Has Mike Lowell been the heart and soul of the Red Sox for the last four years?


  • Mike LaMontagne - 14 years ago

    It seems as though everyone misses the point here... The true heart and soul of the Red Sox, as is the case with any team beyond high school sports, is the fan. And, I'm not talking about just the "Pink Hats" of Red Sox Nation. All fans. You can plug anyone in, anywhere, in any organization... The fans will make him/her loved or not, villified, or not. The passion of the fans dictates the actions of the organization, the rabidness of the local media, the success or failure of the economy of the "venue-related" businesses in the area. Any thoughts about how much revenue this web-site brings to the Red Sox? Obviously, we're all reading it 6 weeks after the season's end.
    When our boys lose, I have a bad day the next day...
    When a Mike Lowell leaves, part of me leaves with him...

    I am the heart and soul of the Red Sox... and I have a lot of friends.

  • kevin laplante - 14 years ago

    harold campbell, you rock. your a true redsox fan who understands its alittle more than just the game being played. yes, we all want to win championships but you gotta have the right core of people. Mike Lowell was just that.{KG for the celtics and marc savard for the bruins} teddy for the pats} they are all true leaders who play for the love of the game not the love of money.

  • Harold Campbell - 14 years ago

    Mike is the type of team member you want to have. Steadfast, always giving, never complains publicly, tremendous persona, productive even when injured, always upbeat, lifting team mates, on and on and on.

  • alex - 14 years ago

    how can u say that lowell brought the sox to the playoff without him
    the sox would s**k

  • ********** - 14 years ago

    i dont think lowell is the heart and soul. to me the heart and soul should be the best player and lowell hasen't shown that he's the best.

  • Sandra - 14 years ago

    No one player is the heart and soul of any team It takes all the players to make a team.

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