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Who do you support for mayor in the Quincy election? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,410

  • Rich - 15 years ago

    Anyone see the "How would you like your tax bill?" sign outside the AT&T by the Quincy Credit Union covered in Phelan stickers?

    Way to take the loss in stride.

  • quincywatchdog - 15 years ago


  • PUZZLED - 15 years ago


  • Quincy first - 15 years ago

    What in world will Tommy Koch & "best bud" Tommy Clasby do when Phelan wins ??? Neither of them have EVER had to apply for a job!! Both continue to ride on coattails of Tom K's dad......He was such an asset to our City.
    Both Tommy's always have - & still do - EXPECT Quincy taxes to support them......NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO! T H A T I S E N T I T L E M E N T!!!

  • Quincy lady - 15 years ago

    yes, we see this action of Bill Phelan was scratching his eye during the last debate. My family and I was there at the very front. Koch supporter use it to ruin Pheln's reputation. They really trying so hard to help their mayor who is liar. Have you recieved the mail from Bill Phelan and the Honeywell letter in your mailbox yesterday from the Honeywell general manager. That is awful after reading those letter. I loss my trust on KOCH totally. He lied a lot of stuffs. THAT'S AWFUL. How could you trust a mayor like this.

  • angry fella - 15 years ago

    Vote for Phelan. . . our city needs him. At least he will pay attention to the education of Quincy children. Phelan! Phelan! Phelan!!!!!!!!!

  • sick and tired - 15 years ago

    How many lies and "scare tactics" must we endure from the Koch campaign. The Honeywell issue DEAD! We see right through that one Mr. Koch. The finger??? Come on, Mr. Phelan could not stoop to your level if he tried! Let's give the city back to the people! Vote PHELAN on Tuesday. PLEASE

  • quincytaxpayer - 15 years ago

    You think the lies and distortions can't get any worse, and then the desperate Koch Campaign lies about Bill giving the finger! Incredible. How stupid do they think people are?
    Bill had a pen in his hand and was scratching his eye. Everyone concern about this should check out the video to see how ridiculously dishonest and pathetic this charge is, like Honeywell and the $100 million deficit.
    All this stuff about Koch's honesty and integrity, while basing an entire reelection campaign on bold faced lies!
    Make sure all the REAL people vote on Tuesday, and we can end this sad chapter in our great city's history.

  • The Galway Gunner - 15 years ago

    Remember to VOTE next Tuesday.

    For a ride to the polls CALL 1-800-ARTHUR TOBIN.

    Be ready to scream at the top of your lungs if you see any big yellow school buses. Don't worry, you'll get there.

    KOCH FOR QUINCY !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Warren - 15 years ago

    quincy watchdog.....What an imagination you have. The Kock people must be really desperate to come up with something like this!!!!!

    Phelan is our man....Koch is nothing but a sleeze and a liar who is only watching out for all his old cronies!

  • quincywatchdog - 15 years ago


  • Quincy lady - 15 years ago

    KOCH - We can't give him a chance to be re-elected because he isn't the right mayor to run the big city. Look at what he did for the first 2 years? Phelan left him a lots of money in the office. What happened to that money??????????? Koch said, phelan left him the unpaid bills. Why he spend a lot of money for renovating his office and bought new truck..raised salary of his cronies. Why he didn't paid the bills instead of hiring his buddies in the office. All the project that KOCH working on. Phelan already started with that and he just don't have time to finish. WE CAN HAVE A MAYOR IN THE CITY THAT DON"T HAVE A DEGREE. WE NEED A MAYOR THAT HAS A DEGREE. That is very embarrashing that our city of mayor don't have college. Don't blame on Phelan all the lied that Koch did. Look at him in eyes. We can't even trust him. If I don't like the both candidates running for mayor. I don't vote either of them, but I like Mayor Phelan, so I vote for him.

  • Bring back McCauley! - 15 years ago

    He's the last great Mayor the city had!!!

  • ImovedtoWeymouth - 15 years ago

    Phelan is a sore loser, and a lying S.O.B! Koch inherited such a mess of a city, so you can't blame him for what is wrong with it. Give him more time to right the wrongs of "Wink"...oh, and you may want to look into moving out of the city all decisison I ever made!!!

  • Anonymous - 15 years ago

    Leave the dark side of corruption, sexism and inequality and vote for Phelan. Kock marginalizes women, gays and who knows who else. He has the mentality of a teenager and is physically aggressive. I fear being in his presence and know any woman who has been raped or abused would pick up on his %^%&*(

    He coerces people into siding with him and attempts to intimidate people. He abuses power. I saw this in him long before he became mayor when he decided to make a public spectacle of me and insist I pay my deceased grandparents' back taxes. He's not well ... it's a mystery of corruption and very sinister to see him in a position of power at all. His father was a legend. He is not a good guy. He is scary...

  • HonestonQuincy - 15 years ago

    Vote for Phelan

    Tom Koch has lied to the citizens of Quincy and feels he is entitled.
    Honeywell was a lie and Tom Koch knows that, the Inspector General will find NOTHING and koch knows that.

    We need a person back in who will fight for the Taxpayers and not be looking to take care of his hack buddies and live large on the citys dime.

    Bring baack an educated person who is not afraid to take a hard stance for the good of the Taxpayes do not a person who has only lived of a public payroll his whole life.

  • plumberone - 15 years ago

    Since when is it a prerequisite to have a college degree to run for an office?
    If Bill Phelan is an example, then this city is in trouble. Our whole political system is dominated by college grads, mostly lawyers to boot, and look at the fine job they have done. Check the ratings polls to see where they stand in job performance. If anything this city, country and state could use alot less lawyers running our lives. And by the way, didn't most of the names of current city employees you Phelanites like to bash,also work in the Phelan administration?

  • Donna - 15 years ago

    SUSAN, Tom Koch may be Catholic and wants his children brought up in the Catholic faith which is every individual's choice; however, how much involvement or knowledge do you think he has or will have in our public schools....NONE, he could care less, and I think most of us have seen this.

    Vote for Phelan who has worked hard for our schools and our children...they are our future.

  • kim - 15 years ago

    So many people out there do not have the facts. If you just read the literature you will see how much Koch has lied. He's not a good man, his sense of entiltlement is horrible. Why does he think he should use our tax dollars for all of his and his buddies luxuries? Please everyone look at the issues, you will see that Koch can't do the job. How can anyone believe that he trully cares about the school system if he doesn't even send his own children to our schools. I know people say he wants them to go to catholic school but we do have sacred heart right here in north quincy, really why Milton? I just am so scared if he gets reelected what is going to happen to our city. Are people prepared for higher taxes? That's what we are going to get if Koch is reelected. He can't even answer the question what is your plan forward. Phelan can do the job, he's a guy who really cares about our city and our children's education. GO PHELAN!

  • AjM - 15 years ago

    How do you become mayor with no college degree and expect people to believe that you what the hell you are talking about, you can even manage a taco bell with out some sort of degree

  • Susan - 15 years ago

    I have to say this, just because Phelan has a college degree does mean he can lead a city. Tom has more passion for the city than Phelan will ever have. I truly believe Phelan is running again to try and win to try to "cover up" the screw ups he made when he was mayor. But rest assured, when the Office of the Inspector General finishes their audit, Mr. Phelan may have a lot of explaining to do!


  • Jay - 15 years ago

    How can we let an uneducated man run the city?

    Vote Phelan

  • Warren - 15 years ago

    Justice....You're right, we do need well educated, top-notch people to run the City of Quincy, and that's not Koch who doesn't even have a college degree. The only way he'll win is if all his buddies who are looking for a favor vote for him!! He is arrogant and needs to wipe that smurk off his face. The only reason he won two years ago is because Phelan stuck to his guns and did what he felt best for the city when it came to the teacher's health benefits. While most of us saw our health insurance costs go up, they thought they should only have to pay their miniscule premium and co-pays. They would rather see their co-workers laid off than to pay a little more like the rest of us.

    GO PHELAN!!!!!!!

  • Stop The Madness - 15 years ago

    Stop The Madness
    Stop The Tax Increases
    Please Vote Phelan for Mayor

  • Stop The Madness - 15 years ago

    Baldk9, I mean Richard, shouldn't you stay neutral since you work for the

    election office?

  • JohnQvoter - 15 years ago

    I hope that smug look and the now infamous "finger" wakes Phelan supporters up. This man is a menace, who has cost our city's taxpayers MONEY. What is it you don't get. He's apparently a nut, with a BAD TEMPER and everyone knows it.
    WAKE UP! Vote for Koch.

  • justice - 15 years ago

    When Koch was Parks Director he left an awful lot of unpaid bills, but nothing ever gets mentiontioned. What about all the projects he left unfinished (rotary/mckoy field, Merrymont park, Foreriver can't be used by older children etc) His reward, his misled cronies vote him in. I am so fed up with his people LIVING off the city (Tom Clasby, Brian Buckley, Ray Cattaneo, Barry Welch, Kristen Khohane/ Powers etc. etc. Wouln't it truly benefit the whole city if we got qualified, top notch people to work for it? Instead of the same old faces taking from the city. Public servants!!BULLSH%^^ Check thier salaries. A city full of "hanger-ons" GO MR> PHELAN!!!!

  • Wake Up Quincy - 15 years ago

    To the three Phelan supporters,

    Kkeep up the good work beating up Koch. You have validated everything the critics have stated about Phelan and his supporters.

    The finger that launched a 1000 words ( and lost a 1000 votes ).

  • ML - 15 years ago

    We don't need a leader in the big city that don't have a degree, otherwise he just keep raising taxes. Our economy are not doing well and we need to save every penny we can save. We also needs a mayor support QPS.

  • Mackdog - 15 years ago

    Tom Koch is a true gentleman.
    He does things with class and surrounds hinself with good people.
    He inherited an absolute mess from Phelan.
    Give Koch a chance to implement his plan. He needs more than two years.
    Phelan had his chances and did nothing and Koch has had to right the ship the past two years.
    Tom Koch's plan will make our beloved Quincy a World Class Ctiy as it well deserves.
    God Bless Quincy and God Bless Tom Koch.

  • ML - 15 years ago

    KOCH as well needs more than anger management!

  • ML - 15 years ago

    You Koch supporters needs more than anger management, because you can't accept the fact that your koch is a liar. He can't even answer the question directly during the last debate. I'll vote for Phelan eversince.

  • Robyn - 15 years ago

    I hope Koch wins. Phelan was like a little czar of quincy when he was mayor. The city looked terrible. the police were disconnected from the people. And he didn't know what he was doing!!! Now he wants us to give him another chance? He's too mean-spirited and negative. The best thing that happened to quincy was phelan LOSING by a land slide. And it should happen again. You had your chance as mayor and you lost! Go away with your bad mouthing and lies!!!

  • sandy - 15 years ago

    phelan needs to go to anger management, there is no talking to him. he lies and cheats and does not have a open door like koch does. he phelan gets in i'm moving out of quincy

  • NQ Voter - 15 years ago

    Susan and Louise, if you notice, it's not only Phelan who needs anger management therapy, it's his followers, too. Phelan ran push polls against Sheets. He was a negative, dirty campaigner then and he's a dirty, negative campaigner now. I told him then that I didn't appreciate getting called by a push poll and he lied to my face that he wasn't running a push poll. Koch never did anything like this, and the Phelan supporters calling Koch a liar and a negative campaigner are projecting.

  • Quincy Counts - 15 years ago

    Good point, Pat. Did Tom Koch (1) take out building permits or
    (2) put contracted work out to bid----for major work at Clasby's new
    Center (Formerly Beechwood, now Kennedy)? How much of work done by PJ Kennedy, the same Kennedy on Housing Board ...guy who publically voices his support of the "entitlement" for Clasby's parents to live in subsidized senior housing (while they still own Squantum home...& use as a rental).

  • pat - 15 years ago

    how many millions did you waste on the new kenndy center when senior's have to come from west quincy and south quincy and the fact that its built on a marsh its under water half of the time NICE JOB TOM.....while on the subject tommy boy did you pull a building permit for your little remodeling job in your office great job. i know what you can be for halloween the pillsbury doughboy because you really know how to waste dough

  • Anthony Martin - 15 years ago

    Isn't crazy how everyone related to Koch is in charge or something these days, and these not needed jobs are popping up and the firefighters got a 13% wage raise after backing him on the pervious election, When deval hired a extra not needed job everyone called for his head, Tom Koch does it and people sweep it under the rug. When you think of quincy think of someone that isn't just going to but all of his friends in positions that there not qualified for. And as a proud union member and thinking of upcoming jobs for quincy so if your union think PHELAN. Phelan got out us out the mess that Mayor Sheets put us in why would he put us back in a hole you always want to be better then the last correct, has Koch proven that? This seems like its a classic Clinton-Bush, Clinton fought the people the tax payers, Bush is for the rich the wealthy and his buddies from Haliaburton just like KOCH IS ALL FOR HIS BUDDIES and not for the tax payers. I can go on forever about this stuff GO PHELAN

  • concerns resident - 15 years ago

    Bring Bill Phelan back we need better leadership in this city. Also would like to know why it takes 6 DPW workers to watch 1 man did a hole. Please is this what our taxes are paying for. And we have to pay our excise tax but I dont see any changes in our streets. Time for a change in leadership he does not care about our children in QPS and that he raised our taxed he should have stayed in the Parks Department.

  • Quincy Counts - 15 years ago

    Hey! Just realized there is something Tommy Koch does very well!!!
    His former office (Park Dept) had private bathroom & a fireplace. IT DID LOOK GOOD! When he moved into City Hall......he worked hard to spend tax $$$$ on sprucing & changing. IT DOES LOOK GOOD! He promised his
    best bud, Tommy Clasby, new & better office "digs" tossed the great
    community center (Beechwood) out of the building on E Squantum......and
    $pent million$ (not all contractor invoices submitted yet!) Rehabbed that
    building inside & heat system....centralized air cond system.....
    new plumbing, offices, furniture, ceilings, flooring, parking, sidewalks, even new flagpole and expansive landscaping.....building & grounds................
    Shure LOOKS GOOD!

    PS: Koch told City Councillors he didn't need to report Goals, building plans,
    budget, source of $$$$$$ since he wasn't requesting new appropriation!!!
    (He's been "dipping" into many pots: starting with the $700,000 allocation
    that City Council had approved for much needed DPW building!)

  • Quinc counts - 15 years ago

    Hafta feel sorry for the 2 Tommys (Koch & buddy, Clasby).
    What will they do when we vote them out? Neither Koch or Clasby have EVER
    had to fill out any Applications for work! No wonder they have such a sense
    of ENTITLEMENT!!! Always been propped up by taxpayers monies!!!

  • LWALL - 15 years ago

    I’ve been out and about the city and have noticed a lot of sidewalk work going on. What caught my eye the most is that at almost all the sidewalk work sights seemed to be a BLUE sign???? and if a GREEN sign happened to abut this work oops work stopped.
    I ask why are we just doing sections of streets and not the entire street? Maybe it’s just his way of thanking his supporters. If you look (and I encourage you to do so) you to will see the whole street NEEDS work and I don’t care what color the sign is in front of the house. Lets be fair DO IT RIGHT!!! We are ALL paying for it!
    It looks awful and I think it is a waste! Do the entire street or don’t do it at all. It looks half-assed and is a reflection of OUR leadership in City Hall. WE NEED A CHANGE!

  • TeriCloth - 15 years ago

    I sincerely hope Phelan wins as Quincy needs him back. Taxes are out of controll as is spending, new rugs, TVs and trucks??? We're hurting here Mr. Mayor! What were you thinking? That we wouldn't notice? To the people that think Bill would deliberately make obsecene gesture, you certainly don't know him at all and need to pull your heads out of the gutter and start looking at the real issues. I am curious about who decides on what pictures go into the Ledger of Bill and Tom, they always seem to be the worst a photographer could find.

  • joe - 15 years ago

    all peole can rember is the BIGEST TAX BILL EVER?

  • pat - 15 years ago

    phelan put his trust in the people on the teacher stike and he was looking out for the city of quincy tax payer. It was not about letting the teachers down, it was about doing the right thing for the city. If Phelan put the trust of his kids to go to quincy school, so should everyone whether it is catholic or public.

  • plumberone - 15 years ago

    Hello Donna,
    I was just wondering. Could you tell me some of the wonderful things that Mr. Phelan started under his administration that you are so enamored with? Was it the Honeywell contract (66 million) or the school reimbursment money he lost? Or the fact that he would not negotiate in good faith with the firefighters who went four of his six years without a contract and now he hammers them for wanting to be on the same level as the other city unions? How about him bringing back the $800.00 Mayor's chair he took with him and paying back the stipend he recieved for the use of his car, while using a city owned vehicle paid for by the taxpayers. That's called double dipping. Not to mention his wonderful demeanor around City Hall which was proven in the way he acted during the last debate. I can see why you must like him so much.

  • Ging2x - 15 years ago

    That's right. Why not sending his kids in Sacred heart. Few months later he seat in the the office. While I was working one of QPS in spring 2008. I've heared the rumors that he'll plan to laid off teachers in the summer. Former Mayor Phelan support the school, building the new QHS, but didn't got a chance to finish. He did a wonderful job for the years in the office. The reason why he loss the 2008 mayor race it's because of the teachers strike,bcoz of their health care issue, but he didn't laid off teachers back then. I can trust Phelan to be our mayor in the office rather than Koch because he don't have a college degree to be our leader in the big city. Look at the city now, for his first year in the office. What he did is raised our taxes, laid off teachers. What else? During the last debate, that my family and I watch. I salute for Phelan for answering the questions honestly.

  • ABBY - 15 years ago


  • quincy girl - 15 years ago

    Go Phelan!! We need him back to get this city in order. Koch is nothing but a liar. I agree....why doesn't his kids go to school in quincy?? Not good enough for his kids? You're right Pat if he so concerned about catholic school, sacred heart is right around the corner from where he lives. Give me a break, get Koch out of here!

  • pat - 15 years ago

    lan, and donna....Why not sacred heart? why milton?

  • John - 15 years ago

    the fact that Kochs children do not even go to Quincy public schools must tell us something. That he does not give a crap about the Quincy schools. Will he fight for the Quincy schools if his kids do not go? My answer to that would be no. The Quincy public schools are great because of Wink. Because of Wink's hard work on the special ed program in Quincy, my child with Autism is doing so much better. (Thank you Phelan) What has Koch done?

  • John - 15 years ago

    look where Kocks signs mostly are. all over the rich parts of quincy. they don't care if they pay more taxes!!! they have IT!! All up and down Adams st.!!! Gardiner rd.!!! IF YOU ARE A HARD WORKING QUINCY PERSON THATS TRYING TO RAISE A FAMILY, AND DO THE RIGHT THING, VOTE BILL PHELAN!!!
    HE WILL PUT MONEY BACK INTO YOUR POCKETS AND WILL NOT ASK FOR IT BACK!!!!!!!!! ha ha ha Ya, how do you like that one! Kock gave all the city workers a raise, then went back after he realized the city couldn't afford it and asked for 3% or more back cross the board. the teachers should just work for nothing ASSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!

  • Truth in Print - 15 years ago

    Bill has integrity ?

  • Susan - 15 years ago

    Lan and Donna: People send their kids to private school for a variety of reasons. Tom Koch is Catholic and wants his kids schooled in the Catholic faith.

    Phelan is not going to get in he is a very angry man and he does not tell the truth.

    People your taxes were raised because of Wink! He screwed up the city budget.

    Mike: Koch did not get his first job from Phelan.

    God help the city if by some miracle Wink becomes mayor again.

  • john - 15 years ago

    Tom Kock your an ass!! My parent's had to move out of quincy. Your TAX INCREASE was to much for their pocket's to handle! Thanks to you my kids, their grand kids, have to sit in a plane for 3 hours to go and see their grandparent's!!!!!!! Heartless ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • women in charge - 15 years ago

    Phelan has no class was that the finger you gave to Koch, you are such a loser.
    GROW UP you are so immature and you want to be the mayor bye bye

  • Donna - 15 years ago

    Yes, Kohn has character alright....a cheating, lying, sleezy, character!!

    GO PHELAN. He will get us back on track. I'm tired of him trying to take credit for the many good things that Phelan started and just never got a chance to finish.

  • Man in charge - 15 years ago

    Why let the boy ruins the city when you have the man, Phelan, who will be in charge soon !! Go Phelan.

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    Honeywell was a big lie that Kock wanted to run on. It backfired into his face. He came into office oweing people favors and thats never a good thing. He got his first job from Bill and then ran against him. He has no loyality and is a backstabber. He also has no college degree. How can you run a big city and not have a college degree? The Wall Streat Journal gave Phelan an A+ when it comes to running a city! We are moving backwards, and people who dont deserve things are getting handouts from our tax dollars. It is time to get Bill back. Koch had his chance and did an awful job. And as a resident of Germantown, i am angry. In two years nothing has been done in my community. Flash lights were used as street lights on the Taff. courts. Its awful, and the man doesnt care about you. He cares about the people close to him, and himself. Get him out office, hes not right for the job!

  • RBrown - 15 years ago

    I will be voting for Phelan. Koch raised our taxes without making a single tough decision on the budget. If he gets back in, there will definitely be a prop 2 1/2 override in the near future. He has blamed every problem on Phelan. There is something about that smug little grin on Koch's face that I fine extremely annoying. I don't trust him.

  • plumberone - 15 years ago

    This race comes down to one thing:" CHARACTER ". Therefore Tom Koch wins by a landslide.

  • Taxrelief - 15 years ago

    Karl Rove politics won't work here Tommy Taxes, you and your band of thugs will soon be gone!

  • louise - 15 years ago

    Go KOCH -- obviously Phelan needs ANGER MANAGEMENT THERAPY.......

  • gonefisin - 15 years ago

    Go Koch!!!
    Honesty and Leadership in government not lies and deception

  • gonefisin - 15 years ago

    Go Koch!!!
    Honesty and Leadership in government not lies and deception

  • Donna - 15 years ago

    Phelan is honest and sincere and cares about our Quincy schools. His children are all enrolled in the public schools. Guess Quincy schools aren't good enough for Kock's kids seeing as they attend private schools. Do you really think he's going to know what's going on or support our teachers and children? Can't believe a word Koch says!!!!

  • Lan - 15 years ago

    I can't trust our current mayor Koch if he stay longer in the office. We don't like him raised taxes, laid off teachers. He doesn't support Quincy public school. As you see his own kid(s) didn't go to school here. Yeah he promised that he'll send his kid (s) in NQHS next year. Why decide now?

  • Theresa Jones - 15 years ago

    Vote for Tom Koch a good and honest man.

  • baldk9 - 15 years ago

    Hey Joe was Phelan giving you the finger at the debate?

  • Joe Lowry - 15 years ago

    Bill Phelan stands up for the city of Quincy's taxpayers. He will fight for our city and schools and will make this city great again!

  • kidfish - 15 years ago


    Quincyboy--There was no deadline and if you watched the finance meeting the other night you'd know that Koch lied about Honeywell.

  • Barb - 15 years ago

    Bring Phelan back!!! He's honest, tells it like it is, and it's what we need!!

  • Quincy boy 74 - 15 years ago

    Honeywell and missing deadlines to receive money from the state to build the new schools and threating to merge 911 with police and fire could be putting all the citizens of Quincy at risk.

  • Oh Bruthah - 15 years ago

    So will PL again succumb to the double-talk and re-endorse Wink?
    Take a look at their 2007 endorsement: Spanked Phelan up and down, but still gave him the nod.

    So this year it'll be :
    " He says he'll do everything different this time, and we believe him... "


  • Slick - 15 years ago

    Bunch of Gangsters and cronies are trying to take back the city they lost to Phelan in 2001. Can't you see how currupt these guys are? $50 Million from taxpayers for a ship yard that was never built ... that criminal !!!

    VOTE PHELAN ... or join in their corruption

  • Bob - 15 years ago

    Go Koch. All the way again!

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