Do you think the beer and cigar celebration by the Canadian Women's Hockey team was inappropiate?


  • Phil - 14 years ago

    The team members and their management, coaching and training staff, had cause to celebrate and I don't believe that anyone can deny this fact. The way they went about it, consuming alcohol and smoking anything in a public place (outside the confines of their dressing room) went a bit above and beyond the norm. For that I am disappointed with their actions. However, they have apologized for upsetting those who felt cheated by 'lack of class', so let's forget about it and put it all behind us...for good! All the young women on TEAM CANADA deserve a vote of confidence and nothing but praise for having represented this wonderful country in such a fine way as to secure the GOLD MEDAL! May they continue to play together and do it again!

  • John - 14 years ago

    give it up you sad ass self righteous bribe taking dictatorial IOC Whiners celebrate the moments is what it's all about! Those women have more than earned the right to celebrate as they see fit !! GO LADIES !!

  • Heather - 14 years ago

    Were they causing a disturbance? Was anyone hurt? was supposed to be a private party....They are all (ALL) adults. Good on them.....GO CANADA GO!!!!

  • James Barth - 14 years ago

    "they weren't subjectively considering the ramifications of this matter? WTF is that Carl? What colours the sky in your world? The next time you party (if they do on your planet) remember your comments.............. WOOOOW!!

  • carl ruud - 14 years ago

    Congratulations to the Canadian Ladies'. Maybee they didn't think about the cosequences of what they were doing? They should deserve a little fun after all the hard work.

    Once again, they weren't subjectively considering the ramifications of this matter.

    Play safe.

  • James Barth - 14 years ago

    Give it a rest people. The girls deserve to celebrate they did nothing wrong. It was their win not are’s not yours. Their win period. As for you what if people, give it a rest. “if a bottle broke”. Come on what’s next the sky is falling because the girls partied? I don’t see many comments about the American team bad mouthing the Canadian team before the start of the game. Is that unsportsmanlike like behavior? Is that what the Olympic sprit is about? No.

    It’s about the sprite shown by the Finnish team smiling and enjoying the moment of a bronze medal win. Having fun similar to what the Canadian team did. Not beaking off before the game and then huffing and whining about their lose in front of a world wide audience.

    I am proud if the Canadian Women’s Hockey team for their win. Good on yea.

  • J Jeffries - 14 years ago

    Ok, let the athletes enjoy their moment. We are proud of what you did on the ice. If I could have been there I would have been proud to raised my beer glass to salute you. In fact, I did raise my glass and sang Oh Canada with you. Don't let a bunch of old farts ruin your game, day, and celebrate with the rest of us. Congrats girls, awesome game

  • cris calnegru - 14 years ago

    How about formula one with races throughout the entire world?
    The winners are spraying the public with champagne; they drink and then give the almost full bottles to the public to finish it. WAKE UP IOC.

  • Bruce MacInnis - 14 years ago

    This should not be an issue! Of course these people are entitled to celebrate! What's the problem? The arena was empty, so they weren't drinking in public. Admittedly one of them was under 19, but the concensus seems to be that her indiscretion would be ignored if she had left her beer in the locker room, and generations of hockey players slurping out of the Stanley Cup have made drinking on the ice virtually a tradition. Furthermore, the International Olylmpic Committee has been unfairly villified in this incident, and has all but stated publicly that it is not a big issue. On Friday afternoon, IOC spokesman Mark Adams said "To be honest, I think people are insearch of a story that doesn't exist. There are pictures all over the front pages ... and I think people are looking for someone to say it's terrible." The real culprit in the case is the ubiquitous press. THe team was celebrating in the locker room when a photographer asked them to come onto the ice to pose for a photo. The party continued and a photographer (possibly the same guy) stuck around and shot party photos. The news service ran with the story (of course!). The IOC heard about it from the press service and, to be politicaly correct, had to say they were looking into it. The press then approached the Canadian officials who, to be politically correct, issued a restrained apology. Reading between the lines, they were both probably thinking "this is an international competition; don't you guys have anything better to write about?" If that's what they were thinking, they were absolutely right!

  • Louise Poirier - 14 years ago

    There are much more serious matters to worry about. Come on! Don't rain on their parade. These ladies deserve a little bit of slack here. If the press wouldn't have been so keen in pointing the "flaw", nobody would have even known about it. Live a little and yes, lighten up! This is the Olympics. Have fun, rejoice, celebrate!

  • Le Capitan - 14 years ago

    The media is sinking pretty low when they have to make a story out of this. There are far more important things they could work on. As far as the photographer is concerned, what was he/she doing there in the first place? Making like a paparazzi? Those girls deserved to celebrate and if they did it on the ice after everyone 'supposedly' left, all the more power to them. They won the medal on the ice not in the locker room. The I.O.C. should stick to what they think they know best and keep their nose out and away from the celebrants.

  • Roy Cardinal - 14 years ago

    Screw the IOC and all the "goodie two shoes". Let these women have a well deserved moment.It's our game,our country, our homeland and our medal.As for "bad impressions" and "broken rules" you have to be a complete moron to not realize that this is outside of the norm, much like soldiers who are old enough to fight for there country and yet, not able to drink in it.These young women reached the pinnacle of their sport,in an event that comes once every 4 years,representing their country.If Candians, thru out the world, are now seen as a people who have the ability to not only take themselves, as well as rules and impressions, so seriously that it would hinder the ability to truly enjoy one of lifes golden moments , with out hurting anyone, then I'm proud to say..........I'm Canadian.
    You go girls!!!! Have a great time. Maybe the IOC needs to now revisit the Aussie Flag debaucle because of it's sinister intent as well.

  • P.Donnelly - 14 years ago

    what snoopy old camera man had to take the photos? so he got a story, big deal, (you small minded little sniveler, just had to spoil a great moment didn't you?) this was their golden moment they deserve great credit for their effort - go, girls, go!!

  • srr - 14 years ago

    If this had been the mens team all would be ok. Personally I believe the US team was so upset at being shut out that they and their supporters have worked on building this up as shameful. Way to go Canadian women and you have the right to celebrate......

  • Alice - 14 years ago

    They desvered their celebration. Be it on the ice 0r in the dressing room. Better there than on the street somewhere.
    We all know they are going to celabrate, so why note do it where we all can see and enjoy it along with them.
    Way to go girls. They must keep this as an sprot for the Olymics

  • Linda - 14 years ago

    Well, people will always have something to complain about and people always have to point fingers at anything they can. Human beings are not perfect. What is good and acceptable for some people is not for others. Maybe everyone should just stay home and not socialize then there would be no need for criticism and everyone would be perfect. People should just lighten up when it comes to other people. Let’s not forget that sometimes forgive and forget is the thing to do.

  • Patti - 14 years ago

    This just sets women in sports back - Mr. Rogge and others are just waiting to come down on women in sport, especially after not allowing women ski jump - they could have celebrated in the locker room! Leaves a bad impression for young girls, acting just like the guys - thank goodness for the class of Joannie Rouchet!

  • kathy rock - 14 years ago

    i don't see what the BIG deal is.the women worked hard and deserve to celebrate . people should learn to lighteh it up ...after all it is the year 2010.

  • Mo - 14 years ago

    I was fortunate to have watched our Canadian women's hockey team play an exhibition game in Victoria. The calibre of their performance was amazing! They should be commended for years of hard work, not punished for a punative infraction. The IOC are a bunch of overprivileged wet blankets who take themselves WAAAAAYYY too seriously. I take solace in the fact that they will be busy micromanaging the people of London starting in a few days.

  • Mary - 14 years ago

    You can rationalize all you want. Still, right is right and wrong is wrong. There are rules to follow which applies to everyone. What if someone would have fallen and broke a bottle and cut themselves seriously. Would it still have been OK? What about the insurance rules and the rules that the organizations have to follow to keep everyone save.
    Its Ok to celebrate but there are appropriate venues.

  • James - 14 years ago

    This is ridicules. The arena was empty and it was what should have been a private time to themselves to celebrate their win. We should be going after the photographer and new groups that have exploited it and turned it into a "story". How the IOC should really be investigating any of this is absurd. If it was Europeans or better yet men that did this it would not be a story. If it was men it would be a "boys will be boys" and that would be the end of it. The fact that is women I guess brings out their old Victorian values and the delusions that in their part of the world women don't drink beer or smoke cigars. This I think is part of the same old world prudishness that will not allow women ski jumping using the excuse amongst others that it is too dangerous. Sexism isn't dead apparently since it seems to thrive in Europe. Rogge and his fellows old boys are a perfect example.

    The women worked hard, sacrificed a lot and succeeded. Good for them!! They have nothing to apologize for. The people that do need a good talking to, is people that think there was something wrong with any of this. They are the people that have forever told Canadians to be meek, go away quietly, and only athletes for example from the US are allowed to do such things. I guarantee you the biggest critics are the ones that could never and have never put in all the hours and sacrifices these women have to pursue a dream, but they are they pointing their finger giving their worthless opinion. They are the ones that should be ashamed of themselves, not the Olympic champions that did Canada proud.

  • Fred - 14 years ago

    I personally can not imagine the hard work and dedication it would take to play at an Olympic level. To get there would be a long road and to achieve a gold metal would be the greatest reward in life. the Canadian Womens Hockey Team earned the right to celebrate-give your head a shake!

  • Hale - 14 years ago

    Consider this – you are a young woman who has worked you heart out for years to achieve an Olympic Gold medal.
    Almost as you win Gold the head of the parasitic organisation that lives off your efforts pronounces that there may not be any more woman’s hockey.
    It’s the IOC that need to apologise.

  • Wayne - 14 years ago

    Now let me see which giives the wrong message to our young people, Ladiess celerbrating a hard fought for win in the sports arena or the fact that there was over 100,000 free condoms brought in for the officals and competetors.,and a extra shipment from Ontario. The IOC needs to put one on the other head and breath deap

  • Mary - 14 years ago

    That kind of celebration should of stayed in the locker room or anywhere else but not on the ice! Give your head a shake to everyone that thinks on the ice is appropriate. Beer, champaigne and cigars on the ice that others will have to perform on and having our children to possibly see this and perhaps wanting to do the same in their future thinking that it is OK because their parents did it . Get with it ladies! Congratulations by the way!

  • Linda - 14 years ago

    The Canadian Women celebrated as any good winner would. Good on them, they deserve the win. There is nothing wrong with jubilation. Lighten up IOC.

  • Morgan - 14 years ago

    I think that if you win an Olympic Gold Medal, you should be allowed to celebrate any way you want. It's really not fair because if the men did this, no one would care. They can smoke cigars and drink beer at centre ice all they want. And the fact that nearly all of the spectators had left means it was basically a PRIVATE celebration amongst team mates. And really, do you think that after people watched Canadian girls bring home gold some of THEM weren't drinking beer and champagne and smoking cigars?? Come on and lighten up!! We won the gold for goodness sakes!!

  • LORI - 14 years ago

    These women trained and played hard for a long time to get where they are. They won GOLD! They should be aloud to celebrate how they wish. What they did does not make them bad atheletes...they are human.

  • Kory Rae - 14 years ago

    The IOC should lighten up, for pete's sake. The women were having a much earned celebration and having fun. It was a unique situation and there was no harm in it. Kudos to the women!

  • Diane Perry - 14 years ago

    The IOC has absolutely too much to say. The male dominated organization is discriminating yet again against women. The women have earned the right to celebrate.

  • Canucklehead - 14 years ago

    The ice arena belongs to Canadians; we will be here long after the IOC leaves. Maybe the IOC should stop worrying about a harmless celebration by the HOST COUNTRY and start worrying about how much they will take in during their next round of Olympic bribes.

  • N. - 14 years ago

    Perhaps the IOC should have offered their lounge for the party??????

  • Art - 14 years ago

    The IOC needs tom lighten up what a bunch of old farts . Like nVanoc there is no give in their minds everything has to be their way. As for removing womens hockey hopefully the IOC will be removed by then.

  • luwest - 14 years ago

    These women are held in high esteem, especially for our youth; surely they could have celebrated in a healthier manner in the public eye or in their change room if they had to have alcohol to bring the "feeling" to greater heights!

  • Jim Hagen - 14 years ago

    The ladies earned it! All the do gooders should lighten up!

  • Ken Mcintosh - 14 years ago

    The Canadian ladies rock. The IOC are whining and forget many men's sports are won continually by one country. The ladies ski jumpers were screwed by the IOC. IOC in my opinion is biased against womens sports.

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