What do you think of the proposed workplace and public place smoking ban?


  • Christie - 14 years ago

    We moved here from a community that was smokefree. You won't miss the smoke, really!!! My son is asthmatic and I am allergic to smoke. Going to a business where smoking is permitted is a problem. I know that we avoid businesses that allow smoking because it is a real health issue for us. I find it hard to believe that businesses would suffer financially if they didn't allow their customers to smoke in their establishment. In fact I think many smoking businesses would gain customers if they were nonsmoking.

  • Gofast - 14 years ago

    Mr. Enloe,
    I see your argument is freedom of choice. I'm going to assume that your thinking is that your freedom to smoke doesn't inhibit my freedom of breathing clean air? Using your logic, a freedom I like to use is swinging a baseball bat anywhere I choose. It may or may not hit you, but it's my freedom to swing, right? A bat to the head doesn't always kill, sometimes it just causes serious medical issues. So I'll make a deal with you, you can smoke within arms reach of me. Fair???

  • Kristen - 14 years ago

    I am a smoker and have been for about 4 or 5 years and all of my friends and family smoke also. i think that it is going against our rights for anyone to tell us that we cant smoke somewhere. the way i look at it is that if someone that doesnt smoke has a problem with it then dont sit in or around the smoking section of the resturaunt or wherever they are. its as simple as that. if you dont like it then go somewhere else. as for the people that say "It's a matter of public health, not just a choice. When a smoker chooses to smoke around others, then he/she is subjecting those others to the harmful effects" you should think about it a little bit more. im sure that if you had a habit like smoking that you would view it differently. because it is just that A CHOICE. we make the choice to smoke while we are waiting for our food or when we are done eating or even when we are having a conversation with a friend. you make the choice to go into a resturaunt that you know has an area for smoking inside of it...and god forbid that you go into the resturaunt you may even make the choice to sit close enough to that section that you can smell just for the fact that people like you like to sit as close as possible and try and start an argument or make people mad by commenting on the subject

  • cj - 14 years ago

    This is suppose to be AMERICA, we shouldn't have to be told what we can or can't do.

  • dsnytc - 14 years ago

    The next step, let us limit serving portions for overweight people because that is unhealthy too. Plus, just like some people don't like having to see smokers smoke, I don't like to see fat people eat.

  • Conservative4sure - 14 years ago

    Currently, restaurants must keep their refrigerated food at specified temperatures and they must meet standards for cleanliness to prevent food borne illnesses. Is this big brother, or is this setting standards for health reasons. Ask yourself, if a restaurant, bar or other business mixed dioxin in with the paint on their walls, would their doors stay open? Would you want to go there? If they blew asbestos in their walls and ceilings for insulation would that be their right and acceptable for their customers? Obviously, not, because we know dioxin and asbestos cause serious health problems as does first hand and second hand smoke. Like some others, I use to lean toward the freedom and rights argument, but when you study the research, this issue is clearly about health and health only.

  • william - 14 years ago

    for one i personally do not smoke. and as much as i don't care being around choking / thick clouded rooms of smoke, i still say smokers have the same right to smoke in public places.
    i know places that have the smoking ban on their property, however when a car gets dented on their parking lot, they say you park there at your own risk. so i say this, if anyone smokes in thier own car on their parking lot, are they breaking the "no smoking' rule?

  • reg - 14 years ago

    I hope that all of you who are in favor of the smoking ban are prepared to pay the tax increases that are about to brought upon us. When the smokers stop smoking, the tax revenues go down. Then the govt has to find a way to fill the tax void. i hope that you are ready for the new taxes. I am a non smoker and while i am all about the smokers having the right to smoke, it must be done in a conservative manner as that we can allow the people to be able to smoke and not infringe upon the rights of others. While the non somkers have rights too, we must all be able to live here in teh land of the free. With all of the changes comming, we are going to become the land of nothing but a dumbed down nation.

  • theoutlaw711 - 14 years ago

    I, mysef smoke so therefore i feel that i have a right to choose to do so just as u non-smoker have a right not to do so and u also have a right to choose not to go into a business that allows smoking or the right not to work in one. I have a hard time understanding why big brother has to pass a law and take away freedom. why not post in BIG BOLD LETTERS that u are entering a smoking area and then u make the chose of entering or working there Use your head and make the right choose to suit your wants and needs.

  • Chris Enloe - 14 years ago

    I dont care what law they pass,the last time i looked there was freedom of choice,so i will continue to smoke where i want,they can stick me in jail for it i dont care anymore.People want to live in a controled country then move to Russia-China-Japan or any country like theres and they will feel at home by BIG BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • gray - 14 years ago

    People that smoke ought to have consideration for those that the smell makes sick. First and second hand smoke has been proven to be a health hazard. People that want to continue to posion their bodies should have that right in my opinion but should also take in consideration those that don't want to be around smoke. So many don't care anything about other people and that is why a law is needed. If more smokers were more considerate of others there wouldn't be a need to add this law. Smoke all you want just keep it off my dinner plate!

  • fitgal - 14 years ago

    The proposed ordinance is NOT for outdoors, only enclosed areas, so William, you could still smoke at ball games. Just not at say a bowling tournament, or an indoor basketball game (which I don't know many sports places that allow that anyway!)

  • minnie - 14 years ago

    Without seeing what the city is proposing, the only problem I see is that all of the "bars" in town will become private entities. Therefore the city should ensure that if a business wants to become a private entity that they must charge a minimum of $100 a year dues. This SHOULD stop all of the people trying to get around the band from getting around it.

  • "D" - 14 years ago

    Dear Rolla Folks,

    I live in Indiana and several counties have been declared "smoke-free". I myself am a non-smoker and didn't really care if others around me smoked until I lost close family members and friends to Lung Cancer. Seeing what they, and our families went through changed my mind. And I have to say, it is nice to be able to sit in the "Bar" area of a restaurant that is not only separate from young children, but also smoke free.

    The older we get, the more we realize our time here is shorter and more precious. Smoking shortens our lifespans and quality of health.

    William sounds hostile about having to sit in his car to smoke. He should be glad he's still alive and able to attend such events.

  • schmad - 14 years ago

    It's a matter of public health, not just a choice. When a smoker chooses to smoke around others, then he/she is subjecting those others to the harmful effects.

  • william - 14 years ago

    i think private clubs and any place considered as "private" should not be forced to comply with the no smoking ban.
    personally, i feel like both non smokers and smokers should have the equal choice in doing business with whomever they wish and still enjoy their "habit" while there. no state, city or federal law should be forced on anyone in that regards. why should smokers be forced to smoke in their cars if they wish to smoke while out in the public. how would you non smokers feel about having to stay in your cars while your precious little angles are playing baseball, or at your favorite teams sporting event.

  • Sara Tamburrino - 14 years ago

    Another risk involved in being exposed to cigarette smoke is in the danger to babies, both before and after birth. It increases the risk of the death of the baby to SIDS or other sudden infant death by 2-3 times. I also would like to see a ban of smoking in all indoor public places.

  • damonadrienne - 14 years ago

    Glad to see you corrected the wording of the poll.

  • damonadrienne - 14 years ago

    The topic is actually for smoke free WORKPLACES. Shame on RDN for wording it the way they did.
    Why should people be allowed to smoke in an enclosed space where non-smokers work, dine, etc. The dangers of smoking and 2nd Hand Smoke are staggering. No one should be given a right to do something that can directly affect the health of others. Smoking and 2nd-hand smoke drastically increases your risk of cancer; heart disease & heart attacks; lung disease; stomach & bowel problems; peripheral vascular disease; hardening of the arteries throughout the entire body, including aorta, femoral, leg, neck, arm arteries; and kidney problems, just to name a few.

    Note, this is not biased data: The Center for Disease Control, National Institute of Health, Mayo Clinic, American Cardiology Association (heart doctors), American Medical Association (doctors), American Oncology Association (cancer doctors), American Lung Association, American Heart Association, American Association of Family Practice, and numerous others have data that backs this ban.

    Smokers, yes it's your right to smoke and deal with whatever health consequences you develop. It is NOT your right to subject others to the harmful 2nd-Hand Smoke. So go ahead and smoke, just do it at home, in your car, or outside away from building entrances away from the non-smokers.

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