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Jindal attending Obama's White House dinner was (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 579

  • Citizen K - 14 years ago

    This poll was very closed end with only two options. That Jindal was there on behalf of Louisiana was a good thing. I don't think that his going to DC for this event is the same as his jetting around the country for fundraisers.

    By the way, with today's modern methods of communication, does he have to sit at his desk to get the job done at home? Instead should he sit through endless meetings where the group makes the decision so that all participants can defer blame?

  • JAO - 14 years ago

    It was a good idea. The state dinner was for the Indian prime minister. It was a nod to the fact that Jindal is the only Indian American governor.

  • Corey Olivier - 14 years ago

    i am by no means an Obama supporter but I don't think this was a bad idea. Let's stand against the Libs on policy not on small insignificant things like attending or not attending a State Dinner.

  • Amscray - 14 years ago

    What does hate have to do with it? He was electing to perform a certain tast, and it isn't to hang out at fundraisers with Washington insiders.

  • Michael - 14 years ago

    Really? Anyone who disagrees with Jindal or his neglect of his duties while galavanting around the state and country in an LSP-owned helicopter are "haters" and "idiots"?

    And the Republicans have the audacity to call anyone who supports Obama "cultists".

  • Laura - 14 years ago

    The Jindal haters are are showing their true colors as true idiots.

  • Pete - 14 years ago

    Jindal needs to quit flying around the country, seeking funds for his warchest; quit rubbing elbows with whoever can further his presidential agenda; and start working on this state - LOUISIANA -. Our problems are great, and need a great mind to start to repair them. It is obvious the legislators will not attempt to change the way political business here is done, so the Govenor should start showing the leadership we so desperately need. However, I don't see that happening - Jindal is a huge, huge disappointment to me and to this state. He is much like Obama - all talk and glitter, and no action.

  • john - 14 years ago

    he was probably the only repub there!

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