Do you think Dayton and Minnesota's GOP will play nice?


  • MrC - 13 years ago

    Pretzeldude's comments are an illustration of why we are in this current mess. Instead of working together to solve these problems, both parties have engaged in juvenile activities like name calling, finger pointing, and placing the blame on someone else. Your comments do nothing but add to the problem, Pretzeldude. We need solutions that everyone can agree on. I am hopeful Gov. Dayton will work in the spirit of compromise, and that goes for the Republicans too! I feel that Gov. Pawlenty stopped compromising witht the legislature so he could show the rest of the nation that he is "tough enough" to be the POTUS. He advanced his own adgenda with little to no regard for how that impacted Minnesotans. I voted for him early in his career, then I lost faith in the man. I hope Gov. Dayton won't let me down now. Let's get it done! Have a little faith in the legislature. Maybe this is the year they turn it around and start acting like adults again.

  • MrB - 13 years ago

    Your an idiot!

  • Pretzeldude - 13 years ago

    You democraps just can't stand it that a republican is the gov. Minn. taxes are so high because of all of the welfare give away because of the democraps. Then you see public workers standing holding a shovel and not moving anything with the shovel. Maybe you would be better off if that worker would shovel some of the crap you democraps have caused.

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