Should Maine be split into two states?


  • Josh - 14 years ago

    I don't think that it should split, but if we don't those hillbillies who like this plan will probably get violent, so we might as well let them split so they can be sad and come back home once their lives start sucking.

  • Mike - 14 years ago

    Don't forget that Maine was once part of Mass. Maine was created to balance out the nations own legislature. Maybe that's needed again for Maine to stay balanced.

  • pam - 14 years ago

    leave maine alone it has been one state all these years why change it now.

  • Mary - 14 years ago

    This is just bringing attention to the fact that there is little representation in northern Maine. People in the southern part of Maine cannot relate to life in the northern rurals, yet want to control everything here. They are changing Maine.. the way life should be!

  • Jon - 14 years ago

    Oh yea, and any liberals remaining north of the cut will immediately be sold into indentured servitude! Or marched across the southern border to rejoin their comrades.

  • Jon - 14 years ago

    How about this; We cut off Southern Maine and sell it back to Massachusetts! Then we divide the proceeds between the voters of Northern Maine (now the only Maine) for putting up with Southern Maine's Liberal crap for all these years.

    Problem solved!

  • Doug - 14 years ago

    Now that's a dumb question, come on guys let's try, would you shoot a drug dealer/child molester in the knee which, in the long run cost the state up to $500,000.00 in support or would you shoot him in the head, cost ya about .65 cents. Which Govenor has basically wiped out small business in the State Of Maine? #1 Baldacci? #2 Baldacci? #3,,,,, why do we have to support Mass welfare cases, by moving them up into Northern Maine, buying them a home and then placing them in our support system? How many maggots are allowed in Blue Berries? and the list goes on, did I rake my yard? come on throw me a bone!

  • R - 14 years ago

    i think that we should split. have you ever noticed that the lottery winners are mostly Augusta south and that whenever there is road or bridge repair its always Augusta south? Maybe if we were split, north of Augusta could get our roads and bridges fixed.

  • Rick Gammon - 14 years ago

    I'm tired of Northern Mass voting the way they want and taking away the votes up here. Either split the state or send them back.

  • Wayne - 14 years ago

    Once again I think the vote shows the population. That's what the problem is. The population in southern Maine is always trying to cram thier logic down our throuts!! I think the line should be north of Augusta. Let the south have the crap thier handing out in Augusta too!!

  • Herman1940 - 14 years ago

    Maine needs to stay as one state. What we really need is for the northern and eastern residents to have the same oppatunities and advantages as the southern residents do.

    One way to do that would be to put some people in Augusta that really cares about all the people and not the just the majority.

    Just answered my own question. The majority will always control as long as it is business as usual. We need to find a way to make things fair for everyone.

    The southern part may be the wealthiest, but the BEAUTY starts at UNITY and goes north and east.

  • alex - 14 years ago

    If we are split up, keep us Maine and change them to Northern Maine.

  • bruce munn - 14 years ago

    Instead we should reduce and re-district our legislature so each represents both a southern urban area and a rural northern area of the same population. The result would be a more balanced system and the southern part of the State would not control what happens up north.

  • terry - 14 years ago


  • Gary Scillia - 14 years ago

    If the body is barely surviving as a whole, does it make sense to split it in pieces?

  • Kerne D Roberts - 14 years ago

    I think this is a very good idea. The Northern part of the state has not been represented for a long time. Let's give Henry Joy a round of applause.

  • Gary Wood - 14 years ago

    What are they thinking.How can you split the great state of Maine into two,and too call it southern Mass.
    What fool though of this.

  • Valerie Whitten - 14 years ago

    My 8yr old had her own comment as we were watching this morning,.. "thats just dumb"

  • Frank Omar - 14 years ago

    The state should bill Rep Henry Joy for the costs involved in the drafting of this bill and the time he is wasting.

  • Dan - 14 years ago

    One thing I noticed on the map you guys showed is Portland is included in that plan! I can't believe it!

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