How would you rate the 2010 Olympic closing ceremony?


  • Ed Matalas - 14 years ago

    I enjoyed the Soshi, Russia Ballet/Singers. Neil Young was awesome.Long May You Run was a great song choice. At first I was offended by all the Canadian Stereotypes but it was so funny that I began to like it.
    From Alanis to the end it fell apart . It seemed the organizers ran out of ideas and just filled it with whatever musical acts they could find. The fireworks were embarrassingly short & boring.

  • Greg - 14 years ago

    Overall I thought the Closing Ceremony was pretty good. However I found that female comedian (who I had never heard of) to be offensive and I felt like apologizing to the whole world for her, whoever she was. And our national anthem seemed to be butchered with the band and singers out of sync, and then they had that With Glowing Hearts finale which seemed like some horrible Broadway thing. But I greatly enjoyed Russia's presentation particularly, and some of those massive Canadian icons. John Furlong's speech was among the best I've ever heard in this country (besides his French, but I couldn't do any better myself). Yet I wondered at all the pop/rock/rap music. Most of the music made me cringe throughout the show. Canada has some of the best Early Music and Classical artists in the world (Ben Heppner being one and I'm glad he was there at least) who may have done a better job at entertaining some of us.

  • Art Martens - 14 years ago

    I thought the closing ceremonies were great! Even if the rest of the world might not have understood our sense of humour, we did. I think it was very good for us to see ourselves laughing at ourselves, a nice complement to "our glowing hearts" from the athletic successes.

  • Bill - 14 years ago

    I thought the closing ceremonies were great. The only thing that bothered me was why did the announcer have to start with French first then English, if we were in Quebec I would have no problem with that but we are in B.C. and I feel that it should have been English first then French.

  • Marjory Hanson - 14 years ago

    It started out o.k. - but the rest of it was a waste of 21/2 hours of my time (should have watched 60 Minutes!)
    I thought the opening ceremonies were terrible, but this was even worse.

  • Susan - 14 years ago

    I thought the re-lighting of the cauldron arm was cute, however the rest of the performance was 'cheezy', too much plastic used in the staging of beavers, etc.
    Also the choice of music was not appealing to all age groups. Where were artists like Diana Krall, Leonard Cohen, Susan Aglukark, Rita McNeil, SFU pipers ( they have won so many awards internationally), The Rankins just to name a few. I think that the 'maestro' David Foster could have put together a presentation that shone like our Gold and let our country's guests see our music at its finest.
    Where was David Foster?
    Also where were the 4 Host Nations....all they received was an introduction of their Chiefs?
    I know that within their culture they have traditional drumming and dances that offer their guests "thank you". This would have been very fitting for the world to see howthe First Nations show their appreciation . There was no 4 Host Nation content that I could see in the closing and it could have blended well with the mosaic of musicians that Canada has and it would have been fitting since the 4 nations were part of the partnership of our Olympics.
    Also the final act presented was very weak indeed.
    Just MHO.
    (I was very disappointed and the cost of the tickets......!)

  • Mary - 14 years ago

    I went to the closing ceremonies and it was fantastic! They had us interacting with everything which created all the beautiful colours and sparkles that you saw. I also recorded the ceremonies on the TV and I must say that seeing it on TV did not do it any justice! You just didn't see what we saw being there. I don't know why but I think the filming of it for TV was very poor.
    I am very proud of our country and athletes and the ceremony was done with class, entertainment and celebration. It was one great party and you just couldn't beat being there. If you were not happy all you had to do was go downtown and I promise you that you would of left or came home happy.
    The fact that we had a little mini concert at the end was just awesome. All of us (which was over 60,000) totally enjoyed it and appreciated everything that went into it. "Way to Go Canada for a Job well done"! And most of all A Big Thank YOU and congratulations to all of the athletes ! Without them, our nation would not of changed like it has. What a happy, kind and classy country!

  • Marylyn - 14 years ago

    I felt such great pride and emotions during the entire games and was so proud to be a part of this fabulous event that took place in Vancouver. The closing ceremonies were amazing, we demonstrated such pride in our country.
    The entire first half with Micheal J Fox, William Shatner, Michael Buble etc it was amazing. When we got to the
    inflatable Beavers and Moose it just lost its momentum. I didn't have the same emotion at the end, I felt the entertainment part was a big disappointment. It just ended, should have concentrated more on the fireworks outside. The beginning and middle was absolutly fantastic, just didn't have it at the end.

  • chuk - 14 years ago

    the start was ok but the music and song choice of the performers were terrible. Except for Avril Lavigne performance you can see how bored the people and athletes are. Nickelback, Simple Plan, Alanis and others should have followed what Avril did and sang their hit songs but did not. It was awful and a terrible way to end it with that not very good dance number (80's get up break dancers, what we're they thinking). The TV coverage was very bad too, going to commercial in the middle of performance and not showing the fireworks outside B.C. Place.

  • vivian - 14 years ago

    The show needed a moderator to give a thread to connect all the parts. The projection system was great with the Canadian Geese and that theme could have been put throughout, perhaps with our killer whales, eagles, etc.
    The part with the moose, etc. was good (even if it looked like a cow with moose horns).
    Many of the mddle parts would not be understood by the rest of the world ... and this was seen by people all over the world. They would not understand the 'comedy'
    I wondered if the person who booked Nickleback (sp?) knew that the song they would sing talked about taking power and burning? It is good the crowds on the street didn't use it as their theme.
    Although I thought the opening was a proud moment, I didn't think the closing was memorable.

  • Heide Schlitt - 14 years ago

    Canadian content, kitsch. (pretentious art). Tooo much. Beaver, Moose, Mounties, Maple leafs ecc.

  • Dennis - 14 years ago

    The opening part was great with the mime and Catriona . The last part was getting downright goofy, and I am not sure everyone outside of Canada would understand that we were making fun of ourselves.
    I had a real problem with the Native chiefs being introduced before our Prime Minister but at least they got there on time ,unlike the opening ceremony.

  • John Allan - 14 years ago

    I really didn't appreciate the idea of changing the tune of our National Anthem, yet again.
    It is one thing that binds all Canadians. With the beauty of all the diversity that exists in our Country changing the one thing that truly binds all Canadians was highly inappropriate.

  • Annalisa - 14 years ago

    Loved it! I think it was perfectly Canadian - pure fun! We don't take ourselves too seriously, and that was portrayed perfectly in the closing ceremony! Opening ceremonies are a time for culture and seriousness, but the closing ceremonies should be one big party - which it was.

  • Ray - 14 years ago

    It was okay, loved the opening with Catriona getting her chance to light the flame...too much lip- syncing in the opening and closing ceremonies...and, STOP MESSING WITH THE NATIONAL ANTHEM!!!!

  • cindy - 14 years ago

    LOVED IT ! the music was fantastic and the humor was so CANADIAN !

  • Dianne - 14 years ago

    I really liked the opening part of putting up the last arm of the flame and letting Catriona light it. The rest was embarassing bad. It was awful!

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