What did you think of today's protest?


  • bc_rick - 14 years ago

    I think the truly honest people involved in the peaceful protest who want to get their message out, should turn in the people who are out to ruin it by turning it into a violent protest and demeaning their cause.

  • Stefan Simon - 14 years ago

    Who on this earth could ever sympatize with these stupid masked primitive low lifes, criminals and cowards??? They showed how dangerous and destructive they are. The VPD showed unbelieveble restrain and patience. As soon these punks started destroying properties, threatening and attacking bystanders the police should have come out swinging their batons with a little more force a making sure they remove and arrest the leaders of this group of IDIOTS. Let's hope they will be made to pay for all the damages they caused.

  • Leo - 14 years ago

    Ghandi wasn't afraid to show HIS face! These guys are goons.

  • Rob - 14 years ago

    Protest shmotest....it's an excuse for vandalism and thuggery. If you dislike the Games fine - but do not try to prevent others from enjoying or partaking of what is going on. The dizzy girl who identifies herself as an organizer for the "resistance network" feebly tries to distance herself from any mob activity after encouraging it, and then weakly tries to say destruction of property and intimidation is not violence because it isn't directed at a person. I suppose if someone were to smash the windows on her home, vandalize her vehicle or chase her from the street she would still stick to the philosophy that this is not violence and therefore no harm is being done? On Friday there was a small girl on the news, in tears after the torch relay along Commercial was diverted by protesters. When she grows up her memory is not going to be one of a group of people speaking up for the minority or the disenfranchised...it's going to be of a day when she was full of hope for participating in something special but was instead frightened to tears by a mob of idiots. It's astonishingly ludicrous to hear a bunch of predominantly white kids chanting "No Olympics on stolen native land" when the four host First Nations are themselves active participants. The city is sick of these stupid, stupid people.

  • Sherry - 14 years ago

    These protestors do not gain respect for their cause in anyway. They are nothing but low life trouble makers whom I would guess don't work at anything else but being professional protestors and rioters. Why are you afraid to show your face? You are cowards. I applaud the police for their patients - a lot of people condem them for not doing enough but when they take more action then people are complaing they use to much force. They just can't win. I was downtown Friday night enjoying all the festivities and felt very safe and thankful for all the police on the streets, keep up the good work.
    For all you protestors give it up for now, the games are here and not going anywhere. By the violence and cowardly actions you have shown today you have hurt any point you might be tyring to make and have turned the public against you.

  • Fred - 14 years ago

    At this point it is pretty clear these idiots are just a bunch of the usual wilfully unemployables that pretend to care about current societal issues as an excuse to commit crimes. As of today they have proven they are nothing more than petty criminals. This is BC we all expect the usual assortment of fraudulent morrons portraying themselves as legitimate protestors. So, my beef is with Global News, who as noted on line and on air have placed these common petty criminals as a lead news item. On a day when thousands of good people are doing great things, when a brave Canadian Soldier died, when Canada won its first medal, when hundreds of people danced in unison on Robson St to celebrate diversity, the best Global could do is pander to the petty criminals. I'm sure somewhere else in the province today some misbehaved bed wetter also broke a window. Why not report that. It's pretty clear from the comments on this board and others the public is fed up with this bunch of thugs, thugs that Global provides a forum for above all else. Even when I thought you news cast was over you still had to pop back on with one of your news alerts, of course that was about the protest earlier in the day. Too bad you missed the great medal run on the womens moguls, or any one of thousands of other relevant stories. But you chose a bunch of illegitmate frauds claiming to be protestors. Let's hope your editors show up to work for the rest of the week.

  • marilyn - 14 years ago

    they are just a bunch of bullies with nothing better to do than cause trouble or "professional protesters" that just want to cause a disturbance. i would have no problem with the police locking them all up for the duration of the games. we need to keep our streets safe and free from the fear these masked goons are trying to generate. even if they had legitimate concerns they wanted heard they have lost all credibility with these violent acts.

  • Mark - 14 years ago

    I am absolutely apalled by the actions of these few people. We are blessed to be living in this great country. For us to host the World at these Olympic games is our opportunity to show how diverse, open and receptive we are as a nation. The action of these few people is unexceptable and should NOT be tolerated. They DO NOT represent what we as a community, province, and country stand for and as such should be given NO media coverage because this only fuels their ignorance. They did commit a crime when they obstructed the public, damaged vehicles and private businesses and as such should be charged and jailed so that hopefully they will understand that while we are a tolerant province of ALL peoples rights, that we DO NOT support this agressive action and DO NOT want to see it in our city. For you, the media, please stop giving them any publicity, they DO NOT deserve it. Police, please use as much force as necessary to stop this out of control behaviour and check to see if these individuals causing the trouble are Canadians, if not, kick their ass out of our country, we DO NOT want them here.

  • Mr Canada - 14 years ago

    Send all the "protesters" to Afghanistan. Kill 2 Birds with one stone. Our soldiers could use them as decoys. They could protest the Taliban and Al Queda, lure them out, then we would be able to get rid of them both.

    Ahhhh, in a perfect world. I do think the laws need to be tougher, and the Police need to be tougher on the violent ones. Lock them away until the end of the games. We are losing brave Canadian soldiers when these punks do not even know how good we have it here. If they don't like it they could leave. It is a free country.

  • MichaelV - 14 years ago

    All these low life idiots are not protesters, they're all low life vermins, the lowest of the low. If this kind of riot happens again why doesn't the police use that white noise machine that they purchased for millions of dollars. And why only 7 arrested when there are hundreds of them, they should all be arrested and put in jail until the Olympic game is finish. Post their faces on tv, internet, and all the social networking sites. Humiliate them. As much as I'm against police tasering people, all these hooligans should get tasered where the sun don't shine.

  • Joe - 14 years ago


  • warren - 14 years ago

    why call them protesters if they cover their faces and damage property they are nothing but crimminals and hooligans

  • BCsportbiker - 14 years ago

    As a Canadian and downtown Vancouver resident, I support the rights of individuals to peaceful protest and to making their voices heard as part of their constitutional right.

    I am however appalled by the behavior of these black masked hoodlums. The damage they have caused in my neighbourhood is inexcusable and disgusting. I support ANY and ALL police force necessary to prevent this type of rampant disregard for private property and public safety.

    I note that some of them aren't even a) from Vancouver and b) from Canada. For those that are visitors to Canada - ship 'em back!

  • peacefulone - 14 years ago

    I believe everyone has the right to protest and stand up for what they believe in, it's our right as Canadians. I am not a supporter of the olympics however I believe in peaceful demonstrations, these kids are social retards in the true sense of the word, no one with any degree of clear thinking would or will support them in their actions, openly or privately.
    They should take note of the protests of the sixties and their sucesses sans violence and social retardedness.

  • Christian - 14 years ago

    I do not agree or even like protests. Protests should not be allowed. These protesters are not human and deserve to be shot like dogs.

    I do not agree with homeless people either. They are also better of dead. In fact everyone on the DTES should be dead. I would gas all of them if I could. Stupid filthy DTES people are dogs. THey are disgrace to human race. I don't consider them human. If I could; I'd put them on leashes and run them like dogs.

    That's all they are. Stupid protesters are like dogs from DTES. here doggy here doggy!

    Now in the holocaust, the jews were good. But I have no problem with the Aryans putting these protesters to sleep with cyanide. They should all be beaten and their hands should be cut off. Their no better than muslim terrorists.

    If it were me, I'd drive through the protesters running over as many as possible like dogs. They are dogs. They have no education. They are a drain on society. They all take drugs. They do not deserve to live. They are less than human.

    They are a disgrace to the human race. Put them to sleep; filthy vermin.

  • GCL - 14 years ago

    When Is The News Media Going To Stop Calling These People Protesters?
    They are not protesters. We have seen protesters in the past. They SPEAK their mind and have a view point on a situation to convey.
    Call them what they are. VANDALS out for fun They are intimidating the average persons, destroying individuals property, business.
    The police seemed to have been very controled in there response.
    A few more should have been arrested and held responsible.

  • Outraged - 14 years ago

    Lets stop referring to these "people" as protestors - they are not - they are criminal thugs! The publicity they are receiving world wide is CERTAINLY NOT in their favour, but the reverse.
    Anoher point is - the rerouting of the torch at Victory Square on Friday - are these protestors (these seemed to be a little better behaved) completely oblivious of the point that the veterans waiting at the Cenotaph to honour the athletes and the Canadian military serving abroad and who were deprived of that right, are the very people who fought in World War II for the rights of us all to enjoy the freedoms we now have.

  • Paul - 14 years ago

    The masked morons are nothing but yellow livered cowards who as individuals would't dare say boo to a goose, the type that need to be with others to beat up a Woman or a Pensioner and at least one sniff of a barmaids apron to give them the courage. Such a shame that conscription was abolished because these pieces of human excrement could be drafted where they would learn discpline and how to respect people and property. At least this way they would be defending the rites of their countrymen and not destroying them.
    To hell with their civil rites, those are lost as soon as a mask is donned. Round them up, let the Fire service at them with a high powered hose and if the poor little things have a "traumatic" experience, (and what a copout that excuse is), tough, let them deal with it.

  • sparrow - 14 years ago

    I would suggest a new free Olympic event " Protester Watch" I'm sure these cretins would have second thoughts of doing anything destructive if the sidewalks are 10 deep with PROUD Canadians.

  • Mike Elgert - 14 years ago

    I have a problem with the olympic's but only because of the massive debt we in Canada, and especially BC will have to endure for decades to come, BUT, these people who call themselves protesters ARE NOT PROTESTERS, from what I saw arrested, are nothing more than a bunch of masked thugs. The Police have no problem tazoring someone when they are 4 on 1, if there ever was a need to use the tazor's it was today. This was not a protest, it was a mini riot. You cant tell me these punks are homeless, broke or anything else. They will go back to kindergarden on Monday and brag about the deeds they've done over the week end. I blame the police for not stepping in sooner, as isn't it a billion dollars plus being spent on security. These morons promised violence previous if I remember correctly, and security wasn't prepared. If these law enforcement people need some help, I know plenty of guys that would step up to the plate for nothing more than food and lodging.. I really doubt there would even be any need for a judge or jury for the aftermath either. Another thing I would like to know is how many of these idiots are actually from Canada.
    People in the north have absolutely no time for these concrete monkeys.

  • Karen Johnson - 14 years ago

    Wow - all you protesters sure showed us, eh? I'll bet your parents are very proud of you. As for the so-called legitimate protesters who allow these houligans to join them, shame on you. You have tainted your cause beyond repair. You wanted your concerns to be shouted to the world, but I'll bet after last night no one even remembers what you stand for, they'll only remember the violence so the houligans win, and you lose. I hear the word "entitlement" used a lot by you. An educated person would know that entitlement comes with a responsibility to use that entitlement wisely. You have not done that; far from it. Violence and property damage are not entitlements, nor is harassing people on the street. The worst of you have shown yourselves to be nothing more than cowardly losers with an appetite for causing trouble. If you truly believed in your cause you wouldn't cover your faces. I would bet that none of you even know what you are protesting about. You are just a group of idiots looking for trouble. I agree with many of the comments here that the police should deal harshly with you, and I hope they do. In the end, it's up to you. You do not deserve the freedom you so take for granted.

  • robert janzen - 14 years ago

    These hoods are nothing but toublemakers. The police should take a hard line and put a stop to this behaviour. Question to the Chief of Police,"If there were 200 hundred protesters why only 7 arrests?" There should have been two hundred arrests! Stop this nonsenence, my reputation is at stake.

  • Unimpressed - 14 years ago

    Ok, I am so proud of everyone here who agrees with me this was no protest but a cowardly act of violent criminal activity. I feel proud regardless of these few idiots who don't even have a cause as far as I could see except to act like a terrifying nuisance to the people who are really really loving the city and the effects of the games. Look around it's amazing and makes me so proud to live here. Did they not get the message, we're in a recession, we're the luckiest place on earth right now. These people should not get so much publicity, just a small blurb of the damage and then fill the news with the reactions of all the good law abiding citizens. I support the police but feel bad for them too, no one should be spat at. If it were me, I'd have put them down, the police showed restraint big time. I call out to all able bodied good proud Vancouver loving citizens to stamp out this violence, show them we're stronger and they are nothing. I live downtown and if my property is ever threatened the protesters will wish the police were around because I have a right to protect what's mine and I won't have a problem doing it and don't have to be concerned about image as the police do. And if I see someone else trying to protect what's theirs I will step in and help them do so. So I implore all you fantastic citizens of Vancouver to protect our streets and our visitors from such menaces. Remember they may have a right to protest but we have a right to protect ourselves, live free and enjoy our city without being intimidated or be in fear of violence. I love you all and Go Canada Go!!

  • Charlie - 14 years ago

    All this talk about Violent and non-Violent Protesters. These degenerates that played up today in Vancouver are just a bunch of troublemakers, That do not care about the homeless or any other social issue's.

  • Proud of our Olympics / ashamed protesters actions - 14 years ago

    For 3 or more years now I've see news articles and watched on TV the media supporting criminals and protesters. You are always talking about their so called rights (even when their actions infringe on the rights of others) and you constantly chastise the police. The police have tried to take a stand against criminal activity for years and they get nothing but negative publicity on tv and in new papers. Then tonight your journalists are questioning whether or not the police did enough. Shame on you. If the police had done what they should have done and arrested all of the criminal protesters this evening, journalist would have accused the police of using too much force or miss handling the situation. As far as i'm concerned we need to support people and the police who choose to stand up to criminal activity. We in the lower mainland have got what we deserve. I am not shocked that the protesters have become violent. They know our society won't step up and make them accountable for their actions. We have a beautiful province with wonderful citizens and if we're not careful we will loose it all.

  • . - 14 years ago

    Property damage and other violence is unacceptable.

  • Dave - 14 years ago

    If you are proud of what you are protesting uncover your face ... just a bunch of thugs and cowards. I wonder if the media didn't broadcast this, or show up for their "press conferences" would they still keep doing it...

  • kevin slichter - 14 years ago

    Todays violence is a perfect example to why the border guards should be given more autonomy to stop people from entering OUR country. This type of protest was not a result of police oppression. This was a calculated and planned attack on the the general public of our city and its visitors. We should organize pro Olympic rallies. I was never a Olympic promoter, but I am proud to showcase our city and Canadian culture to the world. Don't let these "people" ruin our event!

  • John - 14 years ago

    They have the right to protest. Peacefully.

    But what those black masked cowards did today was beyond words.

    How DARE YOU scare people in the streets. You fu**ing violent bastards. You have lost all my support for what anyone was protesting against.

    What they did today was terrorize the people of Vancouver and its guests.

    Get out of my City, and get out of my Country.

    And Vancouver Police, you dropped the ball today, and let us down. Flex the muscle that we entrust you with against criminals running wild in the streets.

  • sparrow - 14 years ago

    People who disagree with the Olympics do have the right to peacefully protest. The SCUM who hide their faces and do destructive acts and disappear into the crowd before police can react are the ones that have to be caught. I would love to see ordinary citizens grab these slack jawed mouth-breathers and hold them for police.
    From what I have seen none of the people protesting should have any say on how taxes are spent anyway. Most are at best university age and most likely attend taxpayer subsidized post secondary institutions. Others appear to be recipients of other forms of taxpayer funded largess.

  • John - 14 years ago

    Those protestors are a bunch of pathetic loosers who have nothing better to do than make asses of themselves and damage property and utter threats. We as Canadians need to stop them while they are trying to distrub a great event, grab them and put them on the ground until the Police can get there. They should change there name from Protestors to Cowards!!!

  • Wayne - 14 years ago

    Our professional agitator gangs seek any opportunity to smash and trash for fun and publicity from a constantly evolving list of "grievances". The media calling it "protest" is ridiculous. Anything will do as an excuse.
    Vancouver fully deserves the international reputation we will get because of our legal system's past tolerance of this kind of nihilistic behaviour and the undercurrent of political support and justification for it, much of it an extension of our love of drugs.
    Will a single thug be required to make restitution?

  • Leo Bonthoux - 14 years ago

    Those protestors that wore masks were there not to protest but to do damage. They are not there for the homeless and have done far more damage than they did good. A law must be made where by those that participate in a protest and cover their faces should face a minimum jail term of no less than two years. I agree with everyones right to protest peacefully and within the laws of our country. Those cowards that hide behind a mask are not protestors but criminals and should be dealt with as such.

  • Irwin H - 14 years ago

    Let's take back our city from these thugs. Maybe we should all merge on these protests & show these hoodlums that we don't agree with their tactics.There is strength in numbers..It's our beautiful city! Let's get it back. An eye for an eye!

  • lynn - 14 years ago

    i am dissappointed in the protesters today, i believe that anyone who participated in such an event should of been thrown in jail. Regardless if they marched peacefully, or they were involved in the vandalism directly,they are all responsible, and should so be judged the same.I think that the cowards that hid behind their masks should be made to remove their masks for all to see. I am hoping that the police force will become more aggressive with their approach to these animals. These people are cowards and are feeding off the crowd, together they feel powerful, but alone they are spineless.

  • L. Perpet - 14 years ago

    If you have a legitimate concern and want to articulate it in a respectful manner-people will listen. If you protest disrespectfully, damaging property, shouting profanities, and threatening innocent bystanders while cowardly hiding your identities-you will be perceived as nothing but ignorant thugs. You have not only disgraced yourselves, you have hurt those that genuinely need their causes heard. I feel bad for the protesters that truly want to make a difference. Today's group was nothing more than a pack of rabid animals.

  • sensible - 14 years ago

    Whilst "protest" organizers say they are not responsible for those who join their walk and then do damage, they are responsible for those they allow to join the walk in the first place.

    When someone shows up with their face covered, its pretty obvious they are not there to peacefully walk. If the protesters want to continue to have the right to protest, they must also take the responsibility to remove those mask wearers from their midst.

    They need to say - "if you are afraid to show your face, then you are not grown up enough to be on the same pavement as me".

  • Andrew - 14 years ago

    No more mr nice guy VPD. Anyone wearing a Balaclava and damaging public and private property should be dealt with as a terrorist and dealt with accordingly to the maximum of our laws. What will it take... an innocent bystander being killed by one of their weapons before we do something! We depend on our police to protect us, Like the Nike slogan says JUST DO IT! Our lives could depend on it!

  • Disgusted! - 14 years ago

    The great thing about Canada is we all have the democratic right to free speech. However, we don't have the right to cause property damage and assault others. Legitimate protesters do not cover their faces! Only those with other agendas need to cover up. Those that chase people and damage property are called thugs and should be charged! I would be curious as to whether the thugs are employed or rely on the rest of us to pay their way! How many of them volunteer or help the homeless or assist with handing out meals to those less fortunate? As for the police, it seems they can't win. They are either accused of going in with too much force or not enough!

  • Cyril Perpet - 14 years ago

    I totally agree with people protesting, but by doing these utterly stupid acts of violence and intimation you haved ruined any other legimate protests that will beneifit the causes that are important. I was in Vancouver last night in Robson Sqaure watching the opening ceremonies and it made my very proud to be a Canadian, but after watching these criminals trying to destroy what I have helped to pay for with my taxes makes me very embarassed and ashmed. You will not intiminate me or my family from enjoying the Olympics. Any of you violent protesters that are on welfare you did not even help to pay for the Olympics.

  • Josh Vandal - 14 years ago

    Got to love protesters hey? To me, it makes no sense whatsoever that the "protesters" would destroy property, threaten pedestrians walking by, and traffic. Do any of the above have anything to do with the Olympics...I don't think so. I agree with their origin of protest, the Olympics are costing us a f*ckload of money, and will cost us for many years to come, but when it comes down to: "Hey, I have a good idea, lets go smash business windows down on Georgia Street, and throw magazine venders around on the road, or...why don't we threaten peaceful civilians that are minding their own business walking by!" I do NOT support that in any way, I am against that to the fullest extent. As for the police, I find that they reacted quickly and efficiently, but what I do have to ask...where's the rubber bullets?!

    In the end, we have to put a stop to this riduculous "protests", known as recklessness and vandalism before it gets too out of hand.

    PS: I know my last name is Vandal, and I know I'm complaining about vandalism, but these to subjects have no relation whatsoever, my last name comes from the Germanic tribe.

  • Fiona - 14 years ago

    Protesting in a civil way to express social concern is one thing - this was NOT a protest - these people are hooligans and I'm sure if it wasn't the Olympics, they'd find some other excuse to vandalize and threaten. I'd like any one of them to tell me how overturning mailboxes, spray-painting cars and smashing windows expresses CONCERN for the wellbeing of our community?!

    Shame on every one of you masked bandits - I hope our guests from around the world don't think you represent Vancouverites!

  • Eric - 14 years ago

    $900 million spent on security and police can't effectively deal with a couple of hundred mouthy little punks.

    These "protestors" have been planning what they did today for months and have made clear their intention to be as disruptive as possible. And yet people are acting like what happened today was an unexpected surprise. No it wasn't. It was completely predictable and should have been dealt with by the police far better than it was.

    If the police don't get on top of this quickly, it's going to escalate into something even more serious.

  • Andrew - 14 years ago

    Considering the vast majority of the population may not like the Olympics but absolutely disagrees with disruption and violence the hooligans and terrorists have no right whatsoever to be doing this.

    Bring out the water cannon, bring out the taser and bring out the pepper spray

  • jeff - 14 years ago

    I'm feeling stressed about the slow police response, Hello! VPD do you know what you are doing! Letting a protester chase after a tourist. You have bear spray use it!

  • Fiona Sinclair - 14 years ago

    Protesting in a civil way to express social concern is one thing - this was NOT a protest - these people are hooligans and I'm sure if it wasn't the Olympics, they'd find some other excuse to vandalize and threaten. I'd like any one of them to tell me how overturning mailboxes, spray-painting cars and smashing windows expresses CONCERN for the wellbeing of our community?!

    Shame on every one of you masked bandits - I hope our guests from around the world don't think you represent Vancouverites!

  • Wayne - 14 years ago

    I do not agree or even like protests. Protests should not be allowed. These protesters are not human and deserve to be shot like dogs.

    I do not agree with homeless people either. They are also better of dead. In fact everyone on the DTES should be dead. I would gas all of them if I could. Stupid filthy DTES people are dogs. THey are disgrace to human race. I don't consider them human. If I could; I'd put them on leashes and run them like dogs.

    That's all they are. Stupid protesters are like dogs from DTES. here doggy here doggy!

    Now in the holocaust, the jews were good. But I have no problem with the Aryans putting these protesters to sleep with cyanide. They should all be beaten and their hands should be cut off. Their no better than muslim terrorists.

    If it were me, I'd drive through the protesters running over as many as possible like dogs. They are dogs. They have no education. They are a drain on society. They all take drugs. They do not deserve to live. They are less than human.

    They are a disgrace to the human race. Put them to sleep; filthy vermin.

  • Amy - 14 years ago

    Consider that protesting is a right; the language used in this story, and carried on by many previous comments, obscures the situation: people have the legal right to be protected and supported by police as they protest. Black and white thinking distorts a colourful world: despite the extremes of dissent and convention, we are all a part of the story. I am concerned to see so many violent comments here: protestors who use violence are choosing to respond in a way many disagree with, and breaking the law. I support a measured response from the police, in fact , that is what we hire them to do, they are to serve and protect citizens, not venge for maniacal individual rages. I am pleased to see the control the police are using, and the largely wonderful behaviour of those protesting. We must all be able to speak. Please consider how you report and pass on news: these distortions degrade the humanity we are all sharing.

  • Bert - 14 years ago

    I have to say that if a person has the conviction to riot, they should also have the courage to allow themselves to be seen. These childish hooligans are only cowards who are not willing to go all the way and risk arrest for the criminal activities they engage in.

  • Atlatsi - 14 years ago

    These protesters are cowardly and ignoramuses. Anybody who covers their faces are a cowardly person. They are not protesting, they are terriosts of destruction. The non canadians should be deported immediately and the Canadian protestors(terriosts) be jailed immediately. This demonstration of cowardice should be delt with strong force. The Tv people should not show any of this filth that protestors start. These people are parasites. They dishonour the Canada

  • Karen - 14 years ago

    As a volunteer in the DTES, I fully support any clear light we can shed on the conditions of our homeless population. However, as a school teacher, role model and Canadian, I am disgusted and disappointed by the actions of the violent protesters.
    We teach our children to stand up for what we strongly believe in, and to possess exemplary behaviour as good citizens. The actions of those few has definitely but a black mark on the many that do protest legally and are just trying to raise awareness about the plight of the DTES community.
    The issue we are all trying to shed light on is being overshadowed by the small group of people who need to think about what they are doing and who they are doing it for.
    Hopefully, the rest of the nation and world will not take this incident and stereotype who Vancouverites truly are: caring, strong, generous, kind, non violent!!!
    Go Canada Go!

  • W. McCoy - 14 years ago

    If they believed in what they are doing, they wouldn't cover their faces. They are just a bunch of idiot, ill mannered, low life, cowardly thugs. I think they should be rounded up, thrown in jail until after the Olympics are finished and then prosecuted to the full extent of the law as terrorists.
    Bring in the fire hoses and turn them on them with full force!

  • Barbara Payne - 14 years ago

    I think the Police should arrest these trouble-makers right away...Not one person should be excused by saying it was a peaceful demonstration...All masked faces should be revealed to the media for all to see...It is very sad to see these losers embarassing Vancouver....

  • Carole Rubin - 14 years ago

    Violence of any kind...even against buildings.....is as obscene as the greed the protest is highlighting.

    Anti Olympics? Hell, YES! Pro Violence, absolutely NOT!

    Angry young thugs, high on andrenalin and anger, just blew the chance to be heard, and blew the Anti-Olympic message of all of us peaceful protestors.


  • savi singh - 14 years ago

    I'm really upset with these protesters. They don't have clue what their protesting about. I am a sociology major and care deeply about the issues facing us but this is not the time or the place. We are so worried about being 'politically correƧt that even our police are worried about being criticized. Hear me clearly, "Only a coward wears a mask, breaks property, and scares visitors to our province." That is terrorism and criminal. Even those protesters that say they are peaceful, your guilty by association. If 1 police officer makes a mistake the entire force is criticized. Why not protestors? You had your opportunity and blew it. Too bad. I paid for these olympics and Im going to enjoy it. You just proved nothing and failed yet again. k-12 education is free in this country. Take advantage of it.

  • Davy - 14 years ago

    I do not agree or even like protests. Protests should not be allowed. These protesters are not human and deserve to be shot like dogs.

    Now in the holocaust, the jews were good. But I have no problem with the Aryans putting these protesters to sleep with cyanide. They should all be beaten and their hands should be cut off. Their no better than muslim terrorists.

    If it were me, I'd drive through the protesters running over as many as possible like dogs. They are dogs. They have no education. They are a drain on society. They all take drugs. They do not deserve to live. They are less than human.

    They are a disgrace to the human race. Put them to sleep; filthy vermin.

  • Anonymous - 14 years ago

    First off, any of these protestors who are Canadian are most definitely NOT patriotic; they're an embarrassment. Second of all, if you're going to protest and cause damage to landmarks etc. show some courage and guts. Show your face. Right now if you're a protestor who protested in today's demonstration, you look pathetic. Needless to say, you're actions will never bring down the spirit of the Olympic games or the spirit of those who are patriotic to their countries.

  • Douglas Forst - 14 years ago

    Nothing to do with the Olympics. Just people behaving badly. The leaders of the ORN understand completely that violence is violence regardless of whether it is against people or their property. Free speech is protected and cherished in Canada. Behaving like petulant children is not. Grow up.

  • pearl - 14 years ago

    I agree that it was wrong that the protesters damaged the things they did, BUT I also understand why the protesters have come to the point that they have.... they feel unheard and not understood..... It disturbs me on how much was put into these olympics and everything for it, when we have so much poverty and much more needed things, people AND CHILDREN that need the effort and attention put towards.... it sickness me that i see all these new cars driving around for olympic whatever they are for when the money could have been put to homes for people who are SLEEPING ON THE STREETS IN THE COLD the money for all the advertisments i see EVERYWHERE could have fed the children that have barely anything..... why doesn't anyone see that or if they do don't do nothing about like everyone has for this event .... the protesters have been trying to be the voice being heard for the people in need for years now and nothing has been really done about it..... just like a child if their voice isn't heard when they need something they only get louder, if you attend to that child the child doesn't need to scream and cause disruption....... if you put your self in the shoes of a homeless/ less fortunate person i think you would understand... assuming you are one who doesn't understand how the protesters and the people they are standing up for!!! just my thoughts :)

  • Proud CDN - 14 years ago

    If the media would stop giving these people the spotlight, they would probably think twice about their actions. It would be interesting to see if the ones that started the violence were actually Canadian or Vancouver residents?? Are these people "rent a crowd", bussed in for any event that can get media attention??
    Maybe we should publish their pictures and names for all to see, then see how much they want to protest in the streets.
    Not impressed with today's actions, and not impressed that we are showing the world and our visitors, we focus on complete idiots.

  • Mike - 14 years ago

    I believe in the right to protest. I'm not happy that so much money went to the Olympics either. There are many flaws in the system.

    But what happened today was beyond disgusting. Leave this City. Leave this Country. You non-contributing zeros. And now they justify what they did because no people were hurt, and therefore no criminal acts were committed? Wow.

    Those black masked cowards deserve the harshest police response.

  • john fowler - 14 years ago

    these masked cowards do not represent anyone but themselves, protest a CAUSE... not vandalism for the sake of vandalism. put criminals in jail and understand not everyone agrees with violence ..protest peacefully...ghandi...mandela these are were true protesters with a cause and a message.

  • Daniel C. - 14 years ago

    I do not agree or even like protests. Protests should not be allowed. These protesters are not human and deserve to be shot like dogs.

    Now in the holocaust, the jews were good. But I have no problem with the Aryans putting these protesters to sleep with cyanide. They should all be beaten and their hands should be cut off. Their no better than muslim terrorists.

    If it were me, I'd drive through the protesters running over as many as possible like dogs. They are dogs. They have no education. They are a drain on society. They all take drugs. They do not deserve to live. They are less than human.

    They are a disgrace to the human race. Put them to sleep; filthy vermin.

  • Sammy - 14 years ago

    I think it is a shame what a few malcontents can do to ruin such a wonderful event. I would like to see the cowards who hide their faces revealed and taken in and detained. I believe the police will have no choice but to step up their force as it is clear the protesters intend to break the law. I am mad at them for what they do. It is truly sad.

  • gary - 14 years ago

    The protesters are childish low lifes that need to find something better to do with thier time than destroy property
    and make the government waste more money. They are voicing their opinion that is fine, but how does breaking windows do anything but waste more of
    The governments' money? They want more spending for what they believe is right but by smashing stuff and
    Causing the riot squad to be brought out...isn't that wasting money on unneccesary damage? So if they
    Want money to be spent on stuff that they believe in maybe they should save money by stopping their acts.
    These people in my opinion are a strain on Vancouver's working people and are tarnishing our
    Repuation infront of the world. They don't want the olympics to come here, can someone tell these idiots that
    There protests did not work as the games are here. So shut up and sit down.

  • campbellsoup - 14 years ago

    The protesters that cause the damage are COWARDS!!!!!!!! They attack glass windows, newspaper boxes, stationary cars and tourists who just want to visit Vancouver. They cover their faces with masks so they cannot be identified, they run and shout, and when someone from the general public confronts them, they make sure they out number the individual and attack him. THEY ARE COWARDS and should be treated as such. They have no smarts, no brains, and, (sorry to keep repeating myself) THEY ARE COWARDS!!!!!!

  • Shelly Jones - 14 years ago

    Protesting for homeless is acceptbale, however, violent acts on buidlings or people is not. The police response in my opinion was too slow and lenient to begin with. The gutless protestors obviously do not believe in their cause enough to show their faces. Why do they have to hide behind a mask for something they feel so strongly about? They have destroyed any credibility of their protest. Is this what we want the world to think of Vancouver?
    PS. Maybe the police shoulud carry spray paint and tag any face covered protestor to identify them later.

  • uwe hopf - 14 years ago

    These masked protesters are truly the dregs of society. If they planned on peacefull protests there should be no need to hide behind masks. I to believe there are legitimate reasons for protesting these games while so many BC residents needs help, but they have now lost all credibilty here and around the world. I think the police should simply start detaining all the cowards who cover thier faces as they obviosly have plans to break the law. What a disgrace to all Canadians, let's find out which of those arrested are recieving social assistance and let's stop funding these idiots.

  • geore - 14 years ago

    there should be a law that you can not cover your face

  • John Gonzales - 14 years ago

    Those people acting retarded because the games are in Vancouver are just stupid/retarded people having tantrums, I say the police have the right to move in on those people who endanger the general public, any time a person hides their face - they are the type of people who will argue that they have a right to voice thier opinion, though freedom of speech never includes destroying proper, creating fear.

    Those who protest in a voilent manner are simply theives stealing the peace of mind of law abiding canadians, those who are voilent in their opinion should simply be removed and held until after the games are over.

    It is the same people who join in other protests who are simply looking for a chance to destroy things.

    To the native man who said those things regarding resources, I am a native man I care not for the resources you claim - I know it could be much much worse if it was another power base controlled our people, where we would not recieve any rights at all. I am grateful that Canada protects our freedoms, I trust Canadians will one day include first nations people in a more inclusive soceity, where we share what we have.

    As a native person I do not agree with your reason for being voilent, first nations people are gentle, peaceful and we like biulding communities, so you could not really be a first nations person, else you would have found ways to include positive methods of having your voice heard instead of acting like a non-native having a tantrum.

  • Disappointed - 14 years ago

    Embarrassing enough to hide behind balaclavas and scarves - what a bunch of losers. I would attribute the statement 'the dumber you are, the dumber you are' to this group of thugs. The police should coral the thugs, remove the balaclavas and scarves then post their photos describing them as terrorists on every website around the world.

  • Leslie Neill - 14 years ago

    I am appalled at the destructive behaviour that is done under the guise of Protesting. While every citizen has the right to protest, where is it accepted that protesting include damage to property and personal assault ? All this does is show these people for the ignorant idiots that they are. We are all aware of the individuals who are professional protesters and show up to wreak havoc at every event imaginable. I have no issue with 'civil displays' but think these idiots display anything BUT civil behaviour. Throw all of their asses in jail where they belong !!!! charge them as you would ANYONE who does this kind of damage.

  • Embarrassed Canadian - 14 years ago

    It just makes me sick to watch, masked deliquents ruin our city with smashing windows, denting cars and most disturbing not letting others have their say. This is not the Canadian way and I hope our visitors realize this. Please stop ruining it for the athletes who have worked so hard to make it to the Olympics. You should go home and think of what your actions are making people think of YOU and maybe take time to read the words to our National Anthem.

  • Diane - 14 years ago

    Disgraceful! What are they going to accomplish other than embarrassing themselves. Just because they cover their faces, people who know them will identify them. Unbelievable that these punks, yes even the older ones, have been given the ability to ruin things. Freedom of whatever, should not give people the right to destruction or harassment.
    My solution, the ones that come from the states, ship them back and make sure they do not come back - the others line up the paddy wagons and jail them for the duration.

  • mjb - 14 years ago

    The protesters are wrong,wrong, wrong-they need to be held accountable and not just a slap on the wrist. They actually mock the freedoms we all have by their actions. PLEASE DO NOT PUT THEM ON CAMERA TO AIR THEIR THOUGHTS!! They must think of other ways to make their ideas known-I do not have any respect for most of these protesters..Jail time..

  • Sherry - 14 years ago

    Any support I felt for the olympic protestors (this is a free country) is now GONE.
    All this talk about "peaceful protest" is garbage and saying "it wasn't us" is bull!
    This has hurt the people they say they care about, the homless, the poor - this is not what we want!! Don't protest in MY NAME!

  • rick - 14 years ago

    I watched the opening of the Olympics last night and was never more proud to be a Canadian....I also watched the riot or what was shown of it and was never so shamed to be a Canadian...We allow protest yes...but for the police to not be totally on top of the people who have their faces covered and to call them PROTESTERS by the media is a farce....whereever hidden faces are, then have the police should be on top of them...It is obvious to anyone with any lick of sense that they are up to no good....when they are arrested put them up against a building, take off their masks so that everyone can see who they are.....Enough is Enough...

  • Bruce - 14 years ago

    Any masked protesters should be detained instantly. The protest movement has shown it can't control the vandals and anarchists amongst them so should be restricted to areas well beyond downtown Vancouver.

  • Kira Jones - 14 years ago

    Everyone of these low lifes should have their welfare cheques cut off if they are caught committing criminal acts. If they show up masked in a public place, I think you can assume that they are conspiring to commit criminal acts. If they are conspiring, they can be arrested and detained by police. Round 'em up and put 'em in their cages until the end of the Olympics. You guys are an embarrassment to the entire country. You do not represent my Canada. You are cowardly punks, hiding behind masks pretending to represent "freedom of speech". You are anarchists that deserve the full force of the law.

  • Barb - 14 years ago

    The police and damed if they do and damed if they don't. They are doing the best the can within our own laws. True protesters should cancel any scheduled protest they have so the black masked losers can't join in and cause riots which is exactly what they want to do. The media should stop giving these people interviews, what a waste of air time! We don't want to hear the stupids statements that come out of their mouths.

  • mark magwire - 14 years ago

    the police made a far too passive response to the protesters actions,they need to adopt a baton first atitude.

    C'mon you guy's swing for the fence.

  • RR - 14 years ago

    I agree with Bubba Vints if you want to hide who you are your opinion should not matter. There is a drastic difference between voicing an opinion and threathening bystanders and attacking police officers. The protesters cannot deny their actions as it has been all caught on tape by news cameras - we all saw you cowardly hit a police officer from behind and visciously attack the Hudson Bay Company.

  • Matt - 14 years ago

    Just sad really, the eyes of the world are upon us and boom these animals take the streets. A peaceful protest should be peaceful shouldnt it ?

  • Devorah Rosen - 14 years ago

    The images seen today from the downtown area with the violence shown by protestors made me very angry. To protest in balaclava's is so cowardly. If you are proud of what you participating in then show your face. These people are nothing more than thugs. I watched in horror 2 girls pulling a paper box into the street laughing their heads off. Those girls are clearly shown and I hope they are making their families proud. I think the police showed great restraint. I believe people have the right to protest whatever they disagree with however to threaten bystanders and destroy property amounts to nothing less than terrorism and should not be tolerated

  • Julie Morrison - 14 years ago

    I don't think that this is the image we want the world to see, some of these protestors just protest to protest. If they believed in what they were doing they wouldn't have to hide their faces. There is no need to destroy buildings or scare people that trying to enjoy their Olympic experience. The police should just lock them up till the Olympics are over. I think that the VANOC committee and organizers did an amazing job with the opening ceremonies last night ~ so many great aspects to the show.

  • Gerry - 14 years ago

    I amm fully against those rioters, , lock them up or send them home, leave the peoples private businesses alone. they are cowards

  • Colleen - 14 years ago

    I think they should lock up these idiots for the duration of the Olympics citing public safety. These cowards obviously do not believe in their own actions as they have to hide their faces. They do not even have a true cause. They are just looking to be trouble. Keep them in jail!

  • Fred - 14 years ago

    I am dissapointed at the slow response from the Vancouver Police Department. We knew yesterday that these idiots were going to cause problems. These low lifes have given out country a black mark around the world. What happened to our billion $'s for security? Bring more security to the city. Let's slam these low lifes with criminal charges they they will never forget.

  • Wendy A Semko - 14 years ago

    Merely bad-mannered, cowardly louts. I think the man from the Bay was unusually gracious about the whole thing.

  • Jim - 14 years ago

    I think that the protesters are fighting a losing battle.No matter what thay do the games will keep on going,the world has problems and this is the least of them.So i think thay should stop and think because there are little kids out there that are seeing this and it is not right for them to see this kid behaver done by grown men and woman....

  • Triman - 14 years ago

    Every protester that is arrested should have their names and photos posted on the internet and shown on tv and posted in all newspapers. As well, their residence should also be published.

  • Shelly - 14 years ago

    Why aren't more of the protesters in jail? The police sure didn't show enough force. It is embarrassing!!!!!

  • No Happy - 14 years ago

    If protesters have their faces covered they should be taken aside and asked to remove it if they don't arrest them, they have something to hide and you know they're there the do Damage.

  • Heljer - 14 years ago

    These criminally violent protesters should be treated as the terrorists that they are!!

  • Diane - 14 years ago

    and I think the poll results speak for themselves.

  • Janice Gercken - 14 years ago

    media should refuse to broadcast violent protests. Only non-violent protests should receive attention.

  • mike - 14 years ago

    the poll is flawed, I disapprove of the protest, approve of the response. That was the beginning of a riot not a protest

  • Bubba Vints - 14 years ago

    I cant wait for some Pro Olympics advocist to walk in on these protesters and just start swinging. If you cant show you face to the public your whole saying has no value. Your too scared to show your face, why would your opinion matter to anyone else then, if your too embarrassed to show your face to saying then dotn show your face at all and find yourself something better to do.

  • Diane - 14 years ago

    I think it is UNBELIEVABLE that these protesters have the nerve to act out the way they are. I am very grateful that we live in a free and democratic country where people can express there opinions but to abuse those privileges and use violence is unacceptable. Innocent people are being harmed both mentally and physically because of their selfish acts. And what is their protesting going to do... end the olympics? Please!

  • - - 14 years ago

    Protesting is fine but should be done properly. Violence and property damage is not going to get the important message across.

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