Can the Federal Reserve fix our economic problems?


  • cop-watcher - 13 years ago

    The federal reserve is not a governmental agency ate least not our government it is a privately owned company who prints money at will, selling it to the American people with interest the fed is made up of 13 banks it is no more a governmental agency than FED EX I,m not an expert on the subject by any means but do some research yourself and you will probably find that our country has gone down hill and will never ever be debt free as long as we have to borrow or buy our currency with nothing backing it it used to be backed by gold and silver now its about as good as toilet paper generic not Charmin. good day

  • Brandon Michael Danaher - 14 years ago

    The only way to solve the economic problems is to get rid of the government completely.

  • Groffeaston - 14 years ago

    The only ways to fix the financial mess that this contrty is in is to:

    1) get rid of all the top CFO's and CEO's of all the big companies and banks. They are some of the ones that got us into this mess. Replace them with people who will not run the companies into the ground and then still get a huge bonus and buyout for doing so!

    2)Clean out all of the politicans in office and start over! If they cannot work togethercivily and come up with some fixes, even temperary fixes, then they do not belong in office. They do not listen to the people any way! Replace them with people who will listen to what the people want and will work together to come up with some solutions to our problems!

    3) Put people back to work!! Once people are back to work they will have money to pay their bills and to spend on other things!!!

  • Beat Creator - 14 years ago

    Get This,

    We trust highly educated people each and every day to keep the Financial Side of this country running. But they have failed miserably. A house divided cannot stand. Democrats and republicans are divided, that's part of the reason why we're in so much debt. As far as the Federal reserve goes, it another Gov't Institution. That should answer your question.

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