What types of development do Cedar Park and Leander need most right now?


  • Gloria - 14 years ago

    Absolutely no more commercial building should take place until all the office spaces in the many strip malls are full-why build if they go year after year empty or only partially filled. The taxes keep going up even though the economic situation continues to falter which does not make sense. Property owners are carrying the load for all. Why not set a tax upon those who rent since they utilize the road network and send children to the public schools. Renting does not equate to not being able to pay taxes or contrbuting to the community they live in.

  • Mollie - 14 years ago

    We need to continue retail and other commercial development in order to avoid being a bedroom community which has only residential property taxes as a source of revenue. If we don't, our taxes just keep going up. We need revenue to operate and provide infrastructure, as well as jobs so not EVERYONE has to commute to Austin or Round Rock for work. Cedar Park must become a City of it's own, not simply a shadow of Austin. Work and buy locally and support local business people. Shop in Cedar Park if you can, Austin if you have to, before going to the internet. Keep your neighbor employed.

  • James - 14 years ago

    Cedar Park and Leander need badly to beautify the 183 corridor. This road is a travesty of the bad uglies. Particularly when one gets into Leander, it needs to be curbed and guttered. Divided 4 lane would be best with median planted with greenery and then actully maintained over time. I hate to drive through there and I'm sure I'm not the only one. For as much retail as there is, somehow tax dollars should be allocated to this section. Put in a nice sidewalk the length of the highway as well that is suitable for walking, hiking, baby carriages, biking (wide enough with lane division; off road - not just a stripe on a busy highway).

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