Is Florida State football coach Bobby Bowden being treated poorly by FSU fans and members of the administration?


  • Nole Alum - 15 years ago

    Gratitude is a 2 way street and to hear Ann Bowden talk it is and has been all one way. Bobby has been honored by a statue in front of the Moore Center,the Field has been named after him,he was allowed to skirt the Nepotism Clause to hire his son to a position that he would never have qualified for on his own,both he and Ann have been treated like royalty by FSU fans and he has been compensated handsomely for many years.
    The program has been on a decline now for 8 to 9yrs and attempts have been made under Bobby to change the course,but those haven't worked. Bobby should have stepped down when he became only a figure head instead of a coach. We now have to get in a mud slinging contest because narcissim and not humbleness has exposed itself in someone who could have left with a Parade and now must be pushed out the door. Its a shame for all concerned but mostly for Bobby, because ME became more important than WE. All of the great things that were accomplished by Coach Bowden and his Staff will be somewhat diminished because of this stubbourness to give someone else the opportunity to establish their own legacy. Hopefully Bobby will leave with grace and a new era will begin.

  • JohnE - 15 years ago

    What a terrible poll. Andrew or The Sentinel could have done much better. Bill, like you my family has season tickets since they first offered them. Way before Bowden. No one will argue what Bowden has done for FSU, but remember he didn’t do it for free. FSU and he have both benefited. You could not have found a bigger Bowden supporter than me prior to the Jeff Bowden debacle. Threatening to quit if your son isn’t hired illegally??? Come On! We all know the record since then. The bottom line is this: FSU doesn’t have 5 million to piss away and then have to replace Jimbo, just to keep Bobby on staff. He should do the right thing and accept that it's time to step down graciously. It's sad it has to end like this.

  • bill - 15 years ago

    Im old enough to remember what it was like before Coach Bowden.
    I also remember what it was like after he came and we began winning.
    I remember what it was like to hear the REAL Seminole war chant and to
    hear it described as that "hauntingly erie" sound as it wafted throughout the
    old rickety stadium. Bobby Bowden IS FSU FOOTBALL and I say he can retire whenever he damn well pleases and the people should want him to stay as long as he wants to and be VERY VERY happy that FSU is blessed with his presence. He had the chances to leave several times but stayed loyal to FSU
    Where is the loyalty to him now?
    A pox on all the Mike Bianchis of the state who always want to run down a man of his character-and shame shame on all the so called boosters who are clamoring for him to leave.
    Other than Mark Richt, there is no other head coach in college with his character.

  • Jack - 15 years ago

    This kind of question is never, never ever decided by a majority vote. It's decided by right and wrong. FSU was exceptionally fortunate to have Bobby Bowdin all of these years and the attitude that they are now showing prooves that they were never worthy of him. They have provided more than enough evidence of that.

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