If you had tickets to both games on Saturday, which one would you attend?


  • Bob - 15 years ago

    Baseball puts players in motion about 4-6 minutes per game, usually 2-4 players at a time; it puts most of them in motion simultaneously for about 30 seconds in a good game.

    Soccer puts its players in motion for 92-95 minutes; it puts most of them in motion for 85-90 minutes. It's tense and exciting because you can see the plays develop, see the back-and-forth between the sides, and you never know what play will result in a goal. Every goal for the home team is a huge deal and a big celebration.

    Baseball has 2-3 times as many points scored on average per game. It's got loads of strategy, lots of stopping and thinking, and a fair amount of tension. Every run for the home team is a nice-to-have, a good time to cheer and then hope for another one. And if it doesn't work out, ok, the visitors are in town for 2 more games anyway. It's nice, because it doesn't demand much attention and doesn't build up much tension. No one game, no one run is all that important.

    If it's points on a scoreboard you want to see, Baseball is up by a 3-to-1 margin. But if it's play on the field you're going for, Soccers' got a 15-to-1 advantage. And for crowd participation, tension and release, suspense and celebration, well you'll have to wait til next year to see... we're sold out this year.

  • ms - 15 years ago

    Sounders fans chill, soccer's time is coming, be happy with what we have. Don't have to be bigger and better than every sport in town. The M's have been in MLB for 30+ years, play 3 to 1 more games, and just have a bigger fan base. A lot of people understand baseball and enjoy it for some reason or another, it's in the American culture more than soccer. Less people understand soccer and American sports fans have a short attention spans so they have a hard time paying attention without interruptions. Even though a soccer game is shorter, they don't understand the skill, the subtle games within the game, the constant flow, and think it's boring unless there are 10 goals scored. I played baseball and understand it but would rather watch grass grow than a baseball game. Give a Sounder ticket any day... Go Sounders!

  • Chris - 15 years ago

    I like the Mariners, but there are 81 home games to attend. There only 20 or so Sounder's home games.

    As for excitement, I gotta give it to the Sounders. Baseball can get....ssssssssssssssllllllllllllllllllllooooooooowwwwwwwwwww

  • Adam - 15 years ago

    I love the sounders, love soccer above all other sports. No harm with people liking baseball more, has a lot more history and older people are more familiar with it just like the more popular American sports of today. Soccer is coming.. Hopefully everyone in Seattle knows what a huge step the Sounders are for an MLS franchise. Maybe someday they'll give a Sounders game a shot and realize what all the fuss is about, if not, oh well!

    Work on that attendance M's fans!

  • Brandon - 15 years ago

    Sounders Average Attendance For MLS Games: 29,983

    Mariners Average Attendance For MLB Games: 27,304

  • M - 15 years ago

    Yeah because everyone knows that the MLS gets huge ratings when it is on TV. That must be why they always put their games on ESPN Deportes. When you go see a mariners game, you are seeing the best baseball players in the world, when you go see a MLS game, you are pretty much watching the minor league of soccer.

  • Matt - 15 years ago

    I have to agree with John; obviously by looking at the poll that the majority of people agree that baseball is better than soccer. When you go to a Mariners game, you will know who won the game at the end of it and have a winner but when you go see a Sounders game, you have a 41% chance of leaving the game with the teams tied. When you see a soccer game, someone is always laying on the ground like they are dying and two seconds later they are back up playing, the flopping just gets annoying after a while. I have no problem with the Sounders and root for them if they go to the playoffs but I think this is an easy question. Baseball is a way better sport to watch even if your team isn’t that good.

  • John - 15 years ago

    All I can say about soccer is look at the Poll!!!! I am not alone in this feeling! Yeah there are soccer fans out there I guess! But don't even think about comparing this to Real Football! This argument also holds true for the Storm! Nice teams but they are never going to get the whole northwest region to attend there games like the major sports!!!

  • G - 15 years ago

    Sooo.....John is saying that its more fun to watch players stand around, swing a bat and run 90 feet every once in awhile. I bet he loves NASCAR since its a top five sport.

  • Danny - 15 years ago

    I thought the M's game was at 1pm???? Anyhow...John probably has never been to a FOOTBALL game, unless its American Football, and probably stays super quiet until he is told to cheer by diamondvision...like all the other Mariners fans. Something tells me that most people answering this poll haven't got the chance to attend the Sounders games because THEY ARE ALL SOLD OUT. You can walk up 10 minutes before a Mariners game and get a ticket for just about ANY GAME. I'm sure since Mariners games are usually BORING (like baseball in general) and not very jovial...all of you going to the baseball game will HEAR ALL OF US AT THE SOUNDERS MATCH.

  • Omar - 15 years ago

    "Soccer is and always will be a boring spectator sport. "

    Excuse me? Go to a game and then tell us its boring. As for this poll question, one game is at noon and the other at 7:00, seems to me you could do both!!

  • John - 15 years ago

    Are you kidding me? The Sounders! What a bunch of bandwagon jumpers this town is! This league is not even in the top Five of the favorite sports leagues in america. The Mariners play a brand of baseball that will eventually get them to the next level, maybe not this year but soon. Soccer is and always will be a boring spectator sport. nuff said

  • Chris - 15 years ago

    The Sounders are tied for the 2nd best record in the MLS. The Mariners are 5.5 games back in the AL West. The Sounders actually have a chance of making the playoffs. The Mariners, well do not.

    This is a no brainier.

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