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MacEwan has changed a lot over the years. Do you think Intercamp needs to change too? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 26
1 Comment

  • SonOfBrad - 13 years ago

    Needs better marketing. A new website for instance wouldn't hurt. But people still have to WANT to read it. I suggest the content should be reeavluated also... I'd like to see some better quality topics (not writting, the writters are very skilled). ex. Where is GMU headed? take a look at the school pop. size and school size. how this is already effecting parking, so what has to happen for the school to become "one sustainable campus"? and not the 3 it is. another ex maybe an article that looks at why American and Canadian school breaks are so different?... (Just an example I have no idea, my best guess is because its semi based on our holidays, which are essentially based on seasons, thanksgiving, and climate. but this would be interesting to look into and people would read it.) A new look and name wouldn't hurt either. maybe something like GMU journal or herald w.e.

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