Which player would you most like to see on the Red Sox in 2010?


  • Hey-Oh - 14 years ago

    Timmy Tim Tim,

    I noticed you left out the Mets and Cubs, both of whom had higher payrolls last year. You can also include the Phillies, Tigers and Angels in your rant there as they are a 7-10 million from matching the Sox. Which is about a single veteran player contract.

  • The other Tim - 14 years ago

    Mr. Red Sox 2010,

    I don't know where to begin.

    - Mig Cabrera is not a free agent for YEARS so you can't sign him, and he has been playing first (because he wasn't that good at third), so no idea why you would put him at SS. Putting Terry Francona at SS makes as much sense as that foolish thought.
    - Ortiz for Gonzo? Why would the Padres pay 2.5X as much for a guy who can't play the field (never could) and is 7-8 years older. AND trade their most popular player for him while getting nothing good in return...since Ortiz is a free agent after this year.
    - Lowell for Happ is just as big a pipe dream. Lowell costs 12 million, is getting on in his years and Happ is a top pitching young arm. And then you want to use a guy who won 12 games with a great ERA last year as a SET-UP man AND use Bucholz and Wake as a MIDDLE reliever...while spending millions on Bedard, who hasn't even proven he can stay healthy enough to ride the bus let alone
    - Then we come to trading Dice-K and prospects for Felix. Discounting the fact that Felix was probably the 2nd best pitcher in the AL last year...Dice-K is expensive, and to many teams not 100% reliable. The prospects won't make up the difference.

    Turn off your computer, please. You're either trolling or you know absolutely zero about sports. Yours was the most rediculous post I've seen in a long, long time which leads me to believe you are just joking around.

  • heyheyhey - 14 years ago

    i agree with steve mike lowell is awsome

  • someonewhoactuallyknowswhattheyaretalkingabout!! - 14 years ago

    mr sox 2010,

    first of all miguel cabrera isnt a free agent so therefore you cant sign him
    second WHO IS GOZO? DO YOU MEAN GONZO???THERE is no way in he11 the padres would trade gonzo for big crappy
    third there is no way in he11 the phils give up happ for lowell are u kidding!?!plus the phils ALREADY signed placido polanco to play third base


    it is impossible to trade jason bay because HE IS A FREE AGENT


    if the team doesnt make all of the money they say they will pay the players the players dont get the money.UNDERSTAND??? IT IS ALL REVENUE

  • jacob - 14 years ago

    No way we trade Ellsbury or Bucholz! They are part of the future! You can resign Jason. C'mon! Sit down with him (or his agent) and come to terms. You know they want to. Boston's a proven winner. I have a lot of respect for Mike Lowell and am saddened to see him "twisting in the wind" the way he is. He deserves better. Go, Red Sox in 2010!

  • wags - 14 years ago

    I agree with Theo's approach.... improve the defense, get too much depth in pitching, and don't over-spend for players like Bay. I would love to have Bay remain in Boston. He was offered a more than fair deal, which he rejected. My trust is in Theo.

  • steve - 14 years ago

    Mike Lowell is awesome

  • JACOBY ELLSBURY FAN - 14 years ago


  • Nicole - 14 years ago

    Mr. Sox 2010--if Theo swings those trades, I'll eat my computer.

  • Devin - 14 years ago

    why trade bay.i will miss him if he gets trade.yankee is a loser suspend that team for life

  • randy - 14 years ago

    your crazy to get rid of bay !!! the problem was replacing manny , we did it 10 times over , hustle , batting , & team spirit .

  • mr sox 2010 - 14 years ago

    my choice to help us is .... get gozo trade oriz for gonzo to free a ill more money trade lowell somewhere else maybe to the phils for ja happ resign beckett and v-mart both to 6 year deals then sign migel cabrara move either him or scutaro to 3rd and the other to ss then go for bedard for a 4 man then trade dice k, kelly, bowden and 1 more prospect for king felix of the mariners then the rotation is 1 hernadez 2 beckett 3 lackey 4 lester 5 bedard then ur setups are ja happ and okajima then ur closer is well you know him.... paplebon and bard ramon ramierez delcarmen,ramon a ramirez,boof bonser,wakefield,and buchholz are ur middle reilivers.

  • Harold Campbell - 14 years ago

    My choice is Jason Bay. The reason; it would cost too much for A Gonzalez. There is no way we should trade Ellsbury, he brings so much to the table. trade Bucholz, why? Our pitching staff has improved, do not decimate it. It appears we will need an outfielder, so what is in Pawtucket or elsewhere? Pick up an outfielder for the next year and develope minor leaguers. They say that they are professionals, then an outfielder should be able to adjust to left, center, or right.

  • al w - 14 years ago

    Timmy...it's a business!! If your business is profitable, you reinvest to maintain the bottom line. The Red Sox...and the Yankees...are profitable and they use their income to maintain a strong product. What would you like them to do with their financial resources? From the bottom line of your comment, sounds like you'd like to receive a check from the Red Sox if you're unfortuante enough to be among the "suffering". There are complaints that teams receiving revenue sharing aren't using their "unearned income" to strengthen their rosters. Thank goodness you can't say that about the Bosox. Hope they go after Adrian Gonzalez...he would put the Sox over the top in 2010.

  • Timmy Tim Tim - 14 years ago

    The Red Sox are starting to become the Yankees, when it comes to signing free agents. They gotta go after all the big names out there, & throw huge sums of $$$ at them. For all my life, I hated the Yankees, cuz they were all over paid whiners. Now I'm starting to get sick of the Red Sox, for the same reason. This is a bad economy, but the Sox & Yanks don't care. Let everyone else suffer, while the Sox & Yanks throw their $$$ down the drain.

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