Which would you rather see- wind turbines on land or off shore?


  • Quixote - 13 years ago

    Wind Generation as it is being promoted is a flat out SCAM!

    Research the facts behind the world wide experience and you will quickly discover that the only thing Industrial Wind Power does well is make huge amounts of money for greedy industrialists at your cost, destroys homes, health, wildlife and communities all in the name of being "Green!".........this is the biggest SCAM ever to be forced on the honest citizens on this planet in our lifetime. SHAME!!!!

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    Figure the c02 to build a wind turbine, the cement, rebar, transportation, and the c02 for the trans lines , the poles, the computer controls the buildings for maintenance and junction building. How could wind turbines ever make up the c02 it takes to make them? Add in the strip mines heavy equipment emissions too. Hydro is already here Pat1946. Why not invest in working fishways and fish safe intakes? It would be cheaper and way less c02. Windsprawl has been a problem since the craze started 15 years ago in Europe.. There are 450 groups in Europe and 250 in Gr. Britain alone protesting the insanity. They are not making it up and apparently there is little intent from the developers to make a better product. By now the pro wind bullies should have figured out a solution if one could be found. Of course the turbines will always be an eyesore. Their elec. rates are double or triple ours. Mainers do not need that as long as we have hydro, and solar on the way.

  • John T. - 13 years ago

    An industrial wind turbine is an expensive, complex piece of equipment which is supposed to last for twenty years. A look at turbines that have been in operation in other parts of the US show that they begin to break down after about ten years of service. A closer look at any wind farm of more than a couple years of age will show that 5% or more of the turbines will be out of service and that’s in addition to the times they can’t turn because of lack of wind. I saw an 11 year old wind farm in PA this week that had 70% of it's turbines out of operation. The spacing of turbines is set by their rotor diameter. Because of this, new larger turbines can’t be used to replace derelict ones so, in locations like California, Hawaii, Minnesota, Iowa, Texas etc. old, rusty, noisy turbines are left to stand killing birds and bats but contributing little or nothing to the society that thought they were such a great idea when they were new.

  • Joe - 13 years ago

    Keep industrial wind out of the North Woods and off of our mountaintops! And let's get a North Woods National Park created ASAP to put an end to the non-stop assault on the largest relative wilderness east of the Mississippi. It's time for a NATIONAL PARK to stop this ruthless destruction of what makes Maine so special. Wake up fellow-Mainers, when it's gone it's gone forever. Like it or not, Federal protection is the best option for permanent protection.

  • Karen - 13 years ago

    Hi Sharon,

    I am curious as to why you believe 'we must do something now'. Maine already produces far more electricity than we consume, and wind-generated electricity is destined to be shipped out of state to the ISO NE. For the most part, it is not staying here in Maine. There is no pressing need for a new energy source, and we would be showing common sense and fiscal responsibility if we let scientists and economists determine our energy future, and not wind lobbyists and politicians.

    Wind cannot stand alone. It must ALWAYS be backed up by base-load power sources, because it is intermittent and unreliable. It is also not able to be stored, and it comes at a very high price. Many countries which have been heavily invested in wind for years are pulling the plug on this undependable and very expensive power source and disallowing any further government subsidies. They've learned a hard lesson-- that wind generated electricity was sold to them based on false promises.

    I urge you to take the time to do some independent research on this very important topic, because it sounds as if you are a concerned individual who cares about our future. The facts about the current wind energy plan for Maine are readily available and I think you will be very surprised at what you learn. If I can help you with resources or the contact information for experts, please call me at 628-2070.

    Karen Pease
    Lexington Twp, Maine

  • carols ;P - 13 years ago

    havent we had this questoin before??? seems like a re-run....i think that we should collect all bird, cat, dog and worm fecal matter burn it to create excess heat and then use it too power our solor powered rocket powered roller skates that get 100 mpg in town.....

  • Joyce Jones - 13 years ago

    I agree totally with Rob...in addition I have read a number of articles from across this country..and have not read one article where people are pleased with the Turbines..numerous reasons have been given and I will lists a few..too loud..exceeds the decibels allowed for noise day/night.people getting sick,,farm animals not producing the usual milk reported due to noise and disturbance,,people sick enhancing an illness due to noise factors etc..blasting away mountain tops to erect Turbines..only to find out that they were not producing what was expected...Turbines exploding due to inclement weather,,high winds and the motor/propellers could not keep up with the high winds...destroying Wildlife Habitat..poluting the rivers and the lists goes on...We can do better then this....This is America..and we have always been fair..and we have always provided for our communities needs....fairly and justly..Lets not lose what we have gained by making this misteke....

  • Rob - 13 years ago

    Massive industrial wind turbines will turn Maine's mountains and rural communities into industrial zones. They are terrible for our mountains, our forest ecology, our wildlife, our tourist based economy, our rural citizens and everything we love about Maine's natural beauty and quality of life. They rely on huge taxpayer subsidies, are not at all cost effective and do not even reduce fossil fuel emissions. We need to turn to energy efficiency and solar energy both of which work and will create many thousands of jobs. Industrial wind will ruin the Maine we love and we must stop it now. It's a very costly and very destructive mistake. Defend and protect Maine's mountains, say NO to industrial wind.

  • pat 1946 - 13 years ago

    There are no emissions from wind and water resources. Why not use what we have been gifted with in OUR state to survive hard times and to make the help make the future better.

    Figure out for instance the the difference between how long you can heat your home with a ton of pellets or a cord of wood and compare it to a 100 gallons of oil. I'm surprised there haven't been protesters out there against that.

  • Marco Bernardi - 13 years ago

    Herman 1940, sorry to say, but you can't take a wind powered generator over an oil or coal fired one - you can only take a wind powered generator with an oil or coal fired one. The more wind turbines you have the more "conventional" power plants you need to cover the turbines.
    This happens right now here in Brunsbüttel, Germany. Two coal power plants will be set up to cover the wind energy from the off-shore "wind parks" alpha ventus, Butendiek and all the other "wind parks" that will be erected in the North sea. And for what? 25000 wind turbines with 27 Giga Watt capacity of wind energy are installed in Germany. In theory these 27 GW could produce 40% of our needed energy. In reality it is only 6% (average) and only with 1% you can count over a whole year.

    Still questions Kienzle?
    No, Hauser.

  • david - 13 years ago

    It is difficult to understand why such an unpredictable and expensive energy source could in any way be beneficial to the State of Maine. Maine is giving up too much. Just think about trying to see Maine's brilliant beautiful night sky amid the blinking beacons on top of these monstrous windmills

  • Jane - 13 years ago

    Wind is not "baseload" energy that is necessary at ALL times. Check the EIA government 2011 Outlook on levelized costs for all energy sources. Offshore wind is more expensive per MWH than any other source, including solar.

    We all want clean energy and to keep our environment pure. But wind turbines simply do not provide a reduction of pollution. It has never been proven, because the "baseload" energy source must keep running at the same time, and that burns the same ammount of fossil fuels.

    Wind turbines only produce energy on average 24.4% of the time, and even then, it is usually during the times of low "demand". In other words, most of the electricity they produce is wasted, because it cannot be stored!!

    Wind turbines cannot stand alone. Why do you think sailing ships aren't used anymore? Because continuous steady power is the most efficient way to go. Nothing has changed.

    Clean energy sources for the future are nuclear, advanced clean coal and gas. They are the only choices to replace "baseload". Wind is not a choice to replace baseload. Please educate yourself on this difference.

  • Randall - 13 years ago

    Beth, Here is your Answer about the Noisy Turbines.

    P.S. I am the worst Nightmare to the enviroMENTAL freaks!!
    Basil Powers is Lucky People were/are Tolerant.

  • Randall - 13 years ago

    Grahame, you are Right.

    I Start-Up Power Plants World Wide, You Have no Clue.

    We Should do like California, Clear Cut 4000 Acres of Maine Forest and Produce 100 Megawatts of Electricity. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    P.S. the Only Dangerous part of a Gun is the Idiot Holding it.

  • Beth - 13 years ago

    Kim, wow not every body thinks like you do and apparently that should make us relieved. Wind energy is expensive, noisy and you need ALOT of them to make a dent in our power usage. I agree with Grahame that the windmills will be laughed at in the future. Randall you are an enviroMENTAL freak and there is just nothing that is going to make you happy. I wish the environmentalists would put their windmills in their Hybrids and move to France.

  • Grahame - 13 years ago

    Ugly, inefficient,expensive to build,expensive to maintain, killers of birds and when the moving parts start to wear dangerous as well as costly to repair. Common sense dictates my vote. The 'Ford Edsells' of the electricity world. Future generations will look back and be amazed at how such a stuff up and waste of resources could have ever been considered.

  • Randall - 13 years ago

    Bill you are Sending the Wrong Message.

    You are Right About the "Car" Costing More but you are Forgetting the Basic Idea.
    Once the Investment is Made for Wind Power the "Operating Cost" is Zero, Yes you Still Need to Perform Maintenance, But Maintenance is Lower as You are not Maintaining all the Support Systems Used for Suppling the "Energy" to the Power Plan.

    Look at the Bio-Mass Plant in Stratton, ME.
    Renewable Energy Yes, Cleaner Energy Source NO!
    You are Forgetting all the Carbon Producing Chainsaws, Harvesters, Forwarders, Skidders, Delimbers, Chippers and Tractor Trailers it Takes to Get the "Energy" from the Forest to the Plant.

    Do not Even get me Started on the "Clean" Electric Cars.
    And Where Does the Power Come from to Charge the Batteries!?!?!?!

  • Herman 1940 - 13 years ago

    I'll take a wind powered generator over an oil or coal fired one any day. You are going to have a hard time convincing me that it costs a lot more to generate power by wind. By the way, the only wind that pollutes, comes out of D.C. and Augusta!!!!!! Augusta is improving but D.C. seems to be getting worse. Don't harness the wind, but make use of it. If washington can find a way to tax it, it will. GO LAPAGE!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bill - 13 years ago

    Sharon, wind power is not free. It cost 5x to 10x more per kilowatt generated in capital cost. If you drive a car that cost $25k, gets 20 miles per gallon and you drive it 25,000 miles per year, would you pay $125k for a car that gets 100 miles per gallon? You would have to drive the more expensive car 125,000 miles per year for ten years before the capital cost were break even. If you don't have to drive much than you paid for capacity you don't need. It is the same story for wind. When you combine both capital and operating cost wind is much more expensive. And don't give me any drivel about displacing emissions. There is no empirical proof that it does.

  • CommonCents - 13 years ago

    I read where Vermont has signed a purchase agreement for 20(?) years with QUEBEC HYDRO; and two electric utilities automatically lowered their rates by 12% and potentially more as more and more hydro comes on line.

    Wind Power in Europe is heavily subsidized and once the subsidies disappear becomes very expensive.

    Quebec has some of the lowest electric rates in N. America and a prosperous economy.

  • Sharon - 13 years ago

    Windpower IS an option! It's clean and free ... if you don't like the looks they can be built offshore ... I think they are beautiful and we MUST do something now!!!!

  • Gary - 13 years ago

    Wind Power is useless, do your research! Wind and solar are not answers for Maine and Wind will have to be a trend that will eventually go on the wayside.

  • n/a - 13 years ago

    I'm sorry, but the way the Maine pople fills about this is not good , Maine pople need to get there mined out of there ( ? ) and thank about the was it will help the Maine pople,

  • Kim - 13 years ago

    anytime you have a political question, I think, people with way to much time on their hands, get together with their friends to "stack the answer" to make it seem the opinion of the population.

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