Among the AI8 non-finalists, who will have the most successful career?


  • QuietStorm - 14 years ago

    I'm with you on going to bed early tonight. I am feeling unusually worn out, and I don't even feel right now like I can think straight and process thoughts with clarity. Sweet dreams. Hope I see you in mine ... :)

  • M - 14 years ago

    But I don't like my birthday and I don't like celebrating it. Bea knows when it is as she shares the same day. Really only my mom and bro and my sis wish me greetings on this day. I never reveal it to anyone at work or my close friends even. usually telling people, when asked, that my b'day falls at the "end of June". I am rarely more specific than that.

    I was thinking about our conversation regarding who would be the most successful Idol of the non-finalists and wondered... back then, who was your favorite top 13? Mine was Adam even at that point.

    I am feeling tired so will be turning in soon. G'Night.

  • QuietStorm - 14 years ago

    Well, now I feel bad that I missed your birthday. Which day was it, so I can get it right in the future? I'd really like to know. I'm sorry I missed it. I wanted to at least wish you a very special day.

    It's going to take more than a slingshot to down a bear! LOL You are so funny. It might be enough to scare him away though. In case you're not aware, the worst thing you can do is to start running. Their instinct to chase prey will kick right in. You are suppose to make noise and make yourself look as big as possible by spreading your arms apart, and throwing rocks or clanging pans together, whatever you have available. My heart would be pounding and my knees would be shaking if I saw one near me. I can only hope I would do all the right things and slowly back away as you're suppose to do. One time I was vacationing in Pagosa Springs, CO with a bf, and we went for a hike back to a really beautiful waterfall, way off the beaten path. He was very knowledgeable about animal tracks and droppings. As we were coming out, he discovered fresh big cat tracks that were not there when we walked in maybe a half hour earlier. That was scary, as a cat will track you and follow. I was looking up into every tree, afraid of seeing it. Needless to say, we high-tailed it out of there.

    After I finished my business errands today, I drove out to one of my favorite canyons that is only 10 to 12 miles from my house. It overlooks a creek that runs far below the rim, and it is so very peaceful out there and so quiet. I saw a red tailed hawk soaring and circling above me. It was so mesmerizing to watch. I tried to imagine the world through his eyes. I love birds, and I don't know how anyone can kill them, they are so amazing to me and so beautiful. I then closed my eyes and listened to the sounds around me, and zeroed my senses into the song a bird was singing, ... amazing how they talk to each other. There were thunderheads building all around the horizon and I enjoyed watching them change and grow stronger. We are behind this year on moisture, so I'm glad our so called monsoon season is finally here. Oh, and I thought about you while I was out there too... :)

  • M - 14 years ago

    I would bring a slingshot...if I had one, and kill that bastard bear if it came within a few feet of me. Man...we don't see ' grizzlys' in the City!

    My birthday has passed and that is one of the reasons Beatrice came out here when she did. We both share the same birthday. She comes to NYC periodically as her employer has an office here in Manhattan....the reason she was situated in NY for a couple of years. I do not feel their relationship is "cooling down" as much as it is going through a cyclical trend...sort of like the stock market does. I think long term relationships go through phases where you either stick with it...or call it quits. She does not seem like she wants to break it off with him completely....though they are currently physically separated and free to date, according to her. They will stay together is my guess. I also have issues with infidelity as my father was a womanizer throughout my parents' marriage and it broke our family apart....and was beyond stressful for my mother to endure. I think with Beatrice, her bf was in an unhappy marriage that was in negotiations when Bea met him. His former wife would only grant a divorce if she escaped the marriage with a caseload of $$. He was holding off thinking he could just drag out the marriage and save the $$...until Bea demanded otherwise. That is what ultimately happened. I think Bea had a hard time being the mistress and would not remain in that role. It is so culturally different in Europe though.....women who are mistresses are just that...mistresses, without the goal of obtaining a husband. It is unusual for men to leave their spouses for their mistress. I think he loves her but is a typical European male...he is older and very wealthy.

    Regarding physical attractiveness....don't get me wrong. I am attracted to certain people and I appreciate someone who is physically pleasing. I do not feel that physical appearance is what attracts me to someone who is otherwise unappealing. It is not that important to me...but someone who is physically unattractive, no matter how kind and intelligent, would not appeal to me either. Beatrice is very tall (perhaps even too tall by some standards)....she is my height, at least! She is very thin. She has a very 'German look'...strong bone structure, strong angular features, dark hair ...chin length, with lighter, somewhat freckled skin. She is attractive, but not classically beautiful. She has very strong features, a strong look. She is someone you would notice instantly as she carries herself with confidence and dresses in very avant garde fashion(as many Europeans do).

    I have to disagree with your "intuition" as I did not think that Bea was on a "fact finding mission" fact, she was very upfront with me. She told me she missed me and she wanted to be with me on her birthday and she wanted to make love with me again. I did not feel like she was trying to slither into my life.

    I met her at my work when she was living in NY. Our companies do a lot of merger type work other. She was very friendly when I met her at a dinner event and loved that I spoke both french and German with fluency! She was very bubbly, flirty and gregarious and was not dissuaded when I told her (at the time) that I was currently in a casual relationship with a dude....(which only lasted a month of so)...but she was intrigued by that and I guess I found her interest in my sexuality arousing. So that is it for now, Curious one. I'll come back another time, to respond to your other queries, when I am not so inundated with work.

  • QuietStorm - 14 years ago

    Good Morning M., .... I remember you telling me that your birthday is the end of June, so I'm assuming you were born on the 30th, ... am I right? If you were speaking in general terms, then it could even be today, which is why I'm asking. I want to get it right.

    I'm getting ready to leave my house to go to my temp agency, and to another place of business. It's a beautiful day, but will go into the 90's fast. On the morning local news, they said a woman got attacked at a campground in the mountains by a bear, and her dog was mauled and killed. There have been other aggressive bear reports, so they must be having a hard time finding food. I'm going to have to be a little more careful when I go for my hikes in the mountains. One time, a couple of years back, a bear made it's way into Rio Rancho and walked inside the hospital where I worked nights not too long ago. He wandered around for awhile without doing damage, and then left again through the electronic doors. I wasn't there at that time. They follow the arroyas and can wander way out into the desert. I don't remember for sure, but I don't think they ever found that bear. They will try to tranquilize them and relocate them back to the mountains. Anyway, I'll be back later. Hope you have a good day!

  • QuietStorm - 14 years ago

    My intuition was right then. There is a definite 'cooling down' of their relationship, and she is not happy. I venture to say then, she was hoping for more than you gave her, and this was in part, a fact finding mission to see what could be rekindled. She is probably still in love with you. I am curious what she looks like. Is she a beautiful woman? I know you have said looks don't mean that much to you, ... so I'm wondering what attracted you to her. Did she first approach you when you met? I'm guessing she made the first move. Am I right? I don't think her relationship will last. It sounds like he doesn't care about her anymore, and vice versa. Hence, her showing up at your doorstep per se.

    I would never have anything to do with a married man. She should have known that if he is willing to cheat on his wife, the day would come when he will do it to her. I don't have too high an opinion of women who have affairs with married men, but I withhold any opinions on Bea since I don't know her, or the whole story. I just know extra-marital affairs are built on lies and deceit, and I was once the wife of a lying cheater, that I happened to love with all of my being, so I got hurt really bad. The woman he had the affair with knew he had a wife and a beautiful little five year old son, but she didn't care, .... she thought she would get my house and the whole package. Boy, was she wrong. They broke up three months later, and that's when he wanted me back. Too bad,.. so sad. The trust was broken. That is another reason I love and appreciate you so much. I know you won't lie to me. I detest liars and deceit.

    Sweet dreams, ... I hope you can catch up on rest.

  • M - 14 years ago

    She seems dissatisfied with her bf. When we initially met over two years ago, she was having problems with him then and they split up around the time we started dating. It seems the same issues are resurfacing. They have been together for ~ 15 years. He was married when they first began dating and within 5 years time, left his wife and family for her. It is not uncommon for many Europeans to have mistresses...extramarital affairs...but Bea would not have it. She wanted to marry him. Well, they have not gotten married yet so there must be more to the story. She tells me that he no longer tries to sexually satisfy her ( help her to reach orgasm) unless she specifically requests this. This leaves her feeling empty. She also feels he is seeing other women though he denies this. While I feel her accusations are true, I do not see her leaving him again...certainly not for me.

    I intended to write more, but I am very tired so I'll be in touch later.

  • QuietStorm - 14 years ago

    Thank you babe. Knowing is better than not knowing. It gives me peace of mind, and my imagination, which can be QUITE imaginative, will not go crazy now. I am sincere when I tell you that I hope it was good for you. Is she still happy with her bf ? I guess I am with J. in still wondering if she wasn't hoping for more from you. I am curious, ... do you feel you have equal attraction to both guys or girls, ... or do you prefer one just a little more than the other? I may be a little bisexual, but I prefer guys way more than women. One time I answered an ad that I thought was cleverly written by a woman, looking for a woman. I met her at a restaurant/ bar and we had a couple of drinks and then went out to my car to talk. She was pretty and nice, so we ended up kissing a few times and that was all. We talked on the phone a few times with the intention of getting together, but it never happened. My desire just wasn't strong enough to care one way or the other. I am very feminine in case you're wondering, and I attract both fem and not so fem. I use to think dikes were pretty odd when I was younger, but I can see their appeal now, though my attraction still goes more for feminine women, but I am more intrigued now with exceptional people that I've mentioned before like kd lang who I think has a beautiful face and her voice cannot be outdone by anybody. She is very spiritual and beautiful on the inside as well, and that really attracts me. I have a strong desire at this moment to tell you how much I love and care about you. So there! Deal with it! LOL Truth is truth and it won't be denied .... :) You are more loved than you will ever know ...

  • M - 14 years ago


    1. What happened? Picked her up from the airport and had dinner and then we settled into my place. She slept in my bed at her request. I did not say no.We had sex.
    2. Did she come to rekindle your romance? I don't think that was her sole purpose or her objective.
    3.Who slept with whom? She slept with me in my bed for the duration of her visit (until I had to leave for work travel).
    4. Any tense moments? No, not with me. I had no reason to feel tense.
    5. How did she and J get along? They interacted very little so hard to say. J insisted on not being there when he realized she would be rooming with me. Not out of anger...but because he felt I needed the time to be alone and to satisfy this part of me. Well..that's what he said. They met,we all had dinner one evening...she felt he seemed nice, but too aloof for me. He said nothing negative about her but I feel he disapproves and feels she is trying to manipulate me back into a relationship.
    6. Did the visit turn out better than you thought? Hmmmm...yes, in one way.
    7. I can already tell you slept with her. Yes.
    8. What are your feelings for her now? I feel the same as I did before she came. I am not in love with her anymore...but I have affection for her as I once did feel love for her; We are not getting back together nor do I want to. She knows that I am no longer pursing committed relationships.

    I made an effort to avoid salacious details (which I generally include...) as I do not want to make you feel (you know the word...). If you would like some further detail I am willing to provide it...but I am trying not to elaborate for fear you will be displeased.

    Frankly, I am happy the visit is behind me as I feel a sense of liberation and closure.

  • QuietStorm - 14 years ago

    Wasn't sure, so I left another post at the other one, but you can answer here for my questions there.

  • M - 14 years ago


  • QuietStorm - 14 years ago

    Hi M., Are we moving to here?

  • QuietStorm - 15 years ago

    Hi Everyone! It feels like forever since I've had time to catch up with all of you here online. All of you feel like new found friends! Are all of us still on this page or are you on a new one?

  • ck - 15 years ago

    He's doing Bowie "Fame" and Muse's "Starlight" on tour???? JC and QS are probably more familiar with Muse than I am.... but NO Bowie!!! There is only one Bowie.

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    CK - I was telling myself "OK, it's time to stop following everything on Adam Lambert" before you told me how "juicy" 20/20 is... and as a result of that I rushed back to the frontpage to watch the video. Wow I think I really like his Mom. She knew it but didn't breathe a word for the fear of pushing him! She should write a How To Be A Good Mom for Dummies series lol. Yes being the "savior" is always girls' fantasy. But I think they will be disappointed. I agree with you that Adam mentioned being "bi-curious" just so not to destroy the female fans' wild fantasies. Lol but a call at 2 am seems too early! I don't think he'd be drunk already at 2 a.m. Btw I saw Cats today and thought Rum Tum Tugger is such a perfect role for Adam! Ah but of course I'm more excited about his first album!!

  • ck - 15 years ago

    I didn't know people didn't like Danny. I never though HE used his wife's death.... I thought his friend and him were cute buddies at the audition - but what do I know? I am so bored with all of this stuff. I actually saw clip of Jon & Kate and though.... hmmm... Jon is looking "hot" - bald spot and all.... LOL Nie: I expected more comments about the bromance from you. Did you watch 20/20? OMG - Adam has to get really drunk to make out with girls??? Those girls on the home page can't wait to catch him at a 2:00 am last call.... ever so hopeful they'll be the one to change him.

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    TLC - I agree with you. I don't think Danny told about his wife for sympathy votes. Honestly, if he did, I'd despise him because "using" a dead person to get vote is heartless and disrespective. But I don't think that was Danny's intention. He seems like the kind who says exactly what he thinks and he said it clearly that he joined the competition to show people they can overcome everything, which was more likely his intention of bringing up his wife. It was AI who used the issue as promotion, and since then people kept saying they hated Danny for using his wife but it was THEM who kept the issue alive. I think Danny put a few people off by crying out in triumph after he learned he got the spot in top 13. They said he didn't care for Tatiana's feelings (as if people do care). This seems a better reason to dislike him but then, as I said he seems to be one who speaks and acts whatever he feels, so it was just his natural response. But this is definitely something he should learn from. People don't generally appreciate raw, unpolished feelings on TV (despite that these are also the selling points of reality TV shows).

  • ck - 15 years ago

    20/20 interview with Adam tonight.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Hi guys! I miss our "creepy" conversations.... "shut up" was about his sexuality - Gene says nobody cares, he's no Mick Jagger and he should front Queen. I don't know what the issues were between Danny and Adam - so what's the scoope? It's been raining here for days, and I've got a good case of the blahs... Nobody is even fighting here...Oh hum.... on the home page either everybody loves Adam or Kris. All the little girls are hoping he'll become straight for them. Funny.... he did make some comment about being "bi-curious" - is that to keep the tween girl fan base? Somebody made a comment that "they get" the butterfly on the crotch.... I don't, do you? If so, please tell me.

  • TLC - 15 years ago

    Nie- I went to that blog too and he just started to piss me off more and more about Danny trying to get sympathy votes. People who hasn't lost someone in their lives don't know what it's like to grieve and need to open up. I have gone through it 4 times losing my loved ones and it's really hard to live life and it takes a long time to recover. And you are so right about his blogs being so lengthy and I read most of it but didn't finish all of it. I like the part where he starts talking about Adam being gay and that he wasn't going after sympathy votes because of it... I thought that was such a lame excuse to bury Danny with it. It's totally so different what Danny going through and what Adam is. I'm sure he's embarassed of what his brother Adam is because he wouldn't of said all that plus he adds in that he is striaght. Give me a break!!!

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    HI CK, QS, JC, KH and everyone!! CK - I'm still here *waves* lol. Ummm I checked out negativeneil's blog and that forum and still can't find anything about Gokey except that he is "lame." But Neil's blogs are soooo lengthy and I don't care to read them. Why did Gene Simmons told Adam to shut up? I listened to a clip the other day of him saying that Adam should have won AI. That guy is always changing his mind. QS - I watched on TV about that digital TV conversion thing and they said there are 24-hour hotlines for people to call in case they have problems with it... I hope you're not busying with picking up phones... just kidding :)

  • QuietStorm - 15 years ago

    Hi CK, NIE, JC and everyone...... I'm still here. My job is keeping me busy at the moment. I'm currently involved with helping people through this digital TV conversion, and today [ 6-12 ] is D-Day! I won't have a day off till Sunday, so I will try to catch up on the latest buzz with all of you then!

  • TLC - 15 years ago

    ck- No we haven't moved yet. Waiting for my sister to clear her stuff from her house to make room for my some of my stuff. It's going to take a little while before we move in with her. Neil, Adams brother, sounds like he is a jerk just by the way he writes things down, don't you think?

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Nie: You've been very quiet.....

  • ck - 15 years ago

    TLC: Someone left me this link for negative neil - - couldn't find any Danny dirt either.... Did you move yet???

  • TLC - 15 years ago

    Thanx ck, I'll check it out.

  • ck - 15 years ago

    TLC: Under Matt and Danny when will they get a contract? (home page). I THINK Neil is Adams brother. But I can't find any Danny stuff yet.

  • TLC - 15 years ago

    ck- Where are you reading this at with this person called Negativeneil?

  • ck - 15 years ago

    I mean Negativeneil.....

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Anybody watch the video of Gene Simmons on Adam???? He told Adam to "shut up". Kris is flattered by Adam's comments. Do you think Adam suggested Kris grow that extra stubble he had the last couple of weeks of Idol? Anybody hear of Negativenellie???? Me neither - she has some dirt on Danny and claims that's why he hasn't gotten a contract yet. Sorry TLC or Grim - no offense.... I'm just trying to get some conversation going here......

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    CK- oh right we were lol. Yeah I like greenday... :)

  • ck - 15 years ago

    JC - We were talking about dogs (pooches) LOL! I don't get the point of this poll - since it'll be years before we know who's actually successful or not. Green Day will be on SNL this Saturday. WE NEED TO SHAKE THIS POLL UP!!!

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    KH- Well I've been here but it seems recently only matt fanatics have been, CK- I miss the old polls too.... and what are pooch notes?

  • ck - 15 years ago

    HC: Most everyone is here... except QuietStorm, Grimoire13 and Ellery. This seems to be the "Matt G. Love Fest" - but I gotta tell you, he disappointed me during the show by not bringing it each and every week. I liked him during the auditions, but thought he didn't deliver every week like he coulda shoulda. I'm sick of Allison and don't think she'll make on the rock stations in the NYC area. Danny will probably go Gospel or Christian - not too much "blues" being played these days. Megan (who I can't stand) could have a chance MAYBE in a "goofy" type way - possible country - but I agree with Sherry - I don't think she'll work hard enough at it. JC: Left you some pooch notes on the last poll. I'm into SYTYCD - I'd like to come back as a dancer.

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    KH - Good to have you back on board! Lol PR for "personality repair"!!! I love it! I was more than "unhappy" that Adam didn't win. But it wasn't "impossible" at all. It was sooooo likely that many of Danny's vote went to Kris - this alone can hand the title to Kris. And of course there were the given phones and power vote issues which are already known to public. The bottom line is, they are both working on their individual albums and the result is done and dusted. Unless there is concrete evidence to overrule the result, gossipy conspiracies don't help but bring only embarrassment to both the idols. (Btw it's such a slap in the face for AI that the runner up appear on Rolling Stone's cover before the winner LOL.) CK - All that I know about Carrie comes from news headlines too. Perez Hilton has always been a jerk but I'm not a fan of Carrie either. She seems such an empty headed blonde... I miss our stories too but it seems that we still need to wait till the board dies down a bit...

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Nie: I don't watch beauty contests, but I did catch Carrie on the news. When I heard the question, my stomach did a flip flop for her... How could she possibly answer the questions without offending someone?? I actually thought her answer was a good one - saying it was a matter of personal choice, just not hers. Perez Hilton is a jerk! Yes, how is Danny behind Matt???? I miss our other poll stories......

  • KingH - 15 years ago

    Oh boy.... My last message reads-"loon into this a little more". That is exactly what we are doing, lol!

  • KingH - 15 years ago


    I am, too, am surprised that Matt is leading Danny. I don't get Matt's appeal, frankly. Danny has a great singing voice, but we have all learned that is not what Idol is about! Danny has some PR problems I suppose (meaning 'public relations' and 'personality repair').

    I don;t think the NYT is suffering from post-idol depressive disorder. I think the story is being kept alive for good reason. Maybe we need to loon into this a little more. As I stated a couple of weeks ago in one of these many polls--I think if Danny had won over Adam, some people would have been very unhappy--but it would have been looked at as "fair". Kris, while talented, doesn't have the chops to compete with Adam, never did. so people are looking for an answer. I say, let the story play out. To think the NYT has nothing better to do than reprot tabloid crap is not accurate.

    JC, ck: Where are you all posting these days?

  • irene - 15 years ago

    ANOOP is sure to be next!!!!
    they need ANOOP in this industry!!!! he will sell millions of sure!!!! cant wait for his album....

  • rvdc - 15 years ago

    the one who has the highest potential is ANOOP!!!! he's so marketable, charismatic, most original, likable, talented and very charming not only in US but also around the world, look it up online....ANOOP has to be signed, right now!!!!!!

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    CK - I guess the NYT is still not over the post-AI depression yet... Too bad Carrie Prejean is not from NY or NYT can have some other stuff to gossip about. Look at the poll, Matt is leading Danny! Where have all the Danny fans gone? Grim? And Scott and Sarver get more votes than Lil?!

  • lauren - 15 years ago

    danny will go the furtherest by far as he has a diverse range of fans. he has gained respect from the country and will go far with his music. he rocked it out and was the best. allisson has a good voice but is too young atm. give her a few years and she will be great. but go danny!!!

  • Bobbi - 15 years ago

    Most certainly Anoop! He's the whole package; talent, charm, intelligence, good looks, etc, etc.. He has a huge following made up of people from all over the world who are VERY eager to support his career! I can't wait!!! :D

  • Brandi - 15 years ago

    I sure hope MTV's article comes true when they say they think Matt G should get a recording deal. LUV him from day one. Gooo Matt Some soulful talent and piano skills

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Nie: Yes... Kellie Pickler earned more than Clay, Daughtry, the two David's and of course Taylor Hicks last year (according to Forbes). If Pickler makes that kind of money, any of these guys can....LOL Yes, Sarver is boring - but so are all the rest of them. No rocker, good ole boy "yes". They're still fighting over the conspiracy theory on the comments for the new NYT article. I can't believe it...

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    CK - LOL uh... Sarver is too boring for me.... His voice doesn't exactly sound country (Kris sounds more country than he does) and if I remember correctly, he said he wanted to do a Rock album... He seems a nice person though. But Kellie Pickler earns more than Daughtry?!?! This world is unfair... I just saw that Rolling Stone video! Wow! Adam is an expert in make up! He should have given some tips on it. "Snake" and "Adam" work so well together... He should have grabbed an apple too. But the snake doesn't move... do you think it's real?

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Nie: YES!!!! of course we do.... none of this poll will mean anything until we all wait and wait to see what happens. And Michael Sarver WILL get a contract LOL - he's a "good ole boy" that worked rigs. Unfortunately for Kris, he's already said in at least 2 interviews he has no intention of going Country - too bad, he could have had a crossover type song and made some BIG $. But he IS staying true to his visions. Hey, did you see the video on the Rolling Stone??? You'll like that one.... TLC: Hang in there girlfriend.... JC: We should ALL meet up at Disney sometime. What a hoot!

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    HI CK, JC, TLC and everyone! This board is soooo about Idol again LOL! Do we need to go through all those heated conspiracy and name calling games before we can return to out sweet chatting? :S

  • Gilda, the Good Witch - 15 years ago

    Tie, Matt was a wild card--this means he was not voted into the top 13--he was given a spot by the judges. The judges save was wasted on him, clearly. Simon said he would have considered saving EITHER Lil or Anoop--he was not specific, so you are wrong there. Matt is "okay", tolerable, nothing spectacular and I just don't see him making it with his lack of originality and sameness, blandness, if you will. And I don't mean to sound insulting, but he is not physically appealing to look at--and if you are not good looking n the music business, you better have MEGA talent to compensate. He doesn't. he's "meh".

  • snowflakes - 15 years ago

    ANOOP FOR THE KILL!!! ANOOP! ANOOP! ANOOP!.... GO GO GO ALLISON!!!! They are the two deserving of a record deal. Def the best...

  • TLC - 15 years ago

    Oh yeah and also when it says that the poll isn't active anymore I can't come in here to view the comments either.

  • TLC - 15 years ago

    JC- Sorry for not replying back sooner but I was voting in Rickeys poll and occassionally it stops you from voting saying that the poll is not active anymore. I keep getting that often, do you? To answer your question about Disney and YES I loved it there and you should go there. I've been there twice and it's awesome. I think you would enjoy it.

  • Jamie - 15 years ago

    Ok. Back to the poll comments. . .
    Allison and Anoop have the best chance for a career. I cannot see Lil with her own record, but would be a great backup singer. Megan needs to just go home and be a mother and give up her crazy (delusional) dream. Danny has a pretty good chance for a career and has a huge fanbase. I'm just not sure what type of music he will pursue.

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    TLC- to most people's surprise becuase I love rides, I have actually never been to Disney world and it's kind of sad. Did you like it there? I think I should go.

  • TLC - 15 years ago

    JC- I rather be there when I'm able to move around still...LOL... I've noticed people move there when they are old and then die there...LOL I think it's so beautiful there and the last time I went there was with my ex husband and my daughter to disney world. Love disney world and I'm still a kid at heart.

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    TLC- maybe once you get old and have more money you can retire and move to Florida. I go there on vacation usually once every two years or so. It's nice and I have family there.

  • TLC - 15 years ago

    JC- For some reason I thought you were going to say you live in Florida, don't know why but I just thought that... LOL. I guess I want to live there so bad that I keep thinking that everyone lives there. Maybe someday it will happen.

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    TLC- Well that's good for you. I live in ND.

  • TLC - 15 years ago

    JC- Oh I'm sorry but I forgot to mention that he is working now. He just started 2 wks. ago with less pay but it's a lot better then the unemployment checks he was receiving. Where do you live where it's better by you and I'm glad to hear that you are stable right now? But thank you for your kind words.

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    TLC- oh that's really too bad. I hope things get better for you ad your family. Where I live there isn't really that much job loss so I'm still stable (although I live in an appartment) and the economy hasn't taken as much of a toll on me or my friends. I hope your husband finds work.

  • Anelise - 15 years ago

    Megan does too have talent! I think the Jazzy/Old Soul revival is pretty strong right now, see Duffy, Adele etc.

  • TLC - 15 years ago

    JC- No we aren't moving into a bigger house but moving in with my sister. Our house is bigger then her's is but my husband was off of work for 8 mos. and things got rough for us where our house is under foreclosure now. And my sister lost her husband through lung cancer so she is trying to make ends meet with just one check when it use to be two before. So it will help us all around with the bills and the way the economy is now.

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    TLC- I agree. So are you moving into a bigger house?

  • TLC - 15 years ago

    JC- You know there is always one bad apple in a bushel that can't stand peace and quiet...LOL I really do hope that it stays this way.

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    TLC- yeah it had really mellowed down with no name calling or criticism for about 3 polls, so I please ask that people don't start it again :)

  • TLC - 15 years ago

    ck- I've been pretty busy packing stuff inside my house cause we are moving 5 blocks from where I'm living now. Can't wait until it's all done. I've been peeking in and out of here back then and noticed you guys were talking a lot about ghost stories that you have experienced or the kind of books you read or were reading. I didn't have anything to add to those subjects so I never jumped in. I was wondering what happened to Grim since I haven't seen her in here for so long. Tie- no need to start calling people names in here cause I like the way things got mellowed down.

  • Tie - 15 years ago

    Hey Gilda, the bad *itch,

    The wild card was used for the judges picks, not America's. They wanted it that way so that they could have a say in who was there. There was no special treatment or pimpage there.

    Simon wanted to use the save on Matt because he didn't want the save to go unused. He stated that he figured it would be either Lil or Anoop going the next week and he wasn't going to save either one. He also made a point of telling Matt that he had no chance of winning. There was no pimpage there.

    The only pimping Matt got was the show making people against with him, not his talent. He got the short stick, even though you want to proclaim differently. Matt was used and abused... oh, and you SUCK!

  • olivia - 15 years ago

    JORGE- He MAY be popular & all around his hometown, but i think it's over for him. JASMINE-Well, she's only 16/17 so you know she COULD have a good career. ALEXIS- I actually think she could be successful, i mean she was amazing, it should've been down to her & Adam or Allison & Adam. MICHAEL- I don't think he will have a successful career at all. Maybe in country music, but I just don't see him having a "world wide" career or even one in the united states. MEGAN-She is HORRIBLE. I don't think she will even have a career. SCOTT-Hmm, he MAY. LIL-Ehhh, i dont think she will be very successful with 3 kids & all. ANOOP-YES! He will have a great career! MATT-Ehh, i dont think so. ALLISON-She will be MOST successful. Her voice is amazing & even Adam likes her! :) DANNY-I hope he doesnt have a careeer! How did he have more votes than Anoop?! He must be on there voting for himself, hahahahaha. ADAM-OF FREAKING COURSE HE WILL HAVE AN AMAZING CAREEER! Gosh, he's GREAT! I love love love him! :) KRIS-I dont like Kris, so i could care less! hahaha.

  • olivia - 15 years ago

    Anoop & Allison. People probably thought Anoop was cool & all because of his name, & he sings good, too. Allison, well you gotta think, shes 17 & she was in the top 4 on American Idol!! She has a big career ahead of her. I just hope & pray that Adam goes really far. Because he's AMAZING :)

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    CK- yeah here is good. Hmm maybe Grim has a life. Yup a lounge singer. KH- where have you been? Have you noticed of the last like 5 polls this one is the most about idol?

  • ck - 15 years ago

    JC: A lounge singer???? Yep! - if she's lucky!!

  • ck - 15 years ago

    TLC: Hi! Where have you been? What a shocker - you voted for Danny! Grim has been MIA for over a week. Nie, JC, HK - are we staying here?

  • TLC - 15 years ago

    Hmmmm... Danny Gokey+ more fans=more votes. I liked Anoop but Danny was so much better. Hi Ck and Grim.

  • Kat - 15 years ago

    how does danny gokey have more votes than anoop? that is just WRONG!!!

  • KingH - 15 years ago

    Personally, I don't see Matt making it big. He seems kind of blah to me. Anoop has potential-- as does Danny in a specified genre. Of the non-finalists, Danny Anoop and Allison have the strongest vocals, so I have to think that they will make it in some format. Anoop and Danny need to hone their stage presence. Lil is sorely under rated in this poll. I don't think this reflects her vocal talents. She has good potential. I really can't see Matt going anywhere in the music industry.

    Hi JC and ck. Good to see you!

  • Brooke - 15 years ago

    The highest potential after Adam is ANOOOOOP! This guy has a great voice but for some stupid reason was slammed by the judges. That may actually pay off for him in the long-run. Allison was also very good, as well as Danny. Matt was pretty good as well. I wish that I could say the same for Lil, Michael and Scott. I loved their personalities but not so much their singing voices. As for Megan, she should have never showed up to the auditions. It was a fluke she made it as far as she did. I feel mean, but it's what most of us are thinking. Sorry Megan :

  • Peri - 15 years ago

    Matt stinks. He is really goofy looking too.

  • Mattfans - 15 years ago

    Matt G for sure.. whatever the haters say.. don't over analyze.. and don't deny that you are also expecting matt's album.. die haters!!

  • Layla - 15 years ago

    I think Anoop, Allison, and Danny are the only ones besides Adam who will be around in another year. Anoop must do a mix of pop with his R&B on his first record. Danny should mix gospel with his rock music. Matt is ok, but the others are horrible, especially Megan. Sorry, but it's unfair that others were bumped to make room for her. Worst "talent" in AI history!

  • ck - 15 years ago

    I think Allison is fantastic... but will she be successful as a chick rocker? Ladies have a tougher time in rock than the guys do. I thought Chris Daughtry was very successful until I checked out past non-idol winners and their earnings. Hard to believe, but Kelly Pickler made more $$$ than Daughtry, David C. and David A. for 2008. The BIG money is in Country. Whoever goes Country will make the money....

  • dona - 15 years ago

    Of the non finalists--- absolutely Allison. She had many fans and a lot of support from people int he industry who said that she is the best vocalist. her problem was that she competed with Adam on the same votes.
    I can see her and Adam have a long term successful career with world wide appeal. Kris-- it's hard to know-- popular in america but not in the world. all depends on the music he writes.

  • Toby - 15 years ago


    Don't hold your breath. Yes, she is quirky, but record companies require TALENT before signing someone.

  • Anelise - 15 years ago

    I'm hoping MEGAN JOY gets signed, she's so unique and quirky. Love her. :)

  • Gilda, the good witch - 15 years ago

    Matt was not pimped? Hmmmmm....let's see...

    Matt was not voted for the top 13--he was picked by the judges as a wild card.
    Matt was the "judges save" (inexplicably). Remember the obnoxious spectacle of Kara leaning over Simon, yelling at him and urging him to save mediocre Matt? Yuk! Wish I could forget it!
    He would perform cheesy renditions and have Paula and Kara (especially Kara) exagerate how strong it was and shower him with stupid accolades for a medicore performance. Sometimes Randy would pipe in for good measure.

    SOOOOOOO overated. He should have gone before Anoop and Lil--NO QUESTION!! WAIT!! HE did get voted off before them---damn judges save.

    I agree that he is no worse than Kris. That I'll give you.

  • Tie - 15 years ago

    I would really like to know where all this "strong judge pimping" was for Matt? Matt rarely got the credit when he deserved it, much less when he didn't. Kris is no Matt and never in a million years would he be able to hit the notes that Matt does.

    Matt, Allison, Danny and Anoop all have a good chance at a great career and I think Matt is going to be a surprise to many.

  • jojojaya - 15 years ago

    The only one that will be singed major is Allison (Jive).

    Matt may have some changes to find an Indy label.

    For the rest if you did not sell on iTunes the chances to be signed major are close to none! It cost a fortune to make a CD and only 1 out of 10 signed people sell enough to cover the costs of a recording!

  • TS - 15 years ago


    Danny, Anoop, Alison


    Scott, Matt, Micheal

  • KingH - 15 years ago

    It is unusual for me to find like-minded AI fans...but I've found them here! I also think Anoop-Dog has the most potential, followed by Allison. I love Danny's voice, but I can't see him going mainstream. His song choices kinda sucked. I voted for him twice anyway, lol! People don't seem to like Danny's personality. I think he came off as a little too competitve and cutting to some fans....unlikeable. Allison needs to refine her voice, but I think she had some good exposure and there will be a lot of interest. She has got the raw vocal talent for rock. But, my money is on Anoop. Matt is not even on my radar. He had too many chances, besides we already have Kris. I think Matt is done and I'd be very surprised if he even comes close to making it. His voice is generically good, not charisma. I too think Lil has a shot at something, though probably not mega-stardom. Scott, Michael, Matt and Megan...nice knowing ya!! Bye bye!

  • Sherry - 15 years ago

    Matt was technically eliminated three times...that's just crazy. Lol, I love him, and he has one of the most beautiful recording voices I have ever heard. However, even though his live voice is also strong, I definitely agree with those who say that he will probably not have a successful mainstream career. He has a beautiful voice, but there is nothing really super unique about him, so I don't foresee him catching the interest of the public on a large scale.

    Danny will have a moderately successful career as a Christian artist. He will sell enough to make a really good living, but it's not like he's going to become a worldwide superstar.

    The safest bet is Allison. The girl has an amazing voice, and she is so young. Except she doesn't really have that strong of a fanbase...she got through every week because of consistently strong performances, unlike other contestants who were able to hold on for a while because of their fans, despite bad performances.

    ANOOP! I really hope he gets a record deal...his voice is sooo smooth and powerful. He just got majorly screwed this season by how he was treated by the judges and producers. He's the one I want to succeed the most.

    I don't think any of the others really have a chance. Maybe Megan...she has the potential, but I don't think she is the type to really work hard to pursue something.

  • Ted - 15 years ago

    Agree with the Almighty and with Tyler. Matt is gone . We won't see him in the record store. He may even have less charisma than Kris. I also agree with the Almighty's astute analysis re: all of the contestants, with one teeny exception, I think Lil may have a strong career--possibly as a back-up singer or part of a trio , but not as a solo artist. She has a strong voice. Danny will be popular with Christian Rock only and Anoop may be the big surprise. That kid can sing. Ignore his frat boy persona and clumsiness on the stage for a moment. His voice is pure.

  • Nie - 15 years ago

    My vote goes to Danny, though I'm not really a fan. For me it has more to do with his personality and style on stage than talent (which most non-finalists have). When he comes out and sings, you'd naturally pay attention. Honestly, I don't see how Sarver can even get a contract.

  • Jesus Christ - 15 years ago

    Danny will probably go into christian rock where he could have a good career, michael sarver could do ok in country if he got a contract, lil rounds has no future, matt has no chance because hes a second rate kris, i can't see allison being mainstrem so it could be hard for her, and i can only see megan joy being alounge singer.

  • Tyler - 15 years ago

    Matt G does not have a chance. All you need to do is look at the popularity of the contestants: Danny and Allison came in 3 and 4, clearly they have more fans. I think Anoop was too trashed by the jduges--he will probable have a music career based on his pitch-perfect voice (though he needs ot work of stage presense). Matt G. had every advantage--exptreme judge pimping, Judge's save and he still couldn't make it work. He was a also a wild card....C'mon!! The truth is, Matt is not that popular and really not that unique or attractive. I say he is a long shot to make it. His chances are about as good as Michael Sarver's SERIOUSLY!

  • ck - 15 years ago

    Danny, Anoop and Michael Sarver (if he goes strictly C&W)

  • lymon - 15 years ago

    matt g def, hes gonna make it. just u watch!!

  • snowflakes - 15 years ago

    ANOOP definitely!!! ... he has the smoothest voice i have ever heard... pure and flawless when singing live...

  • brandi - 15 years ago

    Matt G for sure. Has a great soulful voice. His piano skills are spot on, especially teaching himself. You can definitely see his love for music. Good luck to you Matt !!! Much love and kisses

  • Aryn - 15 years ago

    I can see Allison being successful if she goes the tween route. She's too young to be taken seriously as a rocker chick. She should go for tween rock tho.

    Matt... i dunno.... maybe...

    I voted for Meghan tho. I think she's definitely the prettiest and actually has a really interesting voice . She could rock if she writes some good songs. Depends on her writing skills- much like Kris actually.

  • Jake - 15 years ago

    Who is voting for Michael Sarver? I mean, SERIOUSLY?

  • Lia - 15 years ago

    Anoop!!!! I can't wait to hear him on the airwaves!!

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