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If you had a personal robot that could do only one thing, which ability would you prefer it to have? (Poll Closed)


  • Chuck - 15 years ago

    I agree Edward.
    It would be neat if the robot could be the actual transportation, an autonomous exosuit/mech like in anime. If it could hover above surface and come pick you up at your position - sounds better than any sexual fantasy i can think of.

  • Edward - 15 years ago

    @ Martin Fox

    Not all of us guys need artificial sexual companions, Mr. Lonely. Having a sex slave robot is slightly less shameful than owning a blow up Pamela Anderson/Antonio Banderas doll.

  • Barnaby Dawson - 15 years ago

    I chose chauffeur because I can't drive and a chauffeur would enable me to be more mobile without the need to learn to drive :D

    Housecleaning would be the second choice. Cooking I enjoy, paying bills can be done without a robot and a bodyguard is useless to me.

    For 'other' I considered that I might like a robot that could shop for me (but supermarkets do home delivery), I might like a robot that could do tedious paperwork for me (but online services are more likely to achieve that sooner) and I might want a robot that could entertain me (but I'm not really that bored).

    As for the remaining option it seems to me that a sexual relationship would only be meaningful with a highly intelligent, emotive and caring robot. In that instance, making it a sexual slave would be profoundly immoral.

  • Martin Fox - 15 years ago

    housecleaning ?

    must be a lot of female responses

    sex slavey is what robots are REALLY being designed for !

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