Should Health Canada allow the addition of a cancer-fighting enzyme to junk food?


  • Blair - 14 years ago

    This is a significant discovery, and we as a nation should benefit from the science and the potential reduced risks of cancer. If Asparaginase can reduce production of a cancer causing agent by 90%, and there are no adverse affects of this additional enzyme, we should do it.

    I don't see this debate being similar to consideration of an additive to improve shelf life or enhance flavour. It is a simple case of modern science working to benefit humankind ...

  • Me - 14 years ago

    Enzyme Asparaginase

    The main side-effect is an allergic or hypersensitivity reaction. Asparaginase has also been associated with pancreatitis. Additionally, it can also be associated with a coagulopathy as it decreases protein synthesis, including synthesis of coagulation factors (eg progressive isolated decrease of fibrinogen) and anticoagulant factor (generally antithrombin III; sometimes protein C & S as well), leading to bleeding or thrombotic events such as stroke.


    Stop voting for stuff without research just cause you heard the word cancer.

    No. I don't want a stroke and I don't want it in my food.

  • Robert Clayton - 14 years ago

    Asparaginase - give me a break, is this a hairbrained scheme by a pharmaceutical company that produces Asparaginase? Look at the potential side effects.

    The main side-effect is an allergic or hypersensitivity reaction. Asparaginase has also been associated with pancreatitis. Additionally, it can also be associated with a coagulopathy as it decreases protein synthesis, including synthesis of coagulation factors (eg progressive isolated decrease of fibrinogen) and anticoagulant factor (generally antithrombin III; sometimes protein C & S as well), leading to bleeding or thrombotic events such as stroke.

    Why don't we hear the bad side? Is this another H1N1 hoax perpetrated on the public?

  • Kirk - 14 years ago

    Its about time we add something good into our food.

  • Jonathan McIsaac - 14 years ago

    I believe that it is the write and duty of Health Canada to provide people with the knowledge and effects of the ingredients that are in food products. However, I think that it is the right of the consumer on whether they purchase these. By adding this enzyme they are not solving the issue, only temporarly covering it. I would not want to be responsible for pretending this will prevent the cancer spread in these products. Health Canada should look at an alternative solution for this issue.

  • gerald kolsteren - 14 years ago

    We add everything to everything ....that's the flippin problem. It has been this way forever, yup, it will be forever and so will cancer, h1n1,and what ever else, the list goes on. In most foods, if you could remove 1/2 of the crap that shouldn't be there , you would still end up with less than what you started with. PS: Go Green.....or at least give it a try.

  • Betty Ursulak - 14 years ago

    We have more than enough additives in our food. Please, please, do not add more. It is so time consuming shopping for organic foods. So many foods have vitamins, preservatives, etc. added and even many of the unprocessed meats are being seasoned. Sodium in so many foods which certainly is bad for hypertension. Soft drinks are bad for you too. Health Education is the answer.

  • r. king - 14 years ago

    Don't add ANYTHING to anything.....leave food alone and also STOP adding the poison fluorine to our water system....DON'T mass medicate us.....R King

  • B. Connor - 14 years ago

    We're tired of "governments" determining what should be in our food products. Irradiating vegetables...(and what's in that wax on our tomatoes and cucumbers" among other things, all lead to undesirable food products. Let's get back to nature and stop interfering. Look to the changes in our food supply to explain a lot of the disease we are experiencing today.

  • Leslie - 14 years ago

    Why can't they bottle the enzyme and we can take it if we want to?
    I don't want any more crap in my food than necessary.

  • Old Guy - 14 years ago

    This is another case of using a sledge hammer to kill a flea.
    I read in the National Post that one would have to eat more than 8000 slices of bread a day, to consume enough to cause cancer.
    Comment on something, and there will always be a "useful idiot" around to suggest something extreme.

  • Dr. Janet Woods - 14 years ago

    I see that the majority of people so far are for this enzyme. They have no idea what they are agreeing to.

  • GinaGregorio - 14 years ago

    I think they should put enzymes in food, because if It helps with Cancer to prevent it yes. Too many people are dying of cancer now a days, or at least the ones I know. Cancer is a deadly disease, and I think its the food that more and more people are getting cancer. The fooods not just juk foods should get tested.
    Thank you

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