How would you grade the Kings' season so far?

1 Comment

  • brett howie - 15 years ago

    So far this year i have been very impressed with the team overall. That being said the special teams have been frustrating but i am confident that that will improve over time. the intangable that can t be measured, and this started last year i believe, is the fact that they are a TEAM. you can see the players believe in each other and that thier goal is within thier grasp. i believe this all started with the addition of stoll and green. they came from the oilers where every year there is the expectation of a run at the cup, abd the players are expected to deliver on that. bringing in smyth has only helped push our top young players to be better, not for themselves but for the team. i can clearly see the differance in every player putting on the jersey and believe that by the end of the year the kings will be in the top 4 in the western conference

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