Am I

1 Comment

  • Emily - 13 years ago

    You sound almost exactly like me! If you like learning languages, like I do, have you considered learning an instrument? Reading sheet music is a lot like reading a different language, at least it uses the same part of the brain. I am a new mom and my daughter is 17 months old. My more recent learning journey has been EVERYTHING meal ideas, quick meal ideas, ways to teach, things to play, how to discipline, etc. I also found that learning programming is a satisfies my need to learn new and challenging things. The biggest benefit to tackling programming, especially it seems web-related programming, is that the languages and technologies change so fast that it is nearly impossible to become bored because it is impossible to ever catch up. So, my two recommendations are learning an instrument and learning anything computer related (which, from an entrepreneurial view makes sense also, because of the money in the field).

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