How do you feel about the Harper government proroguing parliament?


  • o. kay knibbs - 14 years ago

    The whole point is, they were voted to run the country and not take time of or fly around the world wasting tax payers dollar. Their salaries should be reduced by 3 months

  • o. kay knibbs - 14 years ago

    The whole point is, they were voted to run the country and not take time of or fly around the world wasting tax payers dollar. Their salaries should be reduced by 3 mponths

  • Phil - 14 years ago

    Just so you know, the bills in progress are not killed, they can/will be brought forward at the same stage that they were at when parliment was prorogued

  • Ralph - 14 years ago

    The opposition has been doing everything it can including misuse of the senates power to delay bills and then accusing the government of inaction. The only responsible choice Harper has is to delay those bills until he can change the senate and the bills have a chance of passing.

  • Dave Soulis - 14 years ago

    I votes as not having an opinion because I do believe Mr. Harper is wrong to once again prorogue government again within a 12 month period with the consequence that all bills in progress will now be lost and need to be be reintroduced all over again. I do believe a few of the NDP and Liberals are grandstanding to obtain public support on an issue of 3 years ago, specifically detainees captured by our military and handed over to the Afghanistan authorities. Whether this happened or not and despite international law, while the military handed over these criminals, they could not predict the treatment in advance. The responsibility lies within the Afghanistan government alone. No good will come of another useless million dollar inquiry at our expense given the state of our own economy. Liberals gain no support from the public on this issue and would like this topic to end now. Liberals to gain support need to provide constructive solutions to grow our economy at home. All that said, while I am against what PM Harper has done, it will not change my vote or opinion that the Conservatives are doing a better job than if the Liberals were in power. I'll consider the Liberals once they either formally charge Jean Chretien and the Government collects from him, the short fall in the Ad scandal or they as a party, make restitution by repaying the shortfall.

  • Phil - 14 years ago

    I don't see the big deal, All tbe bills can be brought forward, and the politicians are still working. Just the house is not sitting.
    Trudeau, Malroney, and Chretien all proogued parliment multiple times, its not a big deal.

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