Should the state legislature make cuts to mental health services?

1 Comment

  • Ellen Diann - 13 years ago

    If we had "real" medicine then we would not have so many sick mentally and physically. The chemicals from drugs that doctors prescribe are far worse than all of the chemicals in our foods, which is also harmful.

    These menta patients would be quickly restored if they would JUST stop giving them more drugs. They need good diet to restore the body's NATURAL chemicals. Our medicine is ONLY about drug pushing and more deadly than anything in the world to include all wars.

    If we had doctors free to practice it would change our whole health care system and lower the costs. As it is doctors are FORCED to do ONLY what drug companies dictate and look what we got, NOTHING. No cures, no known causes for disease and just more and more drugs and more vaccines. Did you know that these drug companies are trying to get antidepressants put in our city water? Did you know that PROZAC main ingredien is FLORIDE? What is wrong with this nation can be fixed by exposing the greed and LIES of drug companie and giving doctors the freedom to practice HOW THEY want with patient agreement! Many doctors really want to use the natural cures, but it is impossible for them to do so. Just ask Dr. Buttar the trouble he goes through from the AMA for CURING diseases naturally.

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