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Which part of the Nokia in 2015 video excited you the most? (Poll Closed)

1 Comment

  • calvin chua zy - 15 years ago


    In my humble opinion, Nokia has always been the face for excellent mobile communications. I understand that from recent years, the focus had switched from telephony functions to multi-tasking and user friendly interface. The iphone had also brought about an increase of participation in cloud computing and apps store.

    As I mentioned above, the future had been "envisioned", at the speed of mobile evolution, it would be dangerous to take a 5 years plan ahead, when it had been envisioned. I think Nokia has everything to crave out their own terrain, just like how Nokia got into Symbian and Maemo. It is revolutionary, but the idea of App Store is so mainstream.

    Be Bold.

    Looking forward to N900 and all great products ahead,

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