What is the percentage on LeBron James re-signing with the Cleveland Cavaliers?


  • Nick Narog - 14 years ago

    I think he will stay because he has family and friends here. He has played high school basketball here and he knows how Cleveland needs a title. There is a good chance if he stay that we would win a title next year with the pressure off. On the other hand he could go because he already gave us a second chance.That is my thoughts and I 13 years old.

  • sean - 14 years ago

    i think that LeBron will stay in Cleveland because he has a family here and he has a lot of friends there. And theres not team that will pay more money to keep him then Cleveland does.

  • Bucyrus - 14 years ago

    Will the Cavs get a new coach next year?

  • Been there - 14 years ago

    Look,, this is all business today. Will he return to Cleveland? If the offer is right. If you think it isn't business just look back to the days when Cleveland had a great baseball team. I distinctly remember players that had contracts ending said they would love nothing better than to finish their playing days with the Indians. Any fair offer and they would stay. Well, the front office tried to do better and they were on the next stage out of Dodge. It's all pure business.

  • Dave - 14 years ago

    The King is dead and gone. After six years with nothing to show for it? Was it worth it diehard Cleveland fans, to see another premadonna leave town. Him ripping off his jersey on the way to the lockeroom was VERY symbolic, HE'S GONE! What makes this worse was he was home grown. It's not like he came from another part of the country and had no ties to the area. He's going to one of the big media markets. Nike does not want him in Cleveland, never has. They couldn't wait for free agency. When it comes to Cleveland and sports, we are the Land of Almost. See you in the funny papers LeBron!

  • H Varney - 14 years ago

    King James saved the title for New York next year. Shaq will be gone too.

  • Steve - 14 years ago

    He's leaving for the limelight. What makes this so sad is the LeBron is a homegrown hero from a region that thirsts for its own day in the limelight. However, NE Ohio has been let down too many times. Remember, how it felt when Carlos Boozer pulled his stunt and ditched Cleveland? Are the Cavs and Cleveland sports doomed? Last night after the game LeBron ripped off his Cavs jersey in what appeared metaphorically that his time in Cleveland is over. I am tired of attempting to read LBJ's tea leaves. NE Ohio deserves better.

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