Who do you support for King County executive?


  • Craig Marois - 15 years ago

    Stopped my Times subscription this morning... hope others do the same. Cant believe they endorse this candidate.

  • Pat Bowman - 15 years ago

    The Times got it rright. We do need change in King County Government.
    Susan Hutchison has run a very smart campaign. It is a nonpartisan race,and
    Susan, rightly, is treating it that way. She has talked to all the leaders and
    people who live under the jurisdiction of the County Executive and has learned
    from the experience of those conversations. She knows what they want and
    need and will try to include these items in her governance plan. It amuses me
    when Dow keeps bringing up the Pro-Choice and Pro-Life stands. What in the
    world does that have to do with admistering a King County government? I have heard Susan speak five times, and have been very impressed with her
    growth of knowledge and abiility to listen to the people she hopes to serve.
    It is inspiring to have such a refreshing, intelligent, creative candidate, who,
    I am sure will be an enormous asset to King County when she becomes the
    King County Executive. Thank you , Seattle Times for making such a smart
    choice. It seems the right wing thinks you are liberal in your opinions, and
    the left wing thinks you are conservative. That must mean you are about

  • Howard V. - 15 years ago

    We need a change in King County government. Susan Hutchison will give us that change. For the people who are for Dow Constantine - Chairman Dow is the person that came up with the Critical Areas Ordinance and pushed it through. What did the CAO do for us? It took away the right to touch 65% of our property. No wetlands or streams on our property. Constantine took away our right to use of 65% of our property and there was no compensation for the theft and it was Constantine and all of the people that represent the people in the city of Seattle that voted for the theft. The state supreme court ruled that what Constantine did was illegal. To the people who live in Seattle, you were not affected by this CAO but the people who live outside the city were - big time. How would you feel if Constantine came onto your property and said you couldn't touch 65% of your property and told you to let it go back to brush? You wouldn't like it and you wouldn't take it lying down would you!! Constantine keeps saying the CAO was to stop big developers from ruining the land. This is a lie. All it did was to hurt the private land owner. Our rural area hasn't been able to be subdivided for over a decade plus and what the CAO did was to take away our right to use our property.

    The CAO was to make better the water quality in the rural area. Did you know that just before the CAO was passed and went into affect that a water quality study had found that the water quality in the rural area was very good and improving prior to passing the CAO. And guess what, the water quality in Seattle was poor. And guess what, Constantine and Sims didn't release the findings of the water quality study until after they had shoved the CAO down our throats - I wonder why. Maybe they felt that the people in Seattle wouldn't have thought the CAO to be fair.

    And to top it off, Dow Constantine and his fellow King County council members from Seattle are still allowing 4300 houses to be be continuously built in our 'rural area' and are still being built today 800 feet away from us. Ever heard of Trilogy and Redmond Ridge - that is what they allowed. We now have street lights and a shopping center in our rural area - so much for being rural and so much for Constantine wanting to save the rural area from development.

    I am for Susan Hutchison all the way. We need a change in this King County government and we need to get rid of the incumbents that think it is no big deal to steal the property rights away from everyday hard working people.

  • JD - 15 years ago

    Nice article. I think it's a very good thing when we get a candidate like Susan who doesn't have "experience" in things like:

    Making unrealistic promises to unions with other people's taxes, playing "I'll vote for your spending if you'll vote for mine" politics, failing performance audits, preserving cushy bureacratic desk jobs over hardscrabble public safety jobs when hard budget cuts have to be made, and haughtily treating some county residents as "less equal" than others when it comes to basics like property rights or county expenditures on things like transportation improvements.

  • Sal - 15 years ago

    Reading many of these comments I see that the far left, those who would spend everyone else's money, the hell with costs, and who would see Settle go down in flames before voting for a conservative, want the same-o, same-o, no change from a purely socialist, spend yourselves sick, attitude.

    I may not be pleased with Hutchison's social agenda, but she isn't running for Mayor, or governor, she running for King County Executive. No, she is not like Palin, and those who have said she is are as mentally vacuous as is Palin.

    The Seattle Times is right; we need change, conservative, get our financial affairs in order, change, now. We really cannot afford all of the bleeding heart ultra liberals who love to spend other people's money, anymore. We are in deep trouble.

    Dow Constantine will only exacerbate an already serious situation.

    Vote Hutchison.

  • slimjim - 15 years ago

    Why do people think everybody that runs for office or has been in office needs to have experience?
    Most of the people in office with experience are the ones screwing everything up.
    Dow's heads is so bighe probably could of been balloon boy flied away on his own.
    Good luck Dow , I hope you come in third behind Susan and runnerup mickey mouse.

  • slimjim - 15 years ago

    Dow gets his experience from Gregory Nickels-so much for that.
    Dow definately leverages his power to get what he wants.
    The Bully tactic is is something he has mastered.
    I hope people are smart enough to see through his lines of crap.
    I guess when he wants to do something he can just call it a unique circumstance.
    I just wish politicians would just vote on things and not play the games of If I don't get this you don't get my vote.
    The ferry district is probably going to take him down because it could be the dumbest thing he got passed.
    The State couldn't make the foot ferries work and Dow thinks he has a magic wand to wave and make it work.
    I Hope we can get somebody in there that is not in bed with all the unions.
    Dow is the union slut.
    Go for common sense.
    Go Susan H.

  • FUGWB - 15 years ago

    Seattle Times showing their true colors once again.
    You're endorsing a former Discovery Institute Board Member along with G. W. Shrub is an outrage. You should move to the East side. Seattle doesn't need your right wing views any way.
    You're right up there with FOX News IMHO.

    Buh bye Paul - Don't let the state line hit you in the arse.

  • Willis - 15 years ago

    Susan Hutchinson is Sarah Palin without the foreign policy experience. She has absolutely NO experience in government. She cites her work in non profit organizations as a qualification for king county executive. If she wants to be in government, she should start small and work her way up. Electing Hutchinson would be like hiring a psychologist to build a superconductor. She may be good at what she does, but she does not do government.

    I am very disappointed with the Seattle Times

  • Paul - 15 years ago

    You Liberal socialists. Are you kidding me? Can we ever elect someone center to right in this State?. This State and County are a mess and its been lead by the left for 25 years. Are businesses, jobs and balancing a budget not important anymore?. You want to bash one of the classiest people you'll ever meet in Susan Hutchinson. The right is for less Government, LESS. Incredible, I think I need to move out of this State. Liberals you can have your Taxes, Debt, Gregiore and companies leaving the State. I surrender!

  • Dan - 15 years ago

    Why doesn't the Tines ever mention that non-partisn Hutchison is a former oard member of the Right wing "think tank" The Discovery Institute. You know who they are-the folks who are pushing "intelligent Design" to be taught in school. Now if that sounds like teaxching Creationism then you arew not near as slick as they are. they argue that the world is too complicated to have been created through evolution. It was designed by an Intelligent Designer and treaching about an Intelligent designed is not teaching about God.

    Think about that when you listen to Hutchison speak. She is basically a con-artist. She won't admit to being a Republican or Christian right conservative but she contributed $500 to Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and then claimed to have never met him. Yet she "emceed a 2006 dinner for the Washington Policy Center, the local conservative think tank, where Huckabee was the keynote speaker." from publicola.net

    Take from the poor and working class and give to the rich. that's what she'll do and that's why the Seattle Times has endorsed her. As long as she does that the Times doesn't care if she uses her office to promote policies of the Discovery institute and right wing Christian Republicans like Mike Hucabee.

  • Sara E - 15 years ago

    What do you mean Obama had no experience? He was a State or US Senator for over 10 years before becoming our President.

  • Greg - 15 years ago

    Wonky? What does that mean? Do I have to be a newspaperman to know words like that?

  • Michael - 15 years ago

    I have to wonder about Stacey's comment about "NO experience!!" I laugh everytime I hear a Democrat complain about 'no experience'. I bet that wasn't an issue when she voted for Obama.

  • Eric - 15 years ago

    The Times endorsed George W Bush and so did Hutchison, so I suppose this just completes the loop. Screwing up the country isn't enough, we have to screw up the county as well. That broach she's wearing in the photo is just too funny though...

  • Joan - 15 years ago

    Dow is one of the reasons we are in the financial mess we are in. When the auditors came in to audit the finanace commity was not ready for it and it was never ready for the audit so it never did happen. I believe Susan will make the change we need in this state by cutting the waste and being accountable financially! We cannot continue to spend and waste money to get out of debt. This whole country is learning a big lesson the hard way. Wake up people and use some common sense!

  • Stan - 15 years ago

    I think the presitge and endorsement of Susan Hutchison by the Seattle Times speaks for itself, and is one more confirmation that she is highly capable and will, in fact, bring new and much needed change to our county government. Obviously, due to the harsh conditions of the current county situation, we are in desperate need who has the successful and different kind of experience in the past. Go Susan!

  • Stacey Devenney - 15 years ago

    This is why I stopped getting the Seattle Times - they clearly do not understand the issues. Susan H. does not understand the issues and has NO experience!!

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