Who would you rather see on 'Good Morning America?'


  • kzoobob - 14 years ago

    Too much interest in celebrity in our society and media. I would not put he personal lives of either as a role model for youth. Neithers' private behavior is exemplary. Chris Brown has already violated the law and I predict it will only be a matter of time before Adam gets there. Both project egos that they are larger than life figures who do not follow the boundaries of acceptable behavior. Neither is worth the press or exposure they get. Both need to disappear from the public view.

  • Dee - 14 years ago

    OK... i am not a fan of women beaters... but lets be realistic... i am even less a fan of this dude adam... he isn't that good... he yells at the top of his lungs wears eyeliner and really wants people to talk about him... he will do anything to create a buzz... his performance was disgusting... it was shame to see a performance you wouldn't want a child to watch... it was nasty and inappropriate and down right low class... who is he madonna?... what is this truth or dare?... stop ur gross adam... do that on your personal time... nobody wants to see that.... janet gets an earful and is forced to apologize for her boob popping out?... and adam lambert...a nobody gets to feel up and make out with a bunch of dudes because we don't want to offend the gay n lesbo community... THAT WAS NASTY ADAM...

  • Jean - 14 years ago

    I believe it's ok for Chris Brown to be given another chance. It was totally wrong what he done so let me make that clear first of all. But I would like to know how many of you would want someone put in jail if it was your father, uncle, nephew, brother, husband or boyfriend? You would probably do just like Rihanna and take that person back realize others in the family would be very disappointed. Now Chris needs some therapy and hopefully he won't do this again. But after hearing that both he and Rihanna grew up with their mothers being abused explains why they both tolerate this in their relationship. It's sad because either you depise it or you tolerate it. It still doesn't make it right. But to condemn someone for life is just crazy. He deserves the chance to prove he's making a change. Now, if he does it again and the next girl tolerates it then who's making the bad decision in the relationship? You must leave if someone touches you! Period....

    Now Adam is kissing another man on the tv and it's suppose to be ok. But when Janet's breast was exposed by Mr. Justin Timerlake. Yes Justin's hand was the one that remove the flap covering her breast. She didn't remove it but was blamed for the entire scene. Everyone wanted Janet punished but no one wanted to blame Justin. Showing a breast is not as bad as kissing someone of the same sex. It would be easier to explain to a child the exposure of a body part since it apart of the human body. But not every parent wants to explain to their child or children why someone of the same sex is kissing on tv.

    But it's pretty normal in society today to see different parts of the body on all types of shows. Just because some parts of society is starting to except same sex relationships by showing them on sitcoms and talk shows, in the music industry and other area of media doesn't mean everyone is comfortable with it being displayed on tv doing a award show.

    Remember we live in a society that will not always agree with every thing others do or don't allow. Unless you own the tv stations or show just go with the flow and be QUIET....We as a people are never happy about everything and it's not going to change!

  • Sharon - 14 years ago

    I am just wondering if anyone posting comments here has seen the 15 videos on Rolling Stone site? Adam's is #1. But it's more compelling to start from #15 and work backward. I swear after seeing most of the one's #2-15 Adam's looks like something you watch on today's soaps.

  • Anne - 14 years ago

    Sharon is absolutely right... woman beaters usually don't change. I'll spare readers the details but suffice it to say that I know this first hand. Adam admits that he got lost in the moment but he has nothing to apologize for, in my opinion. I just can't believe that ABC really believed that he would do a repeat performance on a breakfast show! That's about as ridiculous as their claim that Chris Brown's appearance was scheduled way before Adam's AMA performance, insinuating that Adam's appearance wasn't pre-scheduled! They must think people are idiots to believe that. To answer the question, I'd MUCH rather see Adam ANYWHERE than I would to see Chris Brown. He truly IS a jerk!

  • bf miller - 14 years ago

    How stupid is it to want a woman beater over a risque musical performer? ABC KNEW Adam would not give the same performance at 8am that he did at 11pm. ABC shoud give the felon(who in my opinion shoud be in jail for many years)the boot and invite Adam back to perform.

  • Frank - 14 years ago

    A woman beater or a fully-clothed sensual performance? ABC & GMA....where are YOUR morals?

  • Cari - 14 years ago

    The big difference here is Adam did nothing illegal. Chris Brown is a felon and Adam is NOT. I'm not sure why GMA doesn't see this. This is just about as, if not more, stupid than canceling his appearance in the first place. Shame on you GMA. Major Fail!

  • sharon - 14 years ago

    ABC is getting a lot of flack about it's double standard after thousands of people have contacted them about Chris Brown; asking why not Adam but why Chris Brown? Maybe ABC realizes how cowardly their decision was and is starting to regret it. All I can say is Chris Brown should go to jail for a long time cause if people think he has or will change they are sadly mistaken. Woman beaters never change and you can ask any woman that has been in a victim of a beater. Some have died at the hands of the Chris Brown's of this world, So ABC which do want a violent sociopath or just a wonderfully talented, handsome guy who just happens to be gay and made some so called sexual jestures on your stupid show? Personally I hate the awards shows cause they are so boring. Adam put life back into the AMA's thank God. For those who haven't seen the 15 videos on Rolling Stone site go there please right now and you will be shocked about past celebrities behavior, which most of it is much worse than what Adam did on AMA's just see for yourselves. Be sure to comment and read others comments too.

  • Lapoth513 - 14 years ago

    I agree with you 100 percent Eileen. As you can see Adam is a LOVER besides great performer not a beater. I will be his fan and still buys his CD.
    thats all i can say coming from an old grandma.

  • Eileen - 14 years ago

    OK, I'll be the first the comment! Great article!!!!! And, in response to your first question, other than the headline: No!!! Adam Lambert is not chopped liver!!! He is 100 percent prime top cut of the steak!!! Filet Mignon!!!

    I can't believe -- no, wait, I can believe it. It's called Ratings Wars. ABC is pissed about the CBS show with Lambert, so now it's trying to get the same attention. How childish!!! Hey, but it's great news for Adam and his fans! More publicity! I'm so excited about his future. He is an amazing artist and a wonderful human being! Go Adam!! I love you and I'm your fan forever!!!

  • Eileen - 14 years ago

    OK, I'll be the first the comment! Great article!!!!! And, in response to your first question, other than the headline: No!!! Adam Lambert is not chopped liver!!! He is 100 percent prime top cut of the steak!!! Filet Mignon!!!

    I can't believe -- no, wait, I can believe it. It's called Ratings Wars. ABC is pissed about the CBS show with Lambert, so now it's trying to get the same attention. How childish!!! Hey, but it's great news for Adam and his fans! More publicity! I'm so excited about his future. He is an amazing artist and a wonderful human being! Go Adam!! I love you and I'm your fan forever!!!

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