Are you excited about the Olympics?


  • Claire - 14 years ago

    It's nothing but a political farce! A chance for the "mucky-mucks" to show off and the politicians to schmooze with their own kind, pretending everything is good when everything around us is falling apart! Have they got the courage to open their eyes and face the reality of what's really going on in this province?

  • Ian WC - 14 years ago

    My reading of some more comments on this subject, further confirms what I have heard on the streets and from my friends and family with very few exceptions....and that is....the people of BC, in very large numbers....are not excited or impressed by the hype and brainwashing they are being subjected to.
    Further to this, I am very disappointed and concerned, that no major media news outlet (Newspaper, TV or Radio) has had the guts to present exactly what possibly as many as 75% or more of British Columbians think of "Campbell's Olympics". This is obviously due to the fact that editors and producers are under orders from their publishers and owners to flood the news and airwaves with nothing but a positive spin. And we all know who looks after these publishers and owners and butters their bread.
    And here was me thinking we lived in a democratic society. This Olympic farce has certainly provided a lot of food for thought on that ideal if nothing else.

  • Jim - 14 years ago

    Our government bought $1 million worth of tickets to the venues. As the government is spending "my money", I'm pretty sure my ticket will arrive in the mail any day now.............

  • Don - 14 years ago

    As I have read all of the comment so far, the one comment does stick out is from Melvin McElree saying "it is a once in a lifetime chance to enjoy the hard workof the worlds amature athletes and all their hard work. There are coming so we should embrace the olympics." and at the end of the comments he said "Winers go crawl under a rock for a month!!!." well Melvin maybe you should crawl under your rock and grab all of the money you have been putting away for that riany day, and paid for all of the Olympic cost over runs yourself, because the rest of the people in B.C. can not be paying out of their pockets for any more cost over runs as is, and because of this we will all have a hard time keeping up with payong our owne bills, and putting food on the table, ect, WE ALL CAN NOT AFORE IT ANY MORE!!!!. So when you are watching the Olympics on your T.V., please make sure not to choke on any thing you are eating, and also put another pile of money on the fire to burn, because thats what the Olympics will be to us all burning up money like it is going out of style and the B.C. Liberal Government , and VANOC will allow this to keep on happening to all of the people in B.C.

  • Louise - 14 years ago

    Wow! After reading all the previous comments, it's nice to see I'm not alone! No, I am NOT excited about the Olympics. The games are NOT what they used to be, which is not a reflection of the athletes, but more a reflection on governments and politicians drawing attention to themselves! $$$$$
    Why should there be so much money spent on such events when there are so many people in the province and across Canada that can barely afford to live a meagre existence as it is. Let alone the climbing numbers of homeless people and families that are being overlooked for the sake of "the games"!
    Shame on our provincial government I say! Shame on Gordon Campbell!
    Try to take care of what we already have before adding millions, or billions more debt to the people in this province.
    Put the money towards much needed improvements in health care and education for the families and the children of BC.
    As for me and my family... No we are NOT excited about the Olympics. We have taken a broader look at the "big picture" and we don't like what we see.

    Louise - born and raised in BC

  • sue - 14 years ago

    I hope that our hosts will read the comments ... I am so proud to be Canadian and read the comments of intelligent, thiking folks, whether I agree with their positions or not. I do not however admire those who waste space in 'name calling'. Our province and country cannot afford to be hosting an expensive event that appears to be controlled by powerful organizations and big business. I wish somehow that the purity of the Olympics could be recaptured ... perhaps start with men's hockey. And winning GOLD isn't the only thing that should be applauded.

  • Patient - 14 years ago

    I am in the unfortunate postition of needing to get into/thru downtown in order to see my physicians and the traffic restrictions now in place make it extremely difficult for me to do this. Considering recent surgery, transit is not an option. As well I am having to come in from out of town.

    I don't think that Vanoc considered those of us in these kinds of situations.

  • Jim - 14 years ago

    A little sad that the results of this poll were not anounced on the noon news. Can we assume they will be made known to all the public, perhaps on the evening news hour? I hope Global isn't afraid to let the public know the truth.

  • Bruce - 14 years ago

    Ray, clearly you are outnumbered here. Also those of us who are outraged by this party for the rich and famous, are simply stating fact. I am successfully self-employed (20 years) and largely conservative by nature. As are my friends and neighbors. I was raised in the Dunbar area of Vancouver at a time when affordability for things like homes and Canucks games were possible with one income This is far from the brush you use to paint us all as leftist, success hating people. I think you need to wake up and see what is "really" happening. People like you strike me as complacent and accepting of infringement of big business and government on our well-being and quality of life. Perhaps it has all happened so gradually or you are too young to realize what is really going on here. Also, you need to realize that it is ok to voice negative opinions on this issue without being called a lefty socialist, as I for one am not one.

  • Ian WC - 14 years ago

    In reply to "RAY" above. I am far from being left-wing, sad and depressed, a 'tag' people like you take great pleasure in laying on anybody who disagrees with your point of view. In actual fact, I moved from a left-wing controlled environment and you haven't a clue as to what your talking about if you think the anti-Olympic protests represent anything like that.
    The main reason I find the majority of folk who are against Campbells' Olympics, is just that. "Campbell's Olympics"....pure and simple. No opportunity to vote on whether they were wanted by the people of BC, the Premier knowing full well that it they would be turned down flat, but still he rammed them down our throats.
    If there had been a proper referendum, all this disagreement, turmoil and discussion wouldn't even be taking place....just like the event itself.

  • Terrie - 14 years ago

    Come On! Where's the patriotism?????

  • Martin Rose - 14 years ago

    Ray regarding your comment about us who do not support the games, we should move to some place where we have something real to complain about, you must be talking about the Vancouver Eastend. You must have been born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Maybe you should spend some time in the eastend to see the travesty the games are perpetuating

  • Helen - 14 years ago

    Most of us in the rest of BC and Canada, for that matter, didn't get a chance to vote whether or not we wanted the Olympics. The high costs of going to the Olympics makes attending it unattractive or even unattainable for the majority of the population. And the thought of not only us, but our children and grandchildren paying higher taxes to pay off this event, that only lasts 2 weeks, makes us all want to pack up and move to Alberta!

  • Judy - 14 years ago

    Hi I appreciate all the hard work our young people put in. However the true meaning has truly been lost in $$$$$ signs.
    I believe the rings should be replaced by the dollar signs it would have a true impact for sure. I am getting really tired of hearing that there is so much free stuff for us to enjoy . My question is who is paying and where do they get the money from?
    My anger began when they those at head office started out in nothing but the best real estate for offices.
    Vancouver is closed as far as I am concerned. When I see and hear about people who are one paycheck away from homelessness and I hear that even some of the athletes will not stay at the village well that burns me even more. If we made some of the decisions being made for this event in any other business I am not sure we would have a job. There is not a bottomless pit in B.C. The money being spent on manners and what to wear is way out of line. I guess you now know how I feel. NO NO NO NO
    I will be renting a lot of Movies during the event as it will be shoved down our throats until it is over.

  • Gwenn - 14 years ago

    Government does what government wants. Ordinary people, (the tax-payers) do not matter. Most ordinary, "regular-Joe" people can't afford the tickets, and yet we're the ones who will be paying for this for so many years to come!
    I also agree with the comments made about the extra expense of trucking in snow! Who gets to pay? WE do!
    Olympics don't mean the same thing that they used to. What's to get excited about?

  • Mark Edwards - 14 years ago

    Hello... I would like to thank you for doing this poll .Why on earth did british columbia not get to vote on the games ( only the city of vancouver ).This type of disrespect for the majority of b.c residents is so common we have gotten used to it ...What a shame ...I am a person with a disability i am also a single parent of 1 struggling on $900.00 dollars per month.I am terrified i might say or do something wrong and get cut off social assistance and be homeless .My utility bills and household bills are pilling up The food bank is emty,my doctor appointments are scheduled months away.If it was not for my friends and family well god knows....It sure wish i was as important as an athlete .Strange how we must tell our kids it is just a game don't take it so serious.The olympic games is teaching our children the wrong message so is the government by giving vanoc a blank cheque in such hard times shame on you all who support such a waste of other peoples money i still don't know what to say to my son i want to teach him that his voice will be heard but how how how ....:( :(

  • Tom - 14 years ago

    How do the ski hill operators figure they have lost revinue because of the olympics? It's a poor snow year, remember, and they wouldn't be having a good year anyway. I figure anything they get from the olympics is a bonus. The taxpayer isn't responsible for them having a bad year.

  • Ray - 14 years ago

    Anti-Olympics people are a sad, depressed and negative bunch. I have been to a few past Olympic cities and the people who lived there during and after their games had nothing but praise for having hosted the games. I was born and raised in Vancouver and I have seen this left-wing, anti-everything, success-hating culture emerge over the past 20 years and it makes me sick. Why don't you losers move somewhere where you have something real to complain about?

  • Ian WC - 14 years ago

    Why should I be excited about something that, for a start, is taking place hundreds of miles from where I live? Why get excited about something that I couldn't afford to go to even if I lived in the Vancouver area (like hundreds of thousands of other who do and still haven't the means to do so)? Why should I get excited about Campbell's Olympics when, as a taxpayer, I will be paying for them for years to come but will be fed a pack of lies and twisted facts about them being 'a huge success'?
    No, I am far from excited my friends.

  • Lee - 14 years ago

    Opps.. I meant

    10. Female Ski Jumpers not permitted to jump; and the male jumpers for NOT supporting the female jumpers

  • Bree - 14 years ago

    Since when are NHL players amateur athletes? And if the Olympics are going to do wonders for Vancouver why is Vancouver laying off teachers and closing schools, cancelling surgeries, ending community programs and laying off city staff?

  • Elaine - 14 years ago

    I wish people would stop griping and complaining. THis is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If we are paying for the party with tax dollars you might as well enjoy it. I plan to take my daughter to as many free events as possible. WHo care about the traffic, the line ups - take it all in stride and enjoy. Life is way to short to sit around and complain.

  • Bruce - 14 years ago

    Melvin Mcelree, clearly you are too young or naive to remember when prior to Expo 86, Vancouver was a relaxed, friendly and affordable place to live and raise a family. It has since been hijacked by big business in bed with incompetent governments. This has clearly caused a serious decline in the standard of living for most (housing prices, congestion, pollution etc..) I would love to know how it has all benefited you. I guess you must be part of the new elitist class.

  • Dean - 14 years ago

    A complete and total waste of money. Unless you are or were a developer (note: Jack Poole and Gordon Campbell) you will see nothing but cutbacks and higher taxes while the elite enrich themselves on the fat of the land.

    I hope they have fun, we paid for it.

    They are leeches and nothing more.

  • Bruce - 14 years ago

    I (and everyone I know) am disgusted by the financial recklessness of Vanoc and the Liberal government. Lack of snow at Cypress is only part of the karma they deserve. Oh well.....I guess all they have to do at Cypress Mountain is throw more $$ at it. Shame on all of you! They will not get one red cent of my hard earned money. This is my personal protest and promise! My kids and theirs will be paying this travesty off! Shame shame shame!!

    Never again!

  • Lois Enns - 14 years ago

    If you people believe these Olympics will ever pay for themselves you are dreaming,and if you believe all the hooey about humans causing global warming how do you justify all the extra exhaust of those trucks hauling snow from Manning Park?

  • Lee - 14 years ago

    DeeJay Randene asks me: What are your 10 Reasons for not being excited about the Olympics?

    10. Female Ski Jumpers not permitted to jump; and the male jumpers for supporting the female jumpers
    9. Our government buying tons of expensive event tickets.
    8. VANOC’s Double Standard “No Smoking” rules
    7. VANOC vs the Handwarmer Flame Logo guy
    6. VANOC changing the way it will calculate the size of its carbon footprint
    5. the Olympic costs top $6,000,000,000.00
    4. 700% increase in garbage downtown
    3. Yes we can legally protest in 'protest zones' but they won’t tell us where those zones are
    2. Now they are trucking in 300 loads of snow from Alison Pass - 500 kms round trip
    NUMBER ONE REASON: $1 billion dollar military zone - originally budgeted at $175m - The total cost of security is more than VANOC’s initial assessment of what the Olympics as a whole would cost.

  • Melvin McElree - 14 years ago

    I think it's a once in a lifetime chance to enjoy the hard work of the worlds amature athletes and all their hard work. There coming so we should embrace the olympics. Ater Expo 86 Vancouver has improved 100%, the 2010 olympics will do even more for Vancouver and British Columbia. Winers go crawl under a rock for a month!!!

  • Jim - 14 years ago

    A total waste of taxpayer funds, that only the "already" fat cat merchants will bennifit from. SAD, SAD, SAD.

  • Ron Nanaimo - 14 years ago

    I'm so excited about the Olympics that I'm leaving the country.

  • Jordan Clark - 14 years ago

    How on earth can Vanoc make a binding agreement with Intrawest to pay for any lost revenue the mountain faces but the tax payers pick up the bill? Since when can a private corporate sign a blank check that the public has to pay?

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