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Is EA morally right to include the Taliban as playable characters in Medal of Honor? (Poll Closed)


  • Ryan - 14 years ago

    @ Mombasa. What your saying is frankly ignorant, and you couldn't even spell "Judging" just to prove it's a poll not an english test.
    The reality is, to accurately represent events, they must show both sides of the coin. It's the same to me as showing germans killing allied troops in the WW, they're are still veterans who live, who foguht through, yet these are allowed to be published. It has an age rated, and you chose whether or not to buy it, your not supporting terrorism by purchasing this game.

  • Cheetan - 14 years ago

    people who want to ban games because it 'offends' them are just as bad as the type of people the Taliban are... trying to force your views upon the rest of humanity, thinking you know whats best...
    simple fact of matter is if you dont like it ignore it does not and will not affect you.
    also by trying to ban 'things' inevitably make them more desirable.
    morals in a game just doesnt happen and shouldnt, its an escape like a movie there are esrb ratings which lets an adult choose whether to buy and play and make an informed choice.
    bottom line is it will not be banned because some stuck up people had someone in their families killed by taliban want it banned, thats life if u choose to join the army you choose to bear arms against fellow humans and kill each others its life get used to it or we are all doomed by the stupid pop culture

  • Iain Doggett - 14 years ago

    this is absolutely pathetic. this is just the media making hype out of nothing as usual. it's just a game it isn't real life and yes i know it's based on real life and my greatest sympathy goes to anybody who has fallen in the war but it isn't real and people need to stop going with the hype of the press and need to realise what really matters. if you want to help the armed services then you need to find something better than banning a video game, or if you think it's immoral then you should realise that the actual taliban are the imorral thing not a video game featuring them.

  • Colin - 14 years ago

    It's called a game but its not just a game, it's a form of multimedia. If journalists, film makers, music writers and book writers have the right to freedom of speech then game developers have it as well.

  • Andrew - 14 years ago

    I honestly and without one doubt would play as any character, in any situation, in any context. Just as a person who reads a lot of books would read from the mind of a muslim extremist's point of view, or have a nazi concentration camp leader as the protagonist of the film or book i was experiencing. It is another piece of art that is not understood yet, small minded people can say a lot of things, but that doesnt meant their right

  • Adam - 14 years ago

    If your family was killed my a Taliban member, the answer is simple. Don't play the game.

  • Simon - 14 years ago

    I was just about to click "Yes" when I noticed the word "morally" in the question.
    Even if EA is right to include the mode in general, when restircting the issue to moral grounds alone, then I don't see how any positive arguments can come in favour of that position.

  • Pii - 14 years ago

    Someone tell me why it's ok to include the Nazi's as a playable character in a game but not the Taliban?

  • kurtis - 14 years ago

    So i'm to understand, they want a Tali-ban...... I crack myself up.

    but seriously, make a game about a war where millions of innocent jews died, not to mention hundreds of thousands of german, french, chinese and japanese civilians, and no one bats an eyelid.

    but when a few thousand americans die it turns into a 'controversy'.


    now shut up and let me go back to shooting women in the head for fun, in the beautiful town of san andreas.

  • butcherboytoma - 14 years ago

    If people state it is a breach of rights to include the Talibanordontban then is it not equally a breach of rights for them not to be included. We westerners have been portrayed in games killing all sorts of races and species, and we don't really bleat on about that, so why bleat when the other shoe is put on your foot, just pretend that your an American disguised as a Taliban killing Taliban disguised as Americans (or Brits with an American accent)

  • Jed - 14 years ago

    If it is "just a game" then the argument for including shocking content is weakened. If however it's something a little bit more than just a game, for example, a comment on our times, the horror of war, or perhaps a novel chance for the public to engage with a conflict being waged in their name far away then it stops being just a game and starts to be something more like art or film. In which case it should absolutely not be censored!

  • Ian - 14 years ago

    It's a game.

    Get a grip people.

  • Alun - 14 years ago

    I agree with Sheik ya booty.

    I can't see how its any worse than the whole Allies vs the Germans or Germans vs the Allies. Same for Russians and other middle eastern nationalities depicted in games. Its a game. It implies no morale virtue on either side.

    Mombasa, you don't actually make a single point to back up your point of view. You simply criticise other people's use of the English language which is notoriously bad on internet forums and comments. State why you think it is sick or don't post.

  • master man - 14 years ago

    This is probably a jewish conspiracy.

  • an0n - 14 years ago

    If a member of your family was killed by the taliban you shouldn't be playing games, there's more important things for you to be doing! Personally I think its relevant, its not as if they made it up, so why should we sugar coat the truth and live a lie? By all means if you don't like it don't play it, it's really that simple. I get fed up seeing retarded comments about how people will be affected by trivial matters such as this, seriously get a job or find something else to keep yourself busy with such as playing medal of honor ;)

  • Yeayea - 14 years ago

    Hey what about the other way round huh? where soldiers killed your taliban family member? Point is the whole game it self is not ideal, but since its being made then both sides should be shown equally. That's only justice. Taliban might be bad for us but for them we are bad so it's as simple as that. It all depends on which way you look at it.

  • Sheik ya booty - 14 years ago

    In my long years playing computer games.

    i have seen many things. americans killing germans, americans killing japanese, americans killing english soldiers,
    americans killing vietnamese, americans killing french, italian and spanish, and americans killing aliens.

    and i have seen english soldiers doing all these things in computer games too.

    i have no problem what so ever of a game being published that shows the war in afghanistan from the other side of the fence.

    i am in no way saying that taliban are right for what they do. but im certainly not saying the americans are either.
    so should all games showing american soldiers killing everyone in the world be banned??

  • Mombasa - 14 years ago

    You sick bastards, it's just bad taste, what if it was a member of your family killed by the Taliban?... Obviously just a bunch of school kids expressing their brain-dead views, jusdging by the bad grammar.

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