How should 'American Idol' respond to Lady Gaga's fans?


  • Anonymous - 15 years ago

    "Hey, American Idol, I thought Lady Gaga's performance was tasteful and very appropriate for all ages!" Sincerely, Hugh Hefner

    I've had it with the racy guest performances on American Idol this year. Lady Gaga's number was so over the line for a family show.

    All good people have to do for evil to prevail is nothing. I know it's "just TV" but we have a right to feel violated when they pawn something off to the public as a "family show," you sit down with your kids to watch it, and then they not only cross the line, but turn in into prime tim...e smut. Your objections to what you saw the other night are not about any loyalty to American Idol (because I know you could care less), but the principle that if good people in society don't blow the whistle, then mainstream culture will drift toward careless and blatant immorality. I know for fact that these shows do respond to the public's opinion. It's not a good day when good people are passive toward those who flaunt filth.

    Our nation was founded by moral, mostly Christian men, and now judges are ruling the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional. How sad that our nation has gone this far away from God's righteous standards. You hear the new mantras on this topic..."Don't judge! You have choices!" God does not change, and the morals He gave us to lead us to a blessed life have not changed. That's where I stand. Yes, I do have choices, and that's why I chose to stand up for righteousness. I think the Idol winner's instant celebrity status is ridiculous. Yes, I too appreciate the fact the ... See MoreGaGa writes her own stuff...real talent can be hard to find in that industry. Harry Connick was awesome...My main beef with her performance was on the absolute lack of discretion used in the production..such blatant sexual dress and behavior takes away form any talent she may have. If you have talent, why feel the need to sell out and make yourself a whore to sell records? That's my point with all this.

  • bozo - 15 years ago

    Gaga knew she had to edit it down b4 she accepted the offer to appear on AI. AI didn't edit it, it was rehearsed that way. AI is making excuses to create controversy, controversy increase viewership. Get a life people, this is show biz.

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