I find it amusing that everyone expects Bud Selig to come to the dodgers rescue,when in fact he is the one who sold them up the river. Does anyone remember Ruppert Murdock? he,s the guy who bought the dodgers for the sole purpose of getting the cable rights to dodger baseball,and after getting them wanted to dump the team.He is the same guy who owns the television rights to MLB,enter our great leader Mr Selig who would do anything to keep Mr Murdock happy and just like that found a donkey in Frank McCourt the same guy who didnt have enough money and was turned down in his attempt to buy the Boston Red Sox.But some how with the help of a loan from Mr Murdock was able to buy one the most storied ftanchises in baseball.So dodger fans you really need to send a strong messege and stay away,I have an old saying[ As prices go up my expectations go up] Thank you
Richard Lozano - 14 years ago
When the Dodgers picked up Manny Ramirez, policy changed because he didn't cut his hair. Manny cut his hair with the White Sox. What happened. Now I see a lot scruffy looking Dodgers and starting to play like they look. Kirk Gibson had no problem with cutting his hair and shaving. What did that do for the Dodgers? Oh that;s right a world Series 22 years ago! Get back to basics before Matt Kemp turns even more like a Raul Mondesi and Ethier goes somewhere else for guidance. I see a good team go bad so fast I don't hesitate to turn the Dodgers off. They don't care. sorry still won't be an Angel fan!
Joe Soltero - 14 years ago
the Dodgers must be sold, we pay top dollar for everything, parking, beer, tickets and much more, the McCourts are a bunch of fools, they want to cut payroll,players especially trade Andre either, that is BS, the straw that broke the camels back, if the Dodgers are not sold ASAP all us true Dodger fans must Boycott everything Games merchandise, everything until we get rid of the McCourts no and ifs or butts...............we are supposed to be a top notch team and not a minor league team.....
Curtis - 14 years ago
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE SELL the team! Hey Frank, we don't give a s*** about you, Jamie or your stupid sons. You do not LOVE the Dodgers, or L.A. You only love money. We have a good core of young players that need some veteran superstars around them-----the time to win a World Series is NOW! Before you know it these young players will leave or get old. To the Dodger Faithful: Don't go to the games! Not this year or next----that will force Frank to sell. Watch them on TV. This is really the only way to send a message to Frank.
Danial - 14 years ago
Having grown up with the Dodgers - Born in Long Beach in 1950; I cannot even identify with the Dodger "Family" as there is no longer any Dodger Family. I always felt a part of the Dodger Family and, despite the ups and downs and changes, the Family lived on. Now I have no emotion but bitterness. Having witnessed the clearing of Chaves Revine, only the O'Malleys could have brought Southern California's laid back attitute into the Dodger Nation. Now that all seems like it's been mortgaged and flushed by this owner. It's like selling the Mona Lisa to a motel owner to place behind the desk. He has no appreciation for the history, love, and the Dodger Nation that, like I, have moved on to other parts of the country and the world. He is a perfect example of reaping what he sowed. But, has he destroyed a lifetime of love for all of us?
Kathleen Garcia - 14 years ago
Mr. O'Malley hit the nail right on the head -- the McCourts have never cared about the Dodgers or the fans here in Los Angeles. We were all -- team members and fans alike -- a means to providing them with an obscenely greedy life style. The best thing that could happen is the sale of the team to someone who might actually care. With Joe Torre's return up in the air, and the players who will become free agents during the off-season probably abandoning the sinking ship, the only bright spot in the future right now is the fact that Vin Scully will still be calling the games for us. Thanks, Mr. O'Malley, for saying what so many of us die-hard fans have been wanting to say for a long time -- and for having the reputation to be heard, unlike the rest of us.
Dr. Rosen a Brooklyn Fan - 14 years ago
Frank and Jamie remind me of the couple who scammed their way into the White House party. Their images are permanently tarnished. Season ticket holders will be canceling like crazy for next season and there will be no players left of any value. The McCourts should take the money and run while there are still several groups out there who will make them a good offer. Otherwise our team will be playing to an empty stadium. Surely Dodger fans deserve a beeter fate after all the years of this once proud franchise. Thank God Vince Scully will still be back next year.
JJ GARCIA - 14 years ago
The McNuggets need to go. There use to be a time when going to a Dodger game was affordable for a family to go to a game. Since the McNuggets have taken over, ticket prices have nearly double in certain seats and sections. The once affordable seats (Top Deck & Pavilions) have become too expensive for me to take my family. That doesn't include price hikes in parking and consessions. All for what? So they could pocket all the profits and live the affluent lifestyle they live while us fans are the ones that suffer with outragous prices to attend a game. The Dodgers name is being tarnish with the current ownership that uses the organization and it's fans as their personal ATM!
R. Rozenek - 14 years ago
Until the recent statement of Peter O'Malley, which I concur with, I wondered how many other "tried and true" Dodger fans felt as I did about the McCourts and their systematic monetary "rape" of our beloved team. Now I know. The Vox populi have and continue to speak! It saddens me to say that unless and until the Dodgers are sold to a consortium of owners that truly care about the game and not about lining their pockets with cash from fans paying hard earned money to buy tickets to see the Dodgers, baseball in L.A. will soon be a thing of the past. Thank you Mr. O'Malley for speaking out on behalf of a grateful city.
Sue Kamm - 14 years ago
IIRC, Eli Broad headed a group that wanted to buy the Dodgers when Fox had the team up for sale. Wouldn't it be nice if he could put together an organization that would buy the team from the McCourts?
Ruben - 14 years ago
O'Malley should be more concerned, and ashamed, with the all the underhanded dealings his daddy committed in acquiring the site where Dodger Stadium now stands. O'Malley sold the team, made his millions, now should shut up and continue just counting his money...
Sportsnut - 14 years ago
It's none of his freakin business!!!!
TH Dodger Fan - 14 years ago
Money or no money, and apparently it's the latter, the McCourt's are despicable characters that should not be in Major League Baseball.
Dfan - 14 years ago
Yes, they don't deserve to be the owners of such class orginization. They only care about themselves in how to live off the Dodgers capital gains. We need somebody that wants to win at all cost and bring back the glory days of Dodger Blue.
mark norris - 14 years ago
The McCourt Experience is played out. We need somebody who loves baseball, the Dodgers, and Los Angeles - in that order, to right the ship.
Hank Wong - 14 years ago
The Dodger ownership is a joke. This is why the Los Angeles Lakers will always rule as the number one sport franchise in Los Angeles.
Larry Williams - 14 years ago
I live in Vero Beach and saw how Frank turned the true Dodgertown into a commercial endeavor with advertising and the sales of Dodger merchandise in places where these kind of things had never previously been.
Then Frank utterly trod all over Dodger tradition by moving the team away from Vero Beach to Arizona.
Frank McCourt DOES NOT DESERVE to be the owner of the Dodgers. The team should be wrenched away from his money grubbing heart and hands.
It's clear FRANK IS USING THE TEAM FOR PERSONAL GAIN -- rather than maintaining the kind of tradition fostered by true men of integrity like Peter O'Malley.
Bud Selig needs to step in and force Frank to sell. He'll never sell otherwise -- unless he's mandated by the courts to do so.
It's a crying shame to see what Frank and his wife have done to the Dodgers! They have certainly dragged a once proud franchise through the mud!
The worst thing that could happen to the Dodgers is to see Frank or Jamie McCourt -- or their children -- continue on in any kind of an ownership position with the team!
Step in Bud! Step in!
harold skorstad - 14 years ago
I don't understand. How can NY Yankees spend money like nobody's business in the largest market, LA being no 2, but LA spent squat to go after Cliff Lee, or Roy Halladay, Jake Peavy, the list goes on. One can only speculate that the McCourt's have indeed looted the cash to pay for their divorce. It's a shame, this once proud franchise is now a skeleton of itself. I say get rid of the battling bickersons and bring in some fresh blood, someone wiling to go and get us some pitching to support Clayton and Billingsly!!
Lydia Williams - 14 years ago
The court should make him sell. He publicly introduced his wife as the co-owner of the team. The implication given that she is an owner. They both appear to be looting the franchise. He needs to sell and go back to Boston.
I find it amusing that everyone expects Bud Selig to come to the dodgers rescue,when in fact he is the one who sold them up the river. Does anyone remember Ruppert Murdock? he,s the guy who bought the dodgers for the sole purpose of getting the cable rights to dodger baseball,and after getting them wanted to dump the team.He is the same guy who owns the television rights to MLB,enter our great leader Mr Selig who would do anything to keep Mr Murdock happy and just like that found a donkey in Frank McCourt the same guy who didnt have enough money and was turned down in his attempt to buy the Boston Red Sox.But some how with the help of a loan from Mr Murdock was able to buy one the most storied ftanchises in baseball.So dodger fans you really need to send a strong messege and stay away,I have an old saying[ As prices go up my expectations go up] Thank you
When the Dodgers picked up Manny Ramirez, policy changed because he didn't cut his hair. Manny cut his hair with the White Sox. What happened. Now I see a lot scruffy looking Dodgers and starting to play like they look. Kirk Gibson had no problem with cutting his hair and shaving. What did that do for the Dodgers? Oh that;s right a world Series 22 years ago! Get back to basics before Matt Kemp turns even more like a Raul Mondesi and Ethier goes somewhere else for guidance. I see a good team go bad so fast I don't hesitate to turn the Dodgers off. They don't care. sorry still won't be an Angel fan!
the Dodgers must be sold, we pay top dollar for everything, parking, beer, tickets and much more, the McCourts are a bunch of fools, they want to cut payroll,players especially trade Andre either, that is BS, the straw that broke the camels back, if the Dodgers are not sold ASAP all us true Dodger fans must Boycott everything Games merchandise, everything until we get rid of the McCourts no and ifs or butts...............we are supposed to be a top notch team and not a minor league team.....
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE SELL the team! Hey Frank, we don't give a s*** about you, Jamie or your stupid sons. You do not LOVE the Dodgers, or L.A. You only love money. We have a good core of young players that need some veteran superstars around them-----the time to win a World Series is NOW! Before you know it these young players will leave or get old. To the Dodger Faithful: Don't go to the games! Not this year or next----that will force Frank to sell. Watch them on TV. This is really the only way to send a message to Frank.
Having grown up with the Dodgers - Born in Long Beach in 1950; I cannot even identify with the Dodger "Family" as there is no longer any Dodger Family. I always felt a part of the Dodger Family and, despite the ups and downs and changes, the Family lived on. Now I have no emotion but bitterness. Having witnessed the clearing of Chaves Revine, only the O'Malleys could have brought Southern California's laid back attitute into the Dodger Nation. Now that all seems like it's been mortgaged and flushed by this owner. It's like selling the Mona Lisa to a motel owner to place behind the desk. He has no appreciation for the history, love, and the Dodger Nation that, like I, have moved on to other parts of the country and the world. He is a perfect example of reaping what he sowed. But, has he destroyed a lifetime of love for all of us?
Mr. O'Malley hit the nail right on the head -- the McCourts have never cared about the Dodgers or the fans here in Los Angeles. We were all -- team members and fans alike -- a means to providing them with an obscenely greedy life style. The best thing that could happen is the sale of the team to someone who might actually care. With Joe Torre's return up in the air, and the players who will become free agents during the off-season probably abandoning the sinking ship, the only bright spot in the future right now is the fact that Vin Scully will still be calling the games for us. Thanks, Mr. O'Malley, for saying what so many of us die-hard fans have been wanting to say for a long time -- and for having the reputation to be heard, unlike the rest of us.
Frank and Jamie remind me of the couple who scammed their way into the White House party. Their images are permanently tarnished. Season ticket holders will be canceling like crazy for next season and there will be no players left of any value. The McCourts should take the money and run while there are still several groups out there who will make them a good offer. Otherwise our team will be playing to an empty stadium. Surely Dodger fans deserve a beeter fate after all the years of this once proud franchise. Thank God Vince Scully will still be back next year.
The McNuggets need to go. There use to be a time when going to a Dodger game was affordable for a family to go to a game. Since the McNuggets have taken over, ticket prices have nearly double in certain seats and sections. The once affordable seats (Top Deck & Pavilions) have become too expensive for me to take my family. That doesn't include price hikes in parking and consessions. All for what? So they could pocket all the profits and live the affluent lifestyle they live while us fans are the ones that suffer with outragous prices to attend a game. The Dodgers name is being tarnish with the current ownership that uses the organization and it's fans as their personal ATM!
Until the recent statement of Peter O'Malley, which I concur with, I wondered how many other "tried and true" Dodger fans felt as I did about the McCourts and their systematic monetary "rape" of our beloved team. Now I know. The Vox populi have and continue to speak! It saddens me to say that unless and until the Dodgers are sold to a consortium of owners that truly care about the game and not about lining their pockets with cash from fans paying hard earned money to buy tickets to see the Dodgers, baseball in L.A. will soon be a thing of the past. Thank you Mr. O'Malley for speaking out on behalf of a grateful city.
IIRC, Eli Broad headed a group that wanted to buy the Dodgers when Fox had the team up for sale. Wouldn't it be nice if he could put together an organization that would buy the team from the McCourts?
O'Malley should be more concerned, and ashamed, with the all the underhanded dealings his daddy committed in acquiring the site where Dodger Stadium now stands. O'Malley sold the team, made his millions, now should shut up and continue just counting his money...
It's none of his freakin business!!!!
Money or no money, and apparently it's the latter, the McCourt's are despicable characters that should not be in Major League Baseball.
Yes, they don't deserve to be the owners of such class orginization. They only care about themselves in how to live off the Dodgers capital gains. We need somebody that wants to win at all cost and bring back the glory days of Dodger Blue.
The McCourt Experience is played out. We need somebody who loves baseball, the Dodgers, and Los Angeles - in that order, to right the ship.
The Dodger ownership is a joke. This is why the Los Angeles Lakers will always rule as the number one sport franchise in Los Angeles.
I live in Vero Beach and saw how Frank turned the true Dodgertown into a commercial endeavor with advertising and the sales of Dodger merchandise in places where these kind of things had never previously been.
Then Frank utterly trod all over Dodger tradition by moving the team away from Vero Beach to Arizona.
Frank McCourt DOES NOT DESERVE to be the owner of the Dodgers. The team should be wrenched away from his money grubbing heart and hands.
It's clear FRANK IS USING THE TEAM FOR PERSONAL GAIN -- rather than maintaining the kind of tradition fostered by true men of integrity like Peter O'Malley.
Bud Selig needs to step in and force Frank to sell. He'll never sell otherwise -- unless he's mandated by the courts to do so.
It's a crying shame to see what Frank and his wife have done to the Dodgers! They have certainly dragged a once proud franchise through the mud!
The worst thing that could happen to the Dodgers is to see Frank or Jamie McCourt -- or their children -- continue on in any kind of an ownership position with the team!
Step in Bud! Step in!
I don't understand. How can NY Yankees spend money like nobody's business in the largest market, LA being no 2, but LA spent squat to go after Cliff Lee, or Roy Halladay, Jake Peavy, the list goes on. One can only speculate that the McCourt's have indeed looted the cash to pay for their divorce. It's a shame, this once proud franchise is now a skeleton of itself. I say get rid of the battling bickersons and bring in some fresh blood, someone wiling to go and get us some pitching to support Clayton and Billingsly!!
The court should make him sell. He publicly introduced his wife as the co-owner of the team. The implication given that she is an owner. They both appear to be looting the franchise. He needs to sell and go back to Boston.