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For whom are you voting for U.S. Senate? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 2,333

  • Anne - 14 years ago

    I am a woman and a lesbian and I am voting for Scott Brown. You know it's bad when the gay/lesbian world is voting republican. I can't stand to see another democRAT win another election. I don't think this country can afford it, also I can't go to Canada because they are not taking anymore Americans

  • Chris - 14 years ago

    so glad to see a strong person running, no longer can a candidate with a D next to their name coast to victory!!!!!

  • Casey - 14 years ago

    Coakley spent the whole campaign blasting negative ads, and sent out pamphlets with outrageous lies. In the end, what do most voters know about her?
    That she will vote to stick the country with a health care plan that most Americans don't want and definitely cannot afford, filled with pork and payouts to different states to buy their vote with taxpayer money. That she spent a lot of time with lying ads about Scott Brown voting to refuse care to rape victims when all the vote said (also voted for by Ted Kennedy) that if your religious convictions were against abortion, you could not be forced to give someone the morning after pill, but would have to make arrangements for the patient to get it. Her response- "Maybe Catholics shouldn't work in emergency rooms!". I'll bet you most of her supporters can't even tell you what she stands for other than these 2 issues. Yes, she is a woman and a Democrat, but everyone should vote for the best candidate, not by party affiliation.

  • mwb - 14 years ago

    The most critical thing to make the dream of Brown winning is that we get out the vote. Do not be lulled in a false sense of security. If you really want the change in Massachusetts that is long overdue, go out and vote...spread the someone to the polls that may need a ride. Make Massachusetts a decent place to live in again. Let us lead the way in a revolution and return to clean politics and common sense.

    I for one am sick and tired of the do-nothing-good-ol-boy Democrat machine, through the bums out and here's our chance.

  • Bob - 14 years ago

    Back when Ali Obama was sworn in I was maybe the happiest Republican I knew. I was POSITIVE there would be an implosion in the Democratic party and it would create a swell of Conservatives at last waking up. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
    But all the ads associating Brown with Bush and Ali stating that it was all Bush's fault...This was the fault, 9-11!! what did it bring, High energy prices most of all and that is the key to a recovery. Never mind what Barny Frank did to the Housing market that is so very important to an economy to flurish. It's not rocket science. We hold the key but the Marxist regime wants to keep us dependent on them. I hope and pray for my Kids and Grandkids that Brown does the RIGHT thing..

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