice but I don't think it will carry him too far. You know, his voice is like the sound a running train makes when it is pulled to stop at the station... But still I'd prefer him to Susan Boyle. At least he's entertaining lol. Yeah keep sharing music! This is so much fun!

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    ck- No problem and yeah I saw that a while ago and the first time I was like "woah!" and did a double take.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Have any of you seen this? Simon says "it's like dog meowing" - - Thanks JC!

  • JEsus Christ - 15 years ago

    ck- no it's not a two part, just on youtube its separated into 5 parts.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    JC: Thanks! It's a 2 part finale??? I hope I can find the 2nd....

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Nie: I was thinking Mandrell for a blues version from Danny. Vittorio's has a great voice (but his looks aren't too shabby either! I caught a clip of him wearing jeans... and oh, what can I say?) Yeah, mostly rock. Some CD's in my car are Allman, Synard, Grand Funk, The Band, Van Morrison, Moodies... but I'm soooo bored, and glad that you and QuietStorm have shared. I found an alternative station yesterday that I've been listening to. I'd listen to C&W, but there are no stations in this area anymore. Classic Rock... same thing over and over. I am going to explore this popera, cause I think I could enjoy it. Have you ever heard of Ciaran Sheehan? He's been in over 1,000 performance of Phantom and Les on Broadway as well as Toronto. He's just performed at Carnegie Hall for St. Pat's and has done several PBS specials. He sings every Sunday at my parish and quite the celebrity in the neighboring area. He's a really nice guy! While I find his voice a little "too operatic" for the simple stuff they sing at Sunday Mass - he brought tears to my eyes when he sang Ave Maria at my Mom's funeral last year. Do you like those Celtic Women/Men? I catch them once in awhile on PBS. Keep the suggestions coming!

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    CK - Ummm I think I might choose either "When You Say Nothing At All" or "Here You Come Again." I love Carrie Underwood but I wouldn't dare to do a song by a former Idol who has such a distinctive voice. I'm more a "new country." I love Carrie, Leann, Martina, Blake Shelton, Trisha Yearwood etc. Lady Antebellum isn't bad too! YES Josh Groban is fabulous!! His first self-titled album was out only after his appearance on Ally McBeal. He's going to appear on Glee!! And he will have two DVDs out soon - one PBS and one two-night concert of Chess in London. Can't wait for it! My admiration for Sarah Brightman is limited to her operatic songs. For me, her more pop styled songs are failed attempts. The same goes to Russell Watson. He had a surgery some years back and since then his voice is never the same again. His pop and jazz songs are not my cup of tea. Btw check out Vittorio Grigolo too. His silky milky (smooth and rich) voice is just so enchanting! Yes you're right, opera is good only in small doses. That is why I prefer popera - less rigid and still keeps the essence of opera. What kind of music do you usually listen to? Rock I guess? At this stage I'm not really on the move a lot, but I grasp every available opportunity to learn more in different countries. But even when it's not about my studies I still love travelling! It brings out all the resourcefulness in you especially when you are having a budget tour lol.

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    OMG this is getting so heated up!! Not only is NY Times talking about the AT&T conspiracy, it is making the headline on yahoo now! This must be so embarrassing for Kris. I just hope the reporters won't throw this to Kris right in his face - he doesn't deserve this. Turns out that neither Danny or Adam was the one who gets thrown under the bus. Kris is the one.

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    ck- Okay I will not tell you anymore. If you are really wanting to watch it, part 1 is at:

  • rockandrollfactory - 15 years ago

    Rock and Roll Factory -

  • rockandrollfactory - 15 years ago

    Rock and Roll Factory -

  • K - 15 years ago

    re: last post by CK:

    Wow, ck. I... think...I...Actually...A g r e e...with

  • ck - 15 years ago

    I guess this site will be hopping with all the AT&T buzz on the news this morning! I won't be able to check in until later.....but I think Fox. AI and AT&T owe it to ALL the fans of to make a statement on this ASAP. If there is any truth to this "cheating", then I hope that Kris will do the correct thing and relinquish his title.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    JC: Even if I beg.... please "resist the temptation" to tell me anymore details of Numb3rs. Charlie was also cute as the elf in that Ted Allen movie....LOL I use to watch "With Out A Trace" and "Cold Case", but leave those for summer re-runs when nothing is on. I do like "Medium" and "Ghost Whisperer"

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Nie: There's some very "big" songs and artists on that C&W list! That must of been hard to make a choice. I might of chosen Mandrell's "If Loving You Is Wrong I Don't Want to Be Right" - but wasn't that a "pop" tune crossover? Are you "old" country or "new country"? I love Patsy - but not big on Loretta or Tammy. I think some of that "new" country "kicks butt"! Josh Groban is fabulous! I hadn't heard him sing before his appearance on Ally McBeal - I've caught a few of his specials. Love Sarah Brightman (especially with Antonio Banderas - he is too HOT for words!) Russell Watson - I admit I wasn't familiar with him and had to look him up - wow, what a diversified catalogue of music! I really like the sound of his voice and styling - why haven't I heard of him before??? Opera (in it's true form)... while I can appreciate the artistry and vocal stamina it takes to sing it, I can only listen to it in small doses at a time. Though I've tried, I've never developed an "ear" for jazz in it's purest form. Hong Kong - what an exciting city to live in! Are you on the move a lot due to your studies? Thanks for sharing your music!

  • Steve - 15 years ago


    "ITt is like comparing the talent of Pavarotti to Jimmy Buffet."

    Jimmy would clearly win this comparison.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Quess some workers WERE willing to risk AT&T's rep for Kris Allen win..... if this article is true.........

  • QuietStorm - 15 years ago

    Hi ck and Nie: ck, it's been a busy day so I didn't get to sit down with my laptop until around 9:30pm . I have checked out NY R&R Ensemble and I definitely love "Beside You" the best over "Fields of Joy" and "Dedication". I had never heard of them before but I find their music very interesting and different. Also, I checked out about half a dozen songs by Nightwish. Of those I really liked their song "Nemo" the best. It is fun and refreshing to hear good music that doesn't get airplay. It's like finding undiscovered treasure!

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    CK - Take a look at this: The song list of the Grand Ole Opry week doesn't look bad. Lol what I meant is, my picks of Idols don't really reflect what I usually listen to. Josh Groban is my all time favorite. And you can imagine that I love the likes of Andrea Bocelli, Sarah Brightman, Russell Watson etc. Now think about Adam Lambert... Popera is my so called "normal taste" for music, so is country but I'm open to anything good. As for Michael Johns's new single - I still love his husky voice, but the song!! It sounds like it can be the next AI coronation song. Everyday I wear my heart on my sleeve? Oh my.... But I'm glad his long waited CD will be out soon! And Ellen had Jorge, Jasmine, Anoop and Lil on her show right after they were eliminated too. So cool! I'm typing this on the other side of the world! I'm currently in Hong Kong, though I'll be on the move soon. Not much local culture here in this place, but you get to see things and people from all over the world from Christina Aguilera, Duffy and Sarah Brightman to Michael Jordan and David Beckham. Not to mention all the acclaimed operas, muscials and plays. So, I'm not complaining :)

  • hola - 15 years ago


  • ck - 15 years ago

    Hey.... has anyone every seen the 1927 silent film "Metropolis" with a rock soundtrack? If not, it's considered by many to be a masterpiece with state of art graphics for that time, but received horrible reviews in the 20's and failed again with the 80's re-release. But it's kind of a cool, avande garde sci-fi flick with a strong political message esp. for the 20's. It takes place in the future with the rich living above the earth, enjoying their wealth and lifestyle. The poor live underground in a sad and miserable state except for the beautiful, loving Maria's kindness and goodness. It becomes obvious, that the poor will uprise against the rich to bask in the sun, and will follow Maria wherever she leads them. The rich decide to capture Maria, make her an evil robot of her and send the robot back underground with quite a different message to those living there. This soundtrack had numerous artists including Freddy Mercury "Love Kills" - - and Bonnie Tyler "Here She Comes" - Not great, no bad - but I enjoyed it even though I fell asleep reading the sub-titles the first 2x's I tried to watch it. Worth the rental. LOL

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Nie: Oh....hmmmm AI song sheets have taste??? Please for once I'd like to see what's the total listing of the Idol song list for any given week. And what's "normal" music anyway? Hey, I still miss liturgical music sung it Latin - or the rush from singing Handel's Messiah with a choral group - I listen to Andrea Bocelli - and yet know most every Broadway show tune - My first album??? "The King and I" when I was 7yrs. and I asked for it from Santa. Ho, Ho, Ho! So come on.... share.... what's your "normal taste" ? And where are you sitting, Nie? I picture you living in or close enough to a city where you can enjoy all the art, music, literature and culture interests your heart's desire.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Nie: hmmmm..... I had forgotten about Michael Johns - a real hunk that could sing! I did like his blues/soul better, but thought he did an excellent job on "Dream On". I don't watch Ellen, put I guess she has had every past and present idol on her show last week and this also (Kris today). Found this clip when I looked up to see what he was doing now? - Adam and Queen - never! - Well maybe a special guest appearance with the band for a song or two - Queen needs an "Adam" - but I think Adam will be far better on his own.

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    Alright, after having replied all the emails I finally got to read and catch up with the backyard stories here. CK - "QS: Based on your posts and ID, I would imagine you must live in Garden of Eden!" QuietStorm are you living in the Garden of Eden? If so please say hi to Adam for me :) Sorry I just couldn't help cracking a joke... And CK, no problem with the Nightwish video! I love sharing music. But my "normal taste" is quite different from my "Idol taste" lol.

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    Grimoire - LOL Michael Johns is a "flat out hunk"... Ok maybe he is an eye candy but his appearance reminds me of an Australian soccer player whom I dislike, so it was really his husky voice that won me over. I still can't believe that he got voted off after Dream On and Carly after Jesus Christ Superstar!! I loved that performance and also Blackbird and Shadow of Your Smile. As for Fantasia, I thought maybe it was a little trick to reinforce AI's political correctness. Jennifer Hudson's elimination attracted so much backlash including Elton John who said the votes were racist. Having an African American winner was the only way to put an end to those speculations. But personally I wish Jennifer and Fantasia could have swapped their places. Not a Hudson fan but she deserves the win so much more. I had completely forgotten about Tatiana too until she showed up again in the result finale. How seriously shocked Ruben looked when Tatiana rushed on the stage to escape from the two guards. Did he not for a second think it was part of the performance?!

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    CK - I don't think Kris would ever slip anything regarding Adam's sexual orientation though I really hope he does. His sexual orientation doesn't affect his singing and is none of our business, yes but come on, human being is an extremely curious species and I have no intention to go against my human nature LOL. I was kind of surprised that Kris would tell how he proposed to his wife, but then I remember Kris is Kris so it's not a surprise after all. It would be such a great honor for Adam to join Queen but honestly I don't think it would be the best for him. What if he fails to fill the shoes? I don't think it would be easy for him to start all over again. The second and third will never be as good as the first and Adam being the new Freddie Mercury would definitely upset part of the Queen fans. I think it would be the best for him to form a band by himself like what Chris Daughtry did. Oh and I agree that the judges cost Adam the win AND ALSO Danny the place in the finale.

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    ck- yeah the finale was REALLY weird. Amita gets kidknapped and it's really creepy. Charlie proposes!!!! It's so cute!!!!!!

  • ck - 15 years ago

    JC: No... I missed the fianle and forgot to tape it... I'm hoping they'll air it again... What is Charlie's field of work called again - a ".....???....." mathematician??? I met this guy who was going to Harvard and after he said what he was studying - all I could say was "Oh... you're going to be a Charlie?" Obvisously he knew what I meant and laughed "Yes"! Yeah, Bad Co. IS rock and roll at it's best! Another underrated, underplayed group - maybe that's why I never get tired of listening to them! I also like Deep Purple and Leslie West.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    QuietStorm: Another NY R&R - Less baroque -more a jazz/R&B feel - Very "alternative" for late 60's early 70"s with that "haunting" sound and great lyrics... This stuff is 40 yrs old, sounds more current today and I still enjoy it. Fields of Joy:

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    ck- yeah I love Charlie from numb3rs, did you watch the finale? It was really weird...
    QS- Vast is really really good!
    ck- I love bad co. too!

  • ck - 15 years ago

    QS: Yes! Thank you for The Church - I've heard this a few times being played, and I never knew what or who it was. Again, that beautifully haunting sound that you don't mind stuck in you head! My life's been a little hectic with responsibilities over the last several years, I haven't had the time to pursue my musical interests. Nie gave me Nightwish another I heard, but didn't know who sang it. Thanks to both of you!!!!

  • ck - 15 years ago

    QuietStorm: Like you, I have a varied taste in music from R&B, Southern Rock, Soul (not Motown), Classical Classical Baroque Rock. Anything that creates a feeling inside - rather than a "sound". I thought VAST's sound was alternative but I wasn't sure... (Stuff like the Thompson Twins in the 80's were considered alternative back then LOL). YES! Allman's, Moodies (I could listen to Justin sing "Forever Autumn" for enternity), Bowie, Skynyrd, Zombies, Bad Co., Santana, early "Poco". I have followed a couple "famous unknowns" like you have VAST. There's that something so special about going to a concert knowing that you "get it" (meaning the music) when so many haven't even heard it yet. I use to see Poco every chance I could, until they over-played "Crazy Love" - which I didn't think represented their earlier style.
    Here's another "famous unknown" group I use to follow - the New York Rock and Roll Ensemble - still unknown, but occasionally tour. I think you might enjoy listening to as you sit in your beautifu garden..... (Classical Baroque Rock) - "Beside You" - "Dedication" (I haven't found any of their more "rock & roll" recordings anywhere yet.)

  • QuietStorm - 15 years ago

    ck....... I just thought of one more band that you might like. It's an old band from Australia called The Church. They hit it big with the hit song "Under The Milky Way". Another song of theirs that I like is called "Reptile". Again, you can hear these songs on YouTube. What kind of groups do you like?

  • QuietStorm - 15 years ago

    Hi ck! Thanks for checking VAST out! They are considered as alternative rock. That particular song " Don't Take Your Love From Me" is hauntingly beautiful! It gets in my head and doesn't leave! The words to that song are so thought provoking! I'm pretty sure the history of the band is on Wikipedia. My favorite bands besides VAST have been groups like Pink Floyd, Moody Blues, Allman Bros. Band, U2, Enigma, Clannad to name a few.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    QuietStorm: Love "Please Don't Take Your Love From Me" - it's got a beautifully, haunting type of melody. I listened to a couple of their songs and I like their sound - what genre would this be called? Loved the lyric "Tattoo of Your Name" across my soul..... I see that they were a sound track on Smallville - so someone's been listening to their sound. Funny, I would have never guessed they were from Texas. I'm in a musical rut, these days, but I'm open to anything but hip-hop and rap.... so I appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Well, I've tried to follow "Lost" since it started, but I'm still clueless as to what is going on. Love "Charlie" from Numbers... and with all his data and probability cause/statistical mumbo jumbo, I feel he could figure a way out of this enconomical mess we're in! LOL! I just finished Tudors (yeah... boring, but I really love that stuff, Jane Austen, Pride and Prejuice", usually BBC stuff) - History Channel - While I like CSI, I close my eyes when they do an autopsy! I don't watch any medical shows for that reason! Love "So You Think You Can Dance".

  • QuietStorm - 15 years ago

    ck, Grimoire, JC and anybody else out there: I have no idea what your taste in music is, but there is a fantastic band out of Texas by the name of VAST. The lead singer Jon Crosby has a phenomenal voice and writes his own lyrics that are incredible! You can check them out and buy their cd's from YouTube. Listen to their song " Please Don't Take Your Love From Me" or " Desert Garden". All their songs and cd's are fantastic, but those two songs are my personal favorites. How they haven't gone mega famous yet is baffling because they are THAT GOOD! They are on tour right now. I have tickets to go see them when they come here to Albuquerque on June 3rd. Check them out ........just type in VAST on Google or YouTube. Let me know what you think of them!

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    CK- no 'Lost' wasn't one of the shows I watched, mostly becuase I have never watched it before and have no idea what it is about. The ones I was watching were CSI, American Idol, Numb3rs, the office and 30 rock.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    JC: Was one of your shows "Lost"???........ TLC/Grim ~ my gravatar is working today without copying and pasting my URL. Wierd, huh?

  • ck - 15 years ago

    QuietStorm: Yep!!! LOL My 15yr. old son isn't feeling too well today, so we're just chilling around here. I'll either BBQ or go join one of my neighbors later! But your little piece of paradise...hmmmm, sounds like a place I'd like to visit just once in my lifetime. I live in Northern Jersey - while it's not a city or congested, it's not the "country living" it use to be! And no... I still don't have that Jersey "big hair" from the 80's. LOL! Never could get my hair to do that. Today, I caught up on the finale of "Lost" - haven't watched any of my regulars since I've been blogging. Hey, you think all this Adam vs. Kris debate has been crazy here? My kid keeps playing some group called Motorhead for me and says "Mom, don't you think this guy's voice is great? And sooo much better than Saliva?" I'm like..... NO! I must be getting too old for all this....LOL!

  • QuietStorm - 15 years ago

    ck........... I'm guessing New Jersey! Am I right?!

  • QuietStorm - 15 years ago

    Hi ck and karamea...... I really wish the results could all be laid out in front of us so we could all understand why people voted as they did and the logic and illogic reasoning behind their votes. I am beginning to realize I am driving myself crazy trying to understand the final results, so at this point I'm going to have to just "let it go"! I am so very proud of the way Danny, Adam, and Kris have nothing but good things to say about each other and genuinely seem to be good friends. This experience has bonded them together and I hope they stay friends! I think they will! I believe all things happen for a reason, and each one of them are exactly where they need to be to start their career and bright future from this point forward. I wish them all a happy and fulfilling long life! I also wish the two of you a wonderful holiday! Do you have any exciting plans for today, and what state do you live in? [ If you don't mind saying... I understand if you do]

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Grim/QuietStorm: I'm sorta in "backyard" envy right now.... no woods, no goldfish pond... and the grass needs a cutting! I live in the state that makes it into every stand-up's comedy routine sooner or later. Can you guess? LOL Grim~ almost moved to PA about 15 yrs. ago, love the country and woods! QS: Based on your posts and ID, I would imagine you must live in Garden of Eden! It must be beautiful!

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Karamea: Agree! I voted for Kris for the same reasons. There is a quality to his voice and style that I just love! I found his song choices and change ups were always true to his personal style. His humility and honesty are refreshing. The more I see him on interviews, the more I like him - if that's possible.

  • QuietStorm - 15 years ago

    Grimoire, your backyard sounds heavenly! My house sits on a bluff overlooking the lush green Rio Grande valley and beyond that a few miles away are the Sandia Mountains with Sandia Crest in the background. I have a huge goldfish pond [ the size of a swimming pool] with an awesome waterfall, and another smaller pond with waterfall and fish closer to my back portal. It is my garden of Eden! I wish I could taste your potato salad...... could you send some over the web! LOL Enjoy your day!

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Nie: I missed that Billy Bush slip of the tongue the first time. How many times and different ways, can one guy ask the same question over and over? Like they're baiting Kris for a slip up. And isn't Kris getting much better at his public speaking with each interview? I can't believe how many shows and interviews these guys have been on... they've got a tough schedule! Do you think Adam should join up with Queen???

  • karamea - 15 years ago

    ck: The following is Pastor Pruitt's twitter after Danny's surprise elimination: "Everyone who voted Danny Gokey should vote for Kris Allen. We need a believer to represent..." Christians are not a monolithic block as there were many who objected to the insertion of religion into AI contest and criticised the pastor for his intervention. There were others who maintained that Adam's sexuality set a bad example for AI fans, that being gay was incompatible with being a believer (even if Adam was Jewish) and AI winner etc. I've read other antiAdam comments that center on his private life but I'm not going to regurgitate the vitriol. To his credit, Kris has disowned attempts to turn AI into a religious contest and has stated explicitly that it was a music talent show. He has also urged acceptance of innate differences among people. My point was that it's possible many new voters were motivated by reasons other than vocal talent. I still believe Kris was the popular choice given the regional vote, demographics, his more mainstream style of music and his boy next door appeal. Adam and Kris share camaderie, friendship and mutual respect. Like Batman and Robin lol. They set an example to their fans and they are both immensely talented. I respect Adam as a gifted singer and performer but like Kris, his personable charm and his smooth vocal tone which is ideally suited to ballads.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    QuietStorm: I just watched AI for entertainment, so all of you are really into the background information of past seasons. But I have read that Danny was the biggest threat to Adam's winning - and in fact that many of Adam's fans voted for Kris just to get Danny elminated - for the Kradam show. Most Adam fans posts were certain that Adam was the finalist with the million extra vote seperation over Kris - it is possible that Adam fans were over confident of a Adam/Kris finale and didn't end up voting in the numbers expected? Like who ever suspected that Chris Daughtry wouldn't make it to the final two? Who I think is far better off than had he won... I don't think American Idols for the most part are taken all that seriously in "rock" industry anyway. Personally, I think Simon and the judges cost him the win from day one! They never critiqued Adam - only praised him while being really tough on everyone else's changing up their song. "Ring of Fire" and "Mad World" were not original arrangements by Adam - both copies of covers - but either Simon didn't know that or just wasn't saying that. He never described any performance as "cabaret" or "karaoke". At best, in the finale he thought "Mad World" was theatrical because of the long dark coat? Are you kidding me Simon? That was perhaps 100x less theatrical then Adam's first performance, and I thought the vocals much better! He didn't critique Kara's song (probably the only performance that I ever heard one or two notes that were pitchy) but on the entire season. Yet Simon and all the judges, were quick to beat Kris over "No Boundaries" , his personality, his humility - and more or less congratulated him on making it to the finals at all! Yeah, the judges cost Adam the win. But you know... AI is suppose to be the show that gives a singer an opportunity to showcase himself - an opportunity not get anywhere else. I look at it this way, Adam went from a smaller to a much, much bigger stage - Kris got a chance to make a go of it. They're both winners.

  • Grimoire13 - 15 years ago

    QuietStorm: Yes... I am supposed to be getting together with friends for a cookout later. I promised to bring something, but I haven't decided what to bring yet. I think I am going to have to get to the store first. I've got about five or six hours to go. I think I will bring potato salad... because it's easy to make and I can get it done quickly. Now I just need some potatoes... : ) Your place sounds amazing. If you look out my back door, it is a huge woodland... miles and miles of nothing but green trees, rolling hills and blue sky. I will be able to enjoy it with my neighbors this evening. It's beautiful here... I live in Pennsylvania now, but I am a native Californian. Have a great holiday. : )

  • QuietStorm - 15 years ago

    Hi Grimoire! I'm glad that we agree the voting needs revamped with more transparency! Are you doing anything special on this holiday? I'm staying home away from the crowds and enjoying my beautiful backyard. It's sunny,cool, and an absolutely awesome day here in New Mexico!

  • Grimoire13 - 15 years ago

    CK: No harm no foul... if you want the truth, as much as I like Danny and love listening to him sing, the videos I have seen of his pastor have me thinking that guy is a complete worm. I don't like anything at all about the structure of the church Danny attends. I don't like the 'faith healing' bee ess and I don't like the fact that this pastor seems to be filthy stinking rich for no good reason. I know that all too often religious people seem to be blind to the 'sins' that church leaders can be capable of, but I honestly feel as though the pastor at the church Danny and his family attend is an utter slimeball.

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