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Should elementary school children be allowed to bring cell phones to school? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 440

  • donna Littlemore - 14 years ago

    For those that think a student needs a cell phone to receive a message from a parent, or if the bus gets stuck, the parent can call the office and have the student paged. The bus driver can have a phone. Students do not need phones at school. As a teacher, I can tell you they cause a lot of distraction. When rules are made and students do not obey them, it causes some disasterous confrontations. In an ideal world where students would leave them turned off in the locker until the end of the school day, they would be fine, but that does NOT happen.

  • Carmen - 14 years ago

    Yes I believe that they should be allowed to be brought to school. Turned off on school grounds. A lot of parents would like to have that communication with our children before and after school. Most schools do not allow kids to use there phones.

  • JIM - 14 years ago

    Cell phones should be allowed to be brought to school; however they should stay where they belong throughout the duration of the school day, IN A LOCKER OR BACKPACK. For kids in rural schools, cell phones are nice because if the bus gets stuck you may want to call a parent to come get you or something but for elementary students there is no need to be texting during the middle of social studies in grade 3.

  • Jeanne - 14 years ago

    Cell phones and other electronics are a HUGE factor in poorer student performance - at the high school level especially. They are a distraction. They contribute to unfocused behaviour, rudeness ("this is my right"). Parents and teachers need to consistently enforce the' no electronics' idea in the classroom. We would see a great improvement in educational productivity and outcomes as well as improved social skills leading to productive polite citizens. Anyone who urgently needs to contact a student during school hours may do so within seconds by calling the office. Why do we have to ask if they are a distraction when it has already been established that they do distract drivers? If parents use cell phones to track their kids, this seems to be more of a control issue - if they only knew! Parents send your kids to school well fed, with an appetite to learn and an attiitude of politeness.
    When used appropiately cell phones etc. are a great tool.

  • Anna - 14 years ago

    They should be allowed to take cell phones to school; urn them on when leaving for the day; this will ensure safety on hte way home. Cannot wonder if some of the missing children may have had a different ending if they had a cell. The parents can send them a message to s analternate person will be picking them up. No message = don't go

  • Herbert Daniel Wolfe - 14 years ago

    If a student needs to contact someone outside of the school in example a parent or guardian for an emergency situation, the instructor/teacher should promptly help the student and already have these contact numbers at the ready. This situation could also work in reverse if the student needs to be contacted from outside the school. Mobile phones are a wonderful tool of modern convenience though should not be used to distract from probably the most important learning years of a young student's life!

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