How would you rate President Obama's first year?


  • John - 14 years ago

    Easily the worst president in the history of this country. Managed to double the deficit in a single year. He is trying to make the economy and country even worse with such ideas as cap and trade and national health care.

  • Paul - 14 years ago

    Reagan inherited a worse economy. 21% interest rates and 16% unemployment. Reagan turned it around very quickly.

    If I set out to bankrupt the United States I would:
    1. Go as far into debt as possible and then some. (TARP & Porkulus)
    2. Increase expenses are much as possible. (Health care).
    3. Regulate businesses with the goal of bankrupting them. (Cap and Trade)

    So far the Obama economic plan matches my plan to destroy our economy.
    God Help Us.

  • Diane - 14 years ago

    Live Free or Die Fighting

    I pray that those who supported this man and are blind enough to still support him, consider just a few of his wonderful number 1 presidential support of America. He wants socialism and has a twisted idea of America.

    Unreported by the mainstream media, President Obama just completed the anti-American trifecta:

    He’s the 1st president in 110 years (there have been 110 games in history) to miss the annual Army-Navy football game.
    He’s the 1st president EVER to not attend any Christmas religious service.
    He’s the 1st president to remain on vacation after a terrorist attack.
    How proud those of you who voted for this idiot must be!
    About 50% still support him. That says a lot. They want YOU to pay their bills.

  • Unable to retirer - 14 years ago

    Obama and Jimmy Carter are the same, so welcome to inflation and 17% interest rate and the call for a lesser live, what incredible distain for America and its people.

    For all of my life I have liked a two party system but Democrats (socialists) are making me rethink hoping for balance.

  • TaxpayingAmerican - 14 years ago

    I would have to say Obama has done nothing other than spend money that we don't have! He is so intent on passing Health Care that he has resorted to back room deals, late night votes (bipartisan no less). He has pledged transparency but has not delivered. He has pledged to unify this country; he has only divided parties and people more. He has appointed dishonest, incapable people as his czars. I am truly scared for the direction of this country and this state with Gregoire in the helm. We cannot continue to give everything to those not willing to work and contribute to society in some shape or form. We must look at our immigration system and stop future people from coming into the country who have no skills and cannot contribute to our society. We cannot continue to fund food, health care and housing for these people.

  • SM - 14 years ago

    I agree with Aimilie; Obama seems determined to replace our capitalistic economy with socialism and the fastest way to do that is to bankrupt the country first.

  • Aimilie - 14 years ago

    Quit giving the marxist excuses for his poor performance. In essence, the reason he gave HIMSELF a B+ is because he is INTENTIONALLY working to DESTROY the FREE America we have grown up in, and he IS doing a good job at bringing America down. He was hired by the world elites to do it, and replace it with a marxist/communist form of government. WAKE UP those of you liberal apologists before every one of your freedoms is gone.

  • ceil - 14 years ago

    he is the worst president in this century!. He is well on his way to ruining this country by socialism and handouts. He will not be reelect. Well, maybe Carter is the worst, so far at least

  • TimG - 14 years ago

    Other than win the Nobel Peace Prize for what they hope he will do, what exactly has he done? We do not have a new federal health care program (which is probably a good thing since it will add $1-3 trillion). We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    He claims to have saved of added 2 million jobs at a cost of nearly $400,000 per job with the stimulus package. Unemployment is still over 10% officially and using the second method over 17%.

    I like the guy (and voted for him) and the problems that we are facing were brought on by both parties. I am concerned that we are not solving the economy (debt) problem and we are increasing it at a phenomenal pace. When you find yourself in a hole the first step is to stop digging. We seem to have many that want to dig faster. Maybe not doing anything is not so bad after all.

  • Tracy Burris - 14 years ago

    So the results of this poll are the result of people taking the time to click and say something?
    Think about where we were a year ago.
    There is so much to fix, with a very vocal minority trying to preserve what Bush hath wrought!

  • West Seattle Sun - 14 years ago

    Barrack Obama had to build out his staff during the worst economic recession in history. There was no time to learn on the job. I feel he has achieved and delivered on his campaign promises to date. Including a Health Care Reform Bill which will benefit all Americans as they age and become more vulnerable.

    I am very impressed with his intelligence and leadership skills when compared to the previous administration and the choice of McCain/Palin.
    Wow did we dodge a global embarrassment.

    One year documented and three more to seal his legacy as the greatest president in US History.

    Obama 2012 will be another landslide victory since the Republican's have no answers and continue to disconnect with the US populous.

  • joe - 14 years ago

    Wow, Jim, how capitalist of you to say that.

  • Jim Morris - 14 years ago

    Is doing the best he can with what he was left with. Since capitalism runs the US controlling its negative effects is major task.

  • GIL - 14 years ago

    He is a natural born PREVARICATOR.

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