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Have you received a promotion as a result of having a CDFM? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 327

  • PW Higgs - 14 years ago

    I have applied for two jobs (both at an agency other than my own) since getting my CDFM. The first announcement was cancelled and the second went to someone not even working in the financial field. (??)While I felt very proud to have achieved this, I now feel like its doesn't count for much. By the way, I am one of only three at my agency that has it.

  • Maureen Colgan - 14 years ago

    Since all government jobs are (supposedly) graded based on the duties/complexity/supervision/etc., you can't get a promotion just because you are CDFM, unless of course it is REQUIRED in your PD, not likely. However, having the CDFM and being under NSPS enabled me to emphasize my qualifications and execution as a highly performing employee which did give me, I believe, a higher payout. Unfortunately, it means I am now past the step 10 so unless HR can see by the change in my duties that I am doing a higher grade job (and I am) I will be penalized when I revert back to GS.

  • Connie Lucas - 14 years ago

    I have not received a promotion since getting my CDFM but I have received a new job in a new organization. I feel that because I have my CDFM it helped me get the new position which will lead to a promotion in the future.

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