My Diet Is:


  • sofia ismail - 15 years ago

    i think we are more likely to catch serious diseases when we include meat in our diet. however i still believe that meat can add some nutritional values in the growing process of a child.
    therefore people aged 18 and over do not need meat at all in their daily diet, unless eaten in moderation and safety measures are strictly followed when meat is prepared
    Again i still strongly believe that meat is not necessary.
    my conclusion , exclude meat from your diet and leave longer.

  • jet whitt - 15 years ago

    I don't eat meat, my daughter and grandson are vegan. Really, you could do a whole show on the subject. Not a debate like this show. Invite Dr.John Mc Dougall, his nutritionalist, John Robbins and Dr.Bernard. Qualified experts on the subject. Most people believe in what tastes good to them.The meat and dairy industry pay MILLIONS for this. Like Dr. Campbell said,he taught those outdated facts 30 years ago. the nutritionist was spouting off outdated information paid for by the meat industry. She said several times "it's out of my field" she was out of touch and misinformed.

  • Dan - 15 years ago

    I'm sorry, I was too busy eating my Double Quarter Pounder to listen. Could someone please summarize what the crazy vegetarian said?

  • Gurmeet Kukreja - 15 years ago

    Very well said, Chris. To add to that, it takes 5,000 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of meat, while growing 1 pound of wheat only requires 25 gallons.(Robbins, The Food Revolution, p. 236). A totally vegetarian diet requires only 300 gallons of water per day, while a meat-eating diet requires more than 4,000 gallons of water per day. You save more water by not eating a pound of beef than you do by not showering for an entire year..something to think about!

    While millions of people across the globe are faced with droughts and water shortages, much of the world's water supply is quietly being diverted to animal agriculture. As the Western diet spreads to the rest of the world, even desert nations in Africa and the Middle East are pouring what little water they have into meat production.

    It is clear that raising animals for food puts a tremendous strain on our already limited water supply, and water is used much more efficiently when it goes toward producing crops for human consumption.

  • Chris Kay - 15 years ago

    The single worst contributor to global warming is the industrial animal industry. In addition, the inhumane treatment of these animals is truly not acceptable if one wants to live an ethical life.

  • Gurmeet Kukreja - 15 years ago

    If you look at the human body, several aspects of it show how we are not designed to consume meat. 1) all non-veg animals have short intestines so that the animal products are eliminated quickly before fermenting in the intestines. the human intestines are one of the longest. 2) all non-veg animals have very large front teeth (read lions, tigers). Human teeth are similar to vegetarian animals and are short.

  • Judi Mac - 15 years ago

    I eat lean meat in moderation. Over the years I have had 5 friends who are in various areas such as not eating red meat or others but 2 will eat fish and the others are vegans. They ALL have bad heart trouble. They are now from 47 to 67. Their spouses all eat some meat and none have heart trouble. Coincidence? I don't know.

  • Sara Rose Kaufman - 15 years ago

    I've been a vegetarian since I was 8 years old out of a child's love of animals. Now as a grown woman, it seems that everyday I find another reason to reinforce my vegetarian diet. I still consume some organic dairy products and eggs because of the essential amino acids. I don't think that the world should stop eating meat, but our country consume far too much meat (particularly red meat) and it is destroying our nation's health as well as our ecosystem. Human may have evolved based hunting and eating animals, but we were not designed to eat such low quality meat in the such huge quantities. Our nation's meat industry is just one of the many problems with our diet and food industry as a whole.

  • Tim Dee - 15 years ago

    Humans are omnivores not herbivores

  • Beverly Keller - 15 years ago

    Meat contains so many interesting things: cholesterol, growth hormones, antibiotics, the latter two added to the animal feed and passed on to the humans who eat the meat. Growth hormones fed to animals is inimical to human health, and consumption of antibiotics in animals fed them contributes to the very serious problem of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

  • Farmer - 15 years ago

    Honestly, how many people watch everything they eat and only eat healthy. I agree with Lisa, why can't we eat both kinds of diets (plant and meat). There are healthy benefits of all food. The word moderation seems to have left everyone's vocab these days. Our meat is safer today than ever before and the safest in the world (yes I traveled over seas and know this as a fact). Find a real farmer and a cattle feeder and ask them directly. They're the ones who have gotten their hands dirty to care for the animals and work the soil--they can tell you the facts.

  • melissa - 15 years ago

    Cutting one food such as red meat out of the diet as a way to decrease disease risk is a narrow perspective on health and physiology. World wide cultures eat meat as PART of a healthy balanced diet. Just don't eat the whole cow in one sitting.

  • william - 15 years ago

    Well this is life and with that you get health problems! We get a hand full of people who get sick from some meat and the sky is falling. The human race is the sickliest animal on the planet. how many animals do you see with as many health problem? My thing is that with all the meat that is processed there will be some that slips by with a few bugs. Meat is a part of our diets we are meat eaters thats why we have the teeth we do.

  • Lisa - 15 years ago

    Don't think being vegetarian is a requirement for good health. If it was, the eskimos would have disappeared long ago.

  • manu - 15 years ago

    the way the speaker explained was wrong, as in the oldern days the people were hunting the wild animals & were completely healthy compaired to todays over grown animals & cut/killed to eat them even containig deaseases.
    I can send u the cutting from a vegetrain mag pictures of the animal growth conditions & sloughter conditions.
    Which promotes deaseases.

  • Yuki's mom - 15 years ago

    Life long vegetarian here, now vegan and raw vegan at that. I have never felt in better health. I would never eat meat, ever, if not for my health but for the planet's and animals' health as well. Thanks for bringing this topic to light. I always have to defend my diet choice.

  • Sharon - 15 years ago

    I answered your question that Yes, I try to eat healthy and I want to add that YES that does include eating meat and animal products.

  • I am seventy three years old and ate no meat fish or eggs for the last 30 years. I am healthy with no cancer heart disease or stroke and can now hit a golf ball t shot 200 yards. I am living proof of no necessity to eat meat. the problem with vegetarians is that milk cheese etc is a necessity

  • Marty Kilroy - 15 years ago

    I am grateful to T. Colin Campbell, who helped inspire me to follow a plant based, whole foods diet. This led to a reduction in my cholesterol level and blood pressure and enabled me to discontinue prescription drugs for high cholesterol and high blood pressure. We can solve many of our health care problems in this country through education and diet.

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