Do you think it was appropriate for Hingham High seniors to light up after graduating?


  • OB - 15 years ago

    Apparently M.C. conforms what what free thinkers like to call 'the American Sheeple'

    Good ol' conservatism for ya. Blindly following rules, just 'cause they're rules.

    by the way, Megan, and all her fellow graduates, congratulations!

  • obizzle - 15 years ago

    Stop being such an old fart. If it was me, i would have lit up the blunt. That's new age for WEEEEEEDDD. M.C. is envious that she never had her graduation cigar.

  • Brittany - 15 years ago

    This is Brittany Reid from the picture on the front page, and i am happy to say that my parents are very proud of me. Regardless, i think that those of you who decded to criticize the photo are ridiculous, and have no say in weather or not our parents, my friends, and i should be proud. Were you ever on the front page of the Patriot Ledger? Did you even graduate? Come on now, were all adults so start treating us like it. And yea, sure its bad for your health, did any of you who are deciding to talk shit even read the whole article? guess not, because at the end it read, and i quote, "Most of them don't even smoke the whole cigar; they take a few puffs and get disgusted and they throw them away," And for M.C. you think your so smart, but i think that you need to shut the fuck up, and mind your own buisness. Were finally out of school, so theres no need to make sure that every little things perfect. Don't make personal comments about my friends, there's no need for it.

    09 we fine!

  • Patty - 15 years ago

    Okay, so I have read all of these comments here and would like to say a few things. First, to all you "grown ups" those on the front page were a. 18 and therefore legal to be smoking a cigar, b. 18 and considered adults just like you, and c. continuing a tradition of not only high school graduations but all graduations and exciting times in a person's life. Second, as far as the no smoking on school grounds law goes, there is law enforcement officials at the event and the law has a clause in it that gives exemption to graduations, so please stop acting like you are better than everyone because you think you know the law. Third, smoking may be disgusting but it is certainly not trashy and although I personally did not have a cigar at my graduation three years ago there is nothing wrong with it, it is their body and they can do to it what they want. Do you seriously have to have that much of a blind eye that you pretend that your children are perfect? I'm sure if you took the time to actually invest some interest in their lives you would find they are very much like all the other children of this society, it's just the world we live in and I'm sorry if you don't like the reality of it. Also, why does the newspaper have to show only images to further peoples feeling of a utopian society where all children behave exactly as you picture them to? Do you really want to read another story of how some girl completed some "amazing" feat that anyone with a bit of determination could accomplish? Or another story of the struggling economy? How about the war? I didn't think so, so how about you grow up and let the graduates of this year celebrate how they will and worry about your own life. And as a student at the College of Charleston I must say that although people in today's society do not always use proper grammar, Hingham High School did an outstanding job of preparing me for college and my writing skills are what they are because of Hingham and I do not always use proper grammar either.

    PS I know Mrs. Mahoney and know that she is extremely proud of Meghan. And to the newly graduated seniors of the Hingham High School Class of 2009, Congradulations.

  • Fred - 15 years ago

    So all you "grown ups" who have commented this pic are obviously perfect people. You've never done anything crazy right? never tried weed, never had a sip of alcohol, never laughed too hard? Their smoking a cigar, not a big deal. Go find someone else to harass, don't you have better things to do than sit hear and voice your opinion about some high schoolers enjoying themselves. The economy is in the shitter and you all have to harass some girls smoking a cigar, your worse than the media.
    Jackie Jones, i bet your daughter has never smoked right? you have no idea what your daughter does at college and frankly it would frighten most parents if they ever found out. Stop being so ignorant and worry about yourself.
    M.C., Why do her writing skills matter,its not a formal essay shes writing shes speaking freely, hence freedom of speech.

  • wav - 15 years ago

    With all the news in the world that is front page worthy, you have to print a pic of 3 girls smoking stogies at their high school graduation. If that was my daughter on the front page, I would be totally embarrased and disgusted. Come on ledger, you can find better front page pics.

  • Nick Sneath - 15 years ago

    I, too, am a recent Hingham High School Graduate. I really am shocked by the responses to what is an entirely innocent and harmless tradition. Honestly, the comment about newspapers showing people smoking or sunbathing is laughable. Should newspapers only show images of things which conform to your overly conservative and incredibly lame values? We are eighteen years old. On one day we smoke one cigar in celebration of our academic achievement. Who does that hurt?
    Also, you don't inhale cigars please keep that in mind.

  • M.C. - 15 years ago

    M.C. again.
    I just viewed the rest of the graduation photos. They were wonderful!
    So, you did have plenty to choose from for your front page.

  • M.C. - 15 years ago

    I am so tired of seeing front page coverage given to someone "smoking", "baking in the sun"....unhealthy activities. We spend thousands of dollars and hours teaching our children (and adults) health dangers and they are constantly promoted by the media.

    Of course "we" are going to smoke those big cigars!... we may get on the front page.
    There are far more healthier ways to celebrate. Find a new tradition.

    If there is a NO smoking law on school grounds...then there's to be NO smoking. If you parents/guardians approve of the behavior (which they shouldn't) then you can light one up when you get home.

    As for Megan's comments...I'm concerned with your lack of writing skills for a
    high school graduate.

  • Megan - 15 years ago

    This is megan im on the front page my parents are very proud of me and you have no buisness thinking your daughters are any better then my friends and I,we worked our butts off in order to graduate im going to be a freshman at umass dartmouth and just because i smoked a cigar on my graduation doesnt make me trashy. its just a tradition and its fine no one is hurt by it .. we are outside on a field away from fire hazards and as for "worthy journalism" how many more murder articles are we gonna read? honestly whats good in the news? if you want "journalism" go read the boston globe .... i smoked that cigar and i smoked it to myself and all of my graduating class because we completed 12 years of hardships .. good times and bad times , good grades and bad grades..... one little cigar is not gonna do anything I'm 18 im old enough to donate organs can i not smoke a cigar? for god sake its just a fun little thing, we work hard to graduate and get accepted into college leave the tradition alone .... one could say its dangerous to stomp on glass at a jewish wedding.... its tradition and no ones gonna stop same with this its gone on for years and its going to continue ....CONGRATS '09 WOOOOT.

  • Jim Mileski - 15 years ago

    The law against smoking on "school" property is nothing more than a man-made law. And man-made laws can be undone. But there should be a law that women can't smoke a cigar; only men!

  • Bonnie - 15 years ago

    A very smart, talented and accomplished group of students graduated from Hingham on Saturday and instead of raving about the great schools they are going to be attending or their musical or athletic accomplishments or the large amount of money they were awarded in scholarships, you choose to emphasize the one small thing they did to celebrate. They were completely respectful during the ceremony and choose to celebrate in a manner most of their own parents did not find objectionable. I think the story could have been about something else and been significantly more interesting and productive.

  • Margie - 15 years ago

    Not only is it inappropriate for Hingham High School graduates to be "lighting up" on school grounds, it is irresponsible for the Patriot Ledger to place these girls on the front page of the newspaper. Smoking on school grounds is illegal and rewarding these girls with front page exposure definitely undermines school authority and rules. Once again the Patriot Ledger chooses to go with sensationism rather than responsible journalism. Are there no other stories worthy of front page exposure on the south shore???

  • jackie jones - 15 years ago

    Being the mother of 2 young ladies (one at NYU and one graduating this year), I would be mortified if a picture of my daughter was on the front page of a paper for the entire south shore to see. Mr. & Mrs. Mahoney and Mr. & Mrs. Reid must be sooo proud of their daughters (don't think so). It's embarassing and makes them look very trashy. They must be very happy people. After all ignorance is bliss!!

  • Wendy - 15 years ago

    My question is - Why would you put three young girls smoking a cigar on the front page of the Ledger??? It is sooooo wrong!!!!

  • Susan Lynch - 15 years ago

    I think it is a shame that, after receiving a supposedly good education, young adults would consider a smelly carcinogenic smoke a suitable tradition to mark their achievement. Apparently they have learned to follow the lead of characters in movies rather than to evaluate scientific data on how best to maximize the probablity of a healthy life.

  • Kathy - 15 years ago

    Shame on the Patriot Ledger for the front page of Monday's paper to be 3 Hingham graduating young girls to be smoking and or just holding cigars. Being a Mom of 3 daughters that is something I would not be proud of " tradition" or not.
    I feel the Ledger should have put a more appropriate picture of the Class of 2009 Hingham graduates.

  • Russ - 15 years ago

    How long has this been going on? I had kids graduate from Hingham High and don't remember any of this. On the other hand, I don't remember much of anything

  • ej - 15 years ago

    The ledger and other newspapers encourage bad behavior when you take these kids pictures and have them in your newspaper and on line. this makes it all the more popular with younger kids. why not put a picture of a graduate dressed and acting appropriately on your site? Also isn't against the law to smoke on school property??

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    Nearly every big celebration adults have a cigar. What's the big deal? They're old enough to buy it and smoke it, who cares?

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