U2.com is asking fans to wear an Aung San Suu Kyi mask when U2 plays 'Walk On' during the upcoming U2 360 concerts. Do you plan to go along with the idea?


  • Andrew - 15 years ago

    bono has achieved god like status for some people it would seem. He's just a person like anyone else. Who gives a shit what he thinks about anything. Someone very famous once said 'blind faith in anything will get you killed.' Obviously blind faith in bono won't get you killed - it will just make you look a bit silly. U2 have made some amazing music - end of story. bono, carry on making music but enough of your constant lecturing - and take off those ridiculous sunglasses

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    maybe it's time for a new survey, yes? can't believe it's been up this long.

    good points there, michael o. i really hated hearing bono tell people he wants to get back to his 'day job'. yeah, right! he's so full of it. save africa? i say let africa save africa! if i'm gonna help out a country it's going to be the country that i live in, the USA. and if you wanna save africa then you should go live there. hell, i bet if bono asked some fans to wipe his ass they would probably do it!

  • Michael O. - 15 years ago

    This proves that there is really no difference between some U2 fans and sheep. Bono asks you to make a fool of fourself and then those no-brainers do just that.

    Why does U2's concerts have to be a political stage. Africa, Aung Suu Kyi, hunger, world poverty, endangered species in Brazil. You name it Bono will fight it. Can't they just play music. If Bono really wants to change the world there are ways, and U2 fans wearing masks is certainly not...

    And after the concert we will go to our yacht and have few laughs, few drinks...

    He really makes me sick, BIG TIME.....

  • In Cordem - 15 years ago

    I may have come upon this a bit late, but I'm going to say my piece anyway.

    Everyone is taking this way to seriously. What else do you expect of Bono, honestly? He is passionate about helping others, just as he is about U2 and the music. I, personally, will probably not be wearing the mask, even though I'm as big a fan as you'll find. I appreciate the sentiment, and find Aung San Suu Kyi's story to be powerful and moving, but the mask seems like a bit much. They are the greatest band in the world, though, and Bono will continue to use that as a platform to promote worthy causes, whether you approve or not.

    As for NLOTH: The album may not be the best, but it's certainly not the worst. Think of others which absolutely bombed when they were first released, but which now many fans, including myself, listen to lovingly.

    It's all relative, folks. What sounds pretty to you may not sound pretty to me. What's important to you may not be important to me. Opinions are personal, so state them cleanly and maturely-- don't ram them down another person's throat. Just words to live by, not actually aimed at anyone here. But just because someone has a difference of opinion, you don't need to feel personally attacked.

  • Andrew - 15 years ago

    I don't think it's so much compassion fatigue as bono fatigue. He keeps going on in interviews about how much people hate whinging rock stars and that even he is sick of being bono. There's an easy answer - play the great music U2 sometimes make and stop lecturing!

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    I remember a tv interview bono did for that show from the 80's, 'west 57th street' in 1987. he said fans were getting COMPASSION FATIGUE with all the amnesty international and africa stuff he's been doing. and we have it now again!

  • Andrew - 15 years ago

    Actually I can't let this go.

    Here is what mouthpiece bono said at a Tokyo conference last year:

    "My prayer is that we become better in looking after our planet."

    And the link below shows the direct effect U2's latest tour will have on the planet. The indirect result of this being starvation, mass migration, and a massive loss of life both animal and human.


    These are facts, rather than matters of opinion.

    This is relevant to the mask wearing in that U2 seem very good at paying lip service to things when it suits them or when it appears to further the cause of selling records and tickets.

  • Andrew - 15 years ago

    Jim Bob, I can honestly say we are not the same person. I'll bow out of this. The reason I go on is because I hate hypocracy and blind belief in anything. I don't understand how anyone can defend reckless use of earths resources - doesn't matter if you're a rock star or normal folk like you or I. U2 have the money and the influence to operate in a sustainable way.

    I like the stated ideals of the band, I'm just not sure about bono's motives anymore.

    Anyway, you're right, it is an endless, circular debate and anyone who unconditionally loves U2, their music and what bono does and says, won't be agreeing with me here.

    All the best

  • Jim Bob - 15 years ago

    Andrew, can I please ask you a direct question, are you and the poster "Ex fan in the making" one in the same person? Please answer honestly.
    It's just that you've already stated your point several times over and I just feel that you are not achieving anything other than getting into an endless debate that you surely can't expect the majority of fans on a U2 forum are going to agree with you on. You've already stated that you are not looking for a fight people but are continuing to carry this argument on. For the sake of your own sanity, drop it! If you no longer believe in the bands ideals or their music why push the point?

  • Andrew - 15 years ago

    Commuting back and forth by plane is a sensless waste of the earths resources, I don't care who you are and how much you love your family. You can love your family without doing that.

    When asked about U2's commitment to the envirnoment given their massive stage set and world tours, all their spokesperson could say was that were buying carbon credits - which are dubious in themselves.

    Radioheads last tour was fantastic in that they played in urban areas with good public transport links, encouraged car pooling, used recycled materials where possible, used low power lighting for their stage set and their tour itinery was such that air travel and freight was kept to a minimum. They also did this witout making a huge fuss.

    Sorry, bit I'm sick of hearing bono rant on about caring about the world when all he seems to do is contradict himself and further the U2 cause.

    As far as Burma is concerned and the mask issue, the ONLY way to change anything is to do some proper campaigning, not wear a paper mask at a rock concert.

    As far as the 80's is concerned, you're right - I used to love U2 and what they stood for up until 10 years or so ago...

  • bonogirrrrrrrrl - 15 years ago

    Until it is easy for the band to walk, ride their bike or ride in a car to spend time with their family in Ireland in between shows they will have to take a plane...and I suppose until there are planes that are hybrids we will have to live with what we have for now. And that is one of the problems in Africa is that men are raping women, the women get pregnant and have no father figure or any figures in their life. I am glad that Larry is wanting to spend time with his family since that is very important to him and so wonderful for his children. Bono is getting all kinds of heat for moving his family and household to the South of France while they have started this tour to commute back and forth from but yet if they commuted back and forth from Ireland they would get heat too. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. You can't judge someone until you are in their shoes at the paticular moment in their life.....Bono and co. don't want to spend time in hotels every night for tours like they used to... they have families now, which again, ARE IMPORTANT TO THEM!!!!! How do you know you wouldn't feel the same way if you got to the point they are in???? I am tired of people pointing fingers at Bono when all he does is make aware problems and tries to the best of his ability to come up with solutions. And again wearing a mask is not brave BUT the fact that Bono is bringing her plight to light is brave in the sense that I am sure that Bono would be a marked man if he ever went to Burma or any country around there that supports what their govt. is doing to her. Just like in the 1980's when Bono would get death threats from the IRA for performing Sunday Bloody Sunday.

  • bonogirrrrrrrrl - 15 years ago

    It is funny that when famous people, who usually support candidates and issues on the left, there are certain people who get bent out of shape. If Springsteen supported a candidate on the right and Radiohead supported destructing of the environment and U2 just didn't give a damn about a continent where hundreds of thousands of people were dying a day, certain people would finally support them. I'll swing the other way...makes more sense.

  • Andrew - 15 years ago

    There are plently of people who do good in this world - millions of them. Some of them are very rich and very famous. But, not all of them make a massive self publicising fuss over it like bono does.

    Witness Springsteens tireless support of Obama - Radioheads envirnomental work and support of Amnesty.

    The hypocracy of bono and co showed itself yet again recently when we discovered that 3 of U2 would be commuting by plane to the shows in Europe so they could 'spend time with their families'. Larry was reported to be flying backwards and forwards from Ireland. bono, how does this work with your stance on Africa? Who do you think the first people to be dying will be when climate change starts killing people off? Under developed countires like Africa.

    U2's carbon footprint must be MASSIVE as it is.

    bono does some good work but, unlike some here, I think his motives are questionable. Someone here has called U2 highlighting Aung San Suu Kyi's plight 'brave'. Brave? Rich rock starts getting people to wear cut out paper masks is brave?

  • Mayflag - 15 years ago

    Tim, you need to learn how to read.

  • Kevin Fenton - 15 years ago

    I love this band and have already seen them on night one in Barcelona, with Amsterdam, Sheffield, Toronto, BoIston, Dallas, Houston and Phoenix to come! I have no problem at all with, and am indeed proud of the bands stand on political issues etc. but I do have a slight problem with this idea. Walk On is a song that, like almost all of U2's output, means so much, so deeply, and also differently, to so many people. I remember how the lyrics to this song eerily reflected the loss of those lost in the towers on 9/11 and how also they are a poignant reminder of our own fragility, our finite nature and our innate need for hope in the face of our passing and that of our loved ones. I am therefore worried that hijacking it and attaching it so firmly to this certainly worthy cause does the song an injustice, and denies us a rare live opportunity to experience the song and it's personal meaning to us, which is what U2 live are uniquely and profoundly about. I do believe that it is correct and brave to highltight the plight of Aung San Suu Kyi, and I honestly and hearfeltly support her and her cause against the totalitarian Burmese leaders, and wish that we could change the way she and her peole are being treated. I am just not sure if this is the right way to do it? It may be right if there was even a slim chance that the Burmese leaders would see this demonstration every night by thousands and thousands of people, and that they would take notice, but I do not believe this will happen. As I said I am proud of and love this band and their incredible music, and the soul at the heart of it, but would want to have this song 'freed up' and not shackled in this way. I hope this is not selfish? Thank God though for U2!

  • bonogirrrrrrrrl - 15 years ago

    I am embarrassed at all of the U2 "fans" that are just so enraged with this! WHY???? This is for Suu Kyi and the fact that she is being held captive for winning an election. This mask idea was sarted by supporters of her 9 years ago! You all need to get over yourselves! If you think that you won't hear anything political or current events at a U2 concert than go to a Britney Spears show! You could listen to most artists today that may stand next to a child from Africa not because they care but because it is a good PR move for them. Bono and U2 from day one have always been about bringing injustices in the world to light at their shows and in their world outside of music. I like when my musicians are smart and actually give a damn about the world rather than be selfish and live off their millions!

  • Jim Bob - 15 years ago

    I think you have a fair point to an extent Andrew, I don't agree with the bands political and social alliances however I just don't let it get to me and spoil in my opinion what they do best, making great music. I also have no desire to pick a fight with you or any other fan just because we have a difference of opinion regarding U2. I don't care really if other people like them or not, however as I've said before I won't stand for being personally insulted just because I do happen to like them nor have to put up with individuals that look for trouble by antagonising U2 fans deliberately probably because they have nothing else better to do with their lives. This observation is not directed at you as I believe that your comments are sincere and have valid reasoning behind them.

  • Andrew - 15 years ago

    Jim Bob, yes, there's lots we agree on - I'm not trying to pick a fight. It would be great if we could focus on the music but unfortunately bono makes this rather hard with his constant lecturing. My problem with him (or at least his public persona) has a lot to do with people like Bush and Blair and the 'friendships' he struck up with them - you just can't defend guys like those who in my opinion waged an illegal war and are war criminals . There was a time bono and U2 would have actively spoken out against these people.

    This is why I am a little vitriolic towards bono and I would hold these opinions regardless of my feelings for a lot of the great music U2 have produced.

    I get the feeling bono would do anything to heighten his public profile - equally U2 as a band seem to hijack any cause and make it their own, for their own self promotion - witness the Obama concert. It's a shame really as I think they used to have genuine integrity. Still love their music but bono has spoilt a lot of what used to make them great...

  • Jim Bob - 15 years ago

    Andrew, I agree with you regarding the mask fiasco, if you read my first comment posted on here you'll see that. As for dissenting voices I also agree, people are entitled to their point of view, and no, I don't think Bono or everything U2 do is perect or above criticsm. As paying fans I think we are all entitled to voice our dissatisfaction when we feel that we've been short changed. So there you have it, we do agree in some areas, I just don't see though that calling Bono names is necessary and as one fan to another why you feel this vitriolic towards him? He's also entitled to express his views, if others want to take notice then that's up to them, personally I'm only interested in the music and the showmanship so the rest is well and truly outweighed in the grand scheme of things.
    As for being abused by another poster, I had the same nonsense by some cretin in Australia on Amazon (USA) called Steven Guy for my review of No Line On The Horizon for disagreeing with his 1 star review and charactor assasination of the band so in the end go so fed up with it I deleted my review and have given up altogether with posting comments or reviews on this site as you are open to far too much abuse from people like this lunatic who just abuse the site and use it as an anti U2 platform. I feel that this person is also posting here as well and also beleive that he and this "Ex fan in the making" nut are one of the same person. I wish they'd grow up and move on and stop spoiling this site for others.

  • Andrew - 15 years ago

    Jim Bob, I'm not slagging anyone off - I'm saying it's a bit daft that people get SO upset about something as trivial as a band. I'm also saying that when people have anything negative to say about U2, they are often shouted down.

    Obviously if people are verbally abusing you then that's not acceptable. This poll is about the wearing of masks to a U2 concert - I think the idea is childish and embarrassing. The cause isn't, obviously. But that's just my opinion. I'm not mindlessly slagging off U2. There are a lot of things I('ve) love(ed) about them. I'll happily engage in a conversation about some of the fantastic songs they've made and the great live experiences I've had. But this mask idea is pathetic and bono has (over the past few years) come across increasingly as a self serving sycophant.

    I can take it on the chin, dish it out, that's fine - but I wasn't slagging anyone off. I was passing an opinion about something. The two things are different. And for the sake of debate, thank God there are dissenting voices. Or would you prefer a whole world full of people worshiping bono - perhaps we could all wear cut out bono masks and be done with it...

  • Jim Bob - 15 years ago

    Andrew, your entitled to your view as is eveyone on here as well. You complain about people slagging off other people here however you are slagging off the band in the first place which is bound to aggrevate other fans who don't share your view.. My take on things is I've only complained about people being negative for the sport of it and in one case where I was verbally abused first by another poster. Frankly, I'm fed up reading some of the anti U2 comments posted here and keep wondering why these people bother. Take it on the chin or don't dish it out in the first place.

  • Andrew - 15 years ago

    Jesus, this is exactly the same kind of self obsessed nonsense you find on the forum. People slagging other people for not liking some things U2 do or say.

    Anyone here is allowed to say something negative about U2 without being accussed of being a 'trol' (whatever that means).

    U2 have written some brilliant songs. I've enjoyed seeing them live.

    But, I think bono is a self serving egomaniac and asking people to wear cut out paper masks is

    a) a bit immature - it's the kind of thing children do on school trips


    b) Naïve in that it won't change a thing in Burma. Write some letters through Amnesty, campaign properly. Real change comes from real action - wearing a mask you printed out with a load of other people who think the same won't change anything in the world.

    U2 fans who think the sun shines out of the band will find strength in numbers here. Anyone with a dissenting voice will be in trouble.

    Whatever, U2 are just a band - who cares. There's more important stuff to get upset about than them.

  • Jim Bob - 15 years ago

    I think you are right Cherry. This guy who called himself "Ex fan" is still trying to make waves and calling himself something else I suspect. I thought John Lambert called it right on a previous discussion and reckon the best thing really is to ignore him. Fans like this we don't need! If you don't like the work the band now are into producing then may I suggest you concentrate your energies on something else you find rewarding elsewhere?
    To reiterate though, I won't be wearing any mask though at the shows! People are entitled to do what they like and have no objection or care in the world should they choose to do so and can't really understand why anyone wants to make an issue about it. Does it really matter what others choose to do?

  • cherry - 15 years ago

    I think the mask idea is a bit over the top but...at least several of the negative comments on this page are (under different user names) are made by one and the same person as "ex fan in the making" from previous posts. He's too funny.

  • Doug - 15 years ago

    This mask is just utter silliness; the Burmese regime doesn't give a damn what happens at a rock concert. Enough with the political hoopla, Coexist headbands and proselytizing on stage. I'd rather have less flash and more daring musicianship from u2.

    How about dumping "Sunday Bloody Sunday," "With Or Without You" and "Bullet" for the entire tour and dropping in some cuts from Zooropa or Pop? I'm sick to death of the same Joshua Tree songs on every tour...they're becoming bathroom and beer breaks for me.

  • Jim Bob - 15 years ago

    Tim, what's your point dude? Why are you so defensive and hostile?! I don't take kindly to being verbally abused by you and really don't give a shit what you think. Go screw yourself.

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    Mayflag, when I said "u2 can do no wrong", I was being sarcastic because it's people like yourself that think U2 can do no wrong.

  • Mayflag - 15 years ago

    Tim, I don't understand why you are being so hostile. You don't agree with me; that's fine. I have no problem with your opinion. However, I do think, if anyone wants to out of their own free will, wants to wear a mask, a t-shirt, wave a flag, whatever, they should be able to do so. There is no harm in it. I certainly can think for myself, and it is my choice to "help" her. BTW, U2 can do wrong. They are human not gods. There are some very insane people out there who think otherwise, so I understand your frustration with those who feel U2 is infallible.

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    jim bob, so u think everyone that post something negative or critical of the band they're automatically a non fan trolling? you only wish that was the case.

    mayflag, yeah, go where the mask and look like a douche bag who can't think for himself.

    i just find it funny how no matter what OUR band does it's great. U2 can do no wrong.

  • Mayflag - 15 years ago

    If I can go to their show, I will certainly wear a mask for Aung San Suu Kyi. We need to bring awareness to her plight. What an ordeal this beautiful woman has had to endure. I am so very fearful for her; I hope she will not have the same fate as Benazire Bhutto.
    I do like A.B.'s idea of waving a white flag; however, that may also be a sign of surrender to her captors (and anyone else's as well). Whether it is a mask or some other symbol such as a white flag, I think it would be a great solidarity. It may not gain her release, but it will bring awareness to others who have not heard of her.

  • Jim Bob - 15 years ago

    Look guys, let's get some kind of perpective here. I agree that this mask wearing idea is crazy but whats with bashing the band and all the negativity, especially the hostility towards NLOTH? If you really are fans than why carry on like this? Personally, I really like NLOTH, not their best album but still a really worthy album I feel. I think there are a few stray non U2 fans infiltrated this site here and are abusing it. Please go away and leave this site for sensible debates and appreciation of a very fine rock band. Could be some of the trolls who've posted awful reviews on Amazon are stalking these pages here..

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    The satelite hookup with the space station was silly. But the Desmond Tutu video rocked! NOT U2 are so old and as far as I'm concerned they've JUMPED THE SHARK.

  • Irish Charlie - 15 years ago

    Yet again a live U2 experience is going to be ruined by Bono's political views being rammed down peoples throats. Stick to the fcuking music and let people make up their own minds about such isssues outside the setting of a rock concert.

  • Andrew - 15 years ago

    This is the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard. How, in any way, is this going to help with her release? Join Amnesty, write letters - get involved in proper campaigning. Don't do something that will make you look ridiculous and will have no effect.

    Bono, do you honestly believe the regime in Burma is going to take any notice of a megalomaniac like you asking some people at a rock concert to wear masks?

    Yet another example of how absurd this man has become.

  • Robyn - 15 years ago

    I can't believe you call yourselves U2 fans. He wrote this song for a woman who only wants freedom for her country, and for no crime that has been committed she gets put under house arrest. Maybe if some of you so called fans had to live in a country where there was no freedom you'd understand why U2 wants to make a stand. And if you can't stand Bono's "preaching" stay at home and don't go to the concert, because I rather be a fan of a band that has principles, than one that doesn't. And if you don't like what Bono stands for, then I don't understand how you can say that you are a real U2 fan, because the whole band have principles,and that what makes their music so relevant, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Their music will stand the test of time, and most of the lyrics have been written by Bono, and if he didn't have principles U2 music would be drivel. If you are at all a U2 fan, you would support the band in this. I'm quite sure it's not just Bonos idea, as the trial for Aung San Suu Kyi is coming up very shortly, and the whole band wants to show their support.

  • Zooboy - 15 years ago

    OMFG is right! This is unbelievable. There is no way, come on Bono man, the band is hard enough to defend as it is. Please lets just pretend U2.com never asked and keep it in the family before the main stream press gets a hold of this one. Utterly shameful - whose F*N ideas was this anyway?

  • A. B. - 15 years ago

    Instead of the mask, let's go back to old and wave white flag for everybody killed , cripled, raped in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Burma, Bosnia and to stop the wars what brought economy crisis and brought to its knees all world including US. We are all the same, humans, so lets try to bring something what is going to bring good in us, no matter of class we belong. Three chords and truth (and not polished, elitist truth, because manipulated truth is a lie).
    By the way, instructions to make the mask are written like fans are elementary school kids: "if you are smart you are going to laminate or glue mask to a carton, and don't forget the string..." Was it a bad PR adviser or Bono had a too much Dom Perignon, come on. Awkward.

  • Jim Bob - 15 years ago

    Look, I love the bands music but antics like this are crazy! Not a chance from my girlfriend or myself when we go to the show at Wembley.

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    And don't forget the Desmond Tutu speech leading into Streets. F'ING STUPID.

  • tim - 15 years ago

    Didn't Bono say at one time they'll pack it up once they start embaressing their fans? They're an embarresment to themselves and fans. Terrible idea.

  • Max - 15 years ago

    Seems like a completely ridiculous idea.
    I can't even imagine how stupid would it look.

  • Robyn - 15 years ago

    You are not wearing the mask for Bono, you are wearing the mask in support of someone who just wants peace in her country. He's not asking you to wear a mask of himself is he? So get off his back, and show some support for a woman whois being held under house arrest for no crime that she has comitted.

  • Rob Giannotti - 15 years ago

    This is hands down the DUMBEST shit I ever heard. I hope this is all a joke.

  • Dan - 15 years ago

    I wouldn't do ANYTHING u2.com asked me to! Everyone involveD with u2.com are complete morons! I have been fighting with them for months to get my FREE gift CD, to allow me access to the PAID SUBSCRIBER FORUM, and to stop changing my password evertime I complain that I have no paid fourm access. I now have no access to a site I pay to be a part of! How stupid am I?? Instead of masks at the show, how abot signs saying that u2.com SUCKS!!!

  • Bill - 15 years ago

    omfg, u have to be kidding me, right?! Is it any wonder why this band(2005-present) and latest album is just aweful?! soon bono will ask everyone to do handstands and like sheep everyone will do it. unbelievable!

  • Anita - 15 years ago

    U2 asks you to do one thing.
    How hard is it to print out a mask and when you hear the first notes of Walk On you put it on.
    Wether you like it or not you can expect this kind of stuff when you go to a U2 concert.
    The least you can do is print it out and wear it, show some damn respect
    It's 5 minutes, show the world that we can change it

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