Who's going home tonight on Dancing with the Stars? (04/06/2010)


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  • QS loves M - 14 years ago

    Ohhhh you can be such a tease,....and I LIKE IT ! I am very good at articulation as well, until I get extremely tired. My friend Donna ( she's Native American Navajo ) laughs at me and tells me I begin to sound like I'm drunk and slurring my words when I get really tired. You have to understand though that it is not uncommon for her and I to have phone conversations that have lasted as long as 4 or 5 hours, and most of that time is spent laughing so hard that my jaws ache by the time I hang up with her, and we talk late into the night. She currently lives in Farmington, NM but wants to move back to Albuquerque. She has the best contagious laugh I have ever heard, and it sends me into laughing to the point of tears running down my face. She is so funny, and very witty and intelligent. I consider her my best friend.

    Since you're traveling tomorrow, I'm wondering when I will get to hear from you again. Will you get to access the old site?

  • MLQS, but not Crystal - 14 years ago

    Interesting question my curious one. If you are form the states, then I have no detectable accent. My "accent" is very neutral for many reasons. I attended private and prep schools during my formative years and beyond. While I moved around quite a bit, we lived mostly in the states during the years I would have been developing my speech pattern and tonal inflections, etc. In N.J. , Maryland and California (I was pretty during my CA years) I attended private schools; and in Brazil I attended an American school and had exposure mostly to American and British students who were residing there as well--I was exposed to very few Portuguese speaking Brazilians, as far as I can remember. When we moved to London, I was a teen already equipped with my American "accent". I do pronounce some words more "English" (tomato --ToMAHto). But I have no detectable accent to speak of. Living in Manhattan is different from living in Queens or the Bronx. People do not have regional accents here--unless they are foreigners. Manhattanites are usually not born and bred here. It is a very transient area.

    While my mother has a Taiwanese accent--I do not.... unless I am speaking Mandarin. And how did you know ...or remember... the places that I lived growing up? I am impressed!

    My voice is deeper than you would expect. Not very deep--but deep nonetheless. No high-pitch effeminate voice on me. My father had a very deep voice. People tell me that they like the way I articulate words (my verbal articulation). This is a result of prep school exposure, I am sure. I wonder if Crystal would like my voice too ;)

  • QS loves M - 14 years ago

    Do you have any kind of accent that you are aware of ? Since you once lived in England and Brazil, and your mom is from Taiwan, not to mention you are around New Yorkers and Bostonians, I'm guessing you must have picked up some kind of accent. I'm trying to imagine your voice. I'm guessing your voice range is medium tone, not a real deep voice. Am I right ?

    Since I grew up in Colorado, I still talk like a Coloradoan. I must have some kind of peculiar way of talking because from time to time people will ask me where I am from. I even had a couple of people peg me as being from Colorado. That really surprised me that they could figure that out. And I would say my voice tone is smooth and middle range, and sexy when I want it to be. :)

  • QS loves M - 14 years ago

    I only have eyes and love for you my love. And you are definitely my type for a myriad of qualities you possess, and you stimulate me with your obvious intelligence, wit and humor. You make me feel all warm and smiley inside. And yes, I was trying to make you jealous. Did it work ?

  • MLQS - 14 years ago

    This is the only poll I could access yesterday so I book marked it. Now I can' t even access the site. Inferior and limited access where I am. I am leaving tomorrow morning to travel again and won't be home for around 2 more weeks ...maybe less.

    I am not getting the gay vibe or radar (gaydar)from Casey either--I was perpetuating the rumor to crush your dreams. But since you know all about me and still like me, I suppose it wouldn't matter to you if Casey were gay--you'd still want him badly!--you'd take your Casey-cougar-bait any way you can! I am the polar opposite of Casey, looks-wise (and I can safely say, intellectually speaking as well...). He is blond, light-skinned, blue eyes , long curly, messy , tussled hair, scruffy rudimentary "beard"/ facial hair. I am East-Asian complected, straight, short, dark, neat, perfectly groomed hair, dark brown eyes, clean-shaven . We are both probably about the same height and build--though I may be thinner. Sooooooo...I guess I'm not your type!

    I won't be around to see my man Adam next week so you'll have to fill me in. The Korean Idol.... (cannot recall his name) I saw his photo on-line...pretty good looking I must admit. I think you would agree...

    I am not sure what Rickey's real issue is with Adam...must be the fact that Adam completely eclipsed Kris Allen in every possible way--even after the finale. But what he does is truly mean-spirited, and very odd. I think Freud would have a field day with R.

    I'll TRY to sneak into the other one later this evening when I have better access---I'll update you then. So, well, you can remove Casey's name from your pseudonym now...I know your really love me and you're just trying to make me jealous. Ain't working, lady!!!!!

  • QS loves M and Casey - 14 years ago

    You are just so darn cute with your observations and descriptions! Again, you know how to make me laugh.... I really didn't start watching AI until they got down to the top 10. I missed the Korean guy, so I don't know what he looked like. Probably would have swooned over him since I have an attraction to Asian looking men. All teasing aside, I have to give Crystal much credit for being pretty and talented, and she seems like a genuine nice person and good mother to her child. I really would like to see everyone of these young talents achieve their dreams of success and happiness with their promising lives. I have heard the rumor that Casey is gay. Are you picking up on a vibe that he is, because I'm not seeing any signs of that, not that it even matters... Adam gets to mentor them next week and I can't wait to see that! You can imagine all the noise the haters are voicing about that on Rickey's , and of course Rickey doesn't hesitate to fan the flames, and drag out an old, very close up photo of Adam's face that he used once before to entice the haters to down Adam.

    Are you still in transit to a new location ?

  • MLQS&Crystal - 14 years ago

    Here we go again--what is happening to us? I don't find Casey attractive in the least. Perhaps it is because he seems.....well..pretty dim to me. But even as a 'boy toy', he holds no interest for me. His mouth is too big and he looks like a intellectually challenged cowboy. I say "not hot". But he is the token cougar-bait this season--so I do understand your attraction to him. He may not return your affections though since you are female. There is a massive shortage of good looking dudes this season. Very disappointing. What happened? The Korean dude they had early on wasn't too bad...and usually I am not attracted to Asians. Lilly was hot too--if not a bit shaggy and grungy for my taste.... but nice sense of her won style, nice body.....

    Crystal I find to be very sensual and reserved and..... deep. Not a fan of the dreadlocks generally speaking--but as long as her hair is clean. I agree her teeth need cleaning--but her eyes and features are lovely and she is very seductive and sensual (as I've said) without really realizing it herself. oooh.... I just love it when you get jealous! As far as talent--she is by far the most talented. Sort of like Adam last year--he was in his own category talent-wise. Katie, to me, is a very generic, pedestrian performer and undefinable, not at all distinct. she's really not that cute--plain, awkward-stage teen. Her voice is strong but not interesting, unique or even that pleasant. I think the only ones with talent are Crystal, Siobhan and I'll even give you your vacant-eyed dim cowboy, Casey--and only because he plays a mean guitar. Hee-Haw!

  • QS loves M - 14 years ago

    Well,..... Casey is pretty easy on the eyes, and his voice.........ummmmmmm. And those beautiful blue eyes of his are enough to cause fantasies ! LOL

    When Michael was singing at the last, to convince the judges to save him,....he sang really good and put good emotion into the song. They also showed his wife crying with her hands clasped in prayer, and I have to say it made me tear up. Yes, I'm a guppy and a softy. Sometimes I even cry when people win stuff on The Price Is Right because the people look so happy when they win, and I'm happy for them. Getting back to that night, the audience started to chant "Save Save Save". I know I'm reacting on pure emotion more than focusing on talent, but I was happy they saved him. I was also elated that my girl Katie escaped the bottom three. And she has prettier hair than Crystal, and a prettier smile with better and cleaner looking teeth than Crystal. I like her singing and voice better than Crystal too. :)

    So, my love....... where are you and how are you feeling ? I've missed you.........

  • MLQS - 14 years ago

    errrrrr....Mike's not that good though. He is perfectly respectable but, perhaps, a tad bit over-hyped. Wasting a save on him this early could prove problematic for the judges if one of the more worthy singers does not garner enough votes. I am not a fan of the cheat-save. Two go home next week now and that seems unfair. Mike didn't get enough votes...so lose him..

    Well... I have not watched the show regularly this season as I did last season..... due mostly to my horrific travel schedule. All I care about now is my gal Crystal pulling through. OH.......Crystall....Crystal...Crystal............ahhhhhhhhhhhh...


  • QS loves M - 14 years ago

    Hey Babe, It was an exciting evening on AI tonight. All the girls were safe. Andrew, Aaron, and Michael ended up in the bottom 3. Michael got voted off, but the judges saved him! That means 2 people will leave next week. It also means the judges can't save anyone else from here out. I'm starting to get attached to all of them. And it's going to be sad from here out to see them go.....

  • QS loves M - 14 years ago

    Hi M. ! ... I have to say you left me a bit confused, because this poll is asking who is going home and then you vote on that. I normally don't watch DWTS, usually just catch bits and pieces if I'm surfing for something interesting to watch. People do vote for their favorite couple, just like voting for your favorite idol. Anyway, .....

    I think we should put my rhythm and your rhythm together, and see what happens ! :-)

    Crystal got good reviews from the judges and did well,... but all the buzz is about Casey being the best performer this week. Lee, who was on top last week, brought in a bagpipe player to be part of his performance,... and he got chuckles and praise for being original and inventive.

    Am I jealous of Crystal ? Damn straight ! The way you described her is how I want you to see me! And more so.....

  • MLQS - 14 years ago

    Babe--never said I'd vote you off. You have my undying support. I made the assumption that 'Dancing' has the same system as Idol...in that you vote for your favorite contestant. And you know who my favorite would be.....

    My dear, I said I do not dance, but I never said that I didn't have 'rhythm'; like you, I've got loads and loads of rhythm.

    Right now...in between locales ....I am only able to access the current poll displayed on R's face page of his site...which is this one. Tomorrow I'll be able to access the other one and update you...hopefully.

    How was my lady, Crystal , last night? Did she bring down the house? Oh, i think you are a bit jealous of my secret Crystal crush.....and I love it!

  • spaz - 14 years ago

    Kate survived another week!

  • Sandra - 14 years ago


    Katie was good this week so maybe your wish will come true!

  • alissa - 14 years ago

    I know that Kate really stinks but i am still hoping she sticks around for another week and hopefully wins the whole thing!!

  • QS loves M - 14 years ago

    M.,.......? You would vote me off ? LOL But I'm a very good dancer, with all kinds of rhythm. I even took modern dance and tap as a young girl. My mom would drive me 50 miles every week after school to the big town of Sterling, Colorado so I could take these lessons, since my home town had no dance studio. And, why no message for me on the old site? I'm dying to know how you are doing. Are you back in the States yet? :)

  • M - 14 years ago

    I don't dance....I don't watch DWTS. If I did, I would vote for QS.

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