Should smokers be eligible for MaineCare benefits?


  • Hattie Alley - 13 years ago

    Why pick on the smokers again? What about alcoholics? Why should we be denied MaineCare if we smoke. Again that state gives people MaineCare for medical marjuana and to go to a methodone clinic yet alone pay for their methodone and their gas mileage. This country really needs to put their intrest in other things and start investigating the people that are getting checks for no reason that are able to work just like everyone else.

  • Chris - 13 years ago

    Hey if we find this to be a good Idea... I think we need to do the same for those who drink... drinking excessively causes many health problems, and can kill others too! Overweight people too, they bring it on themselves eating like that... or people like me, I volunteer as a firefighter, or my brother a soilder... my friend the cop... he we chose the job when we are laid off or lose our health insurance because we have been priced out of it and we need to use Mainecare... we should be denied too, we volunteered to do a dangerous job when our regular job is gone because it so cheaper to make it in Mexico and the all mighty dollar is the number one thing and our jobs leave... we should be denied Maine care too... REALLY HOW ABSURD IS THIS ARGUMENT?

  • Gary - 13 years ago

    If your going to take a Government handout you should pay hightr taxes and they should regulate the hell out of you!!!! I agree that if you can afford cigs then you can buy your own damn insurance.

  • zack - 13 years ago

    Thanks dsa!! And no problem I just like to let people know that it is possible to do it if they really put there mind to it.. but I agree with all this for sure.. its bullshit.. my wife works at rite aid and just today they caught a guy buying like 8 cases of water with his foodstamps and then caught him out back the store dumping it out so that he could return the bottles for money to buy beer or drugs.. now that pisses me off thats all of our money hard at work.

  • AJC - 13 years ago

    I agree 100% with MW & SG, very well said!

  • SG - 13 years ago

    I work for the federal government and I pay $300 a month for health insurance for my wife and I. We never use our insurance but obviously we are going to pay it. That's $3,600 a year we pay. Our insurance went up $80 a month this year! I believe if Maine starts putting their foot down and stops giving Maine care to anyone that applies maybe everyone else’s rates might go down. Or at least stay the same. I have a friend that works for the meth clinic in Bangor and it is absolutely pathetic. We pay for a taxi to go pick them up, wait for them to get there fix, and then pay for the taxi to bring them home!! WTF. Or, they drive there in their new car (leave their kids in the car), go get their fix then drive home. How is that legal? Driving home after getting drugged? I completely agree Sam and many others on here. I am tired of paying for people that are either to lazy, have too many kids or are "disabled". GET OFF YOUR &$$ and get a job!! The other thing is when I am at the grocery store and in line behind some on Food stamps. I look at their kids who generally speaking are way over weight, then glance in their shopping cart. I notice that there are no vegetables or fruit. I also notice that there are soda, cookies, candy and a bunch of other extremely unhealthy food. Then I go out to my vehicle see them loading up their new car (new then mine I might add) while it is parked in a handicap spot. HAHA what a joke. I think that the food stamp system needs to start limiting what can be purchased. If anyone that is on food stamp system has a problem with that, than go get a job and pay for your own groceries. I am so tired of paying $150 a week for groceries while people on food stamps pay NOTHING! This is not targeted towards the elderly, people with legit disabilities, or anyone that has served our country! It is targeted toward people that are to lazy, people with handicap tags on their rear view because they have become too FAT, or anyone else not mentioned. If anyone is offended by this then go get a job then you can respond.

  • pat 1946 - 13 years ago

    If everyone quit smoking who would pick up the loss of tax revenue?
    All health issues are not caused just because someone smokes. They should not be denied for all issues. It shouldn't be that cut and dry for any program. All programs are in desperate need of addressing. I have always wondered, for example, why the food stamp program allows for the purchase of all the junk food but not for the purchase of body soap, t.paper or detergent to wash their cloths.

  • LD - 13 years ago

    I quit smoking less then 2 years ago, becouse I was ready I didn't want it anymore. My husband still smokes and is permantly disabled after an accident. So we are down to one income and he finally has gotten some assistants for medical. I can't afford to add him to my insurance becouse it cost so much more then it does for my children and myself. We both have worked hard for many years and I still do, but becouse he has a bad habbit that is still legal they want to take health coverage away.
    But yet at the same time lets allow every one who drinks does drugs, has unprotected sex, or eats unhealthy fatty foods continue to get help( even thin people can be a stroke, or heartattack waiting to happen), or even a diabetic for eating the wrong foods.
    Come on people, we all have bad habbits that endanger our health that we know we should change but does that mean we all should ever have to be denied care.
    Nor should preach or dictate to others about their bad habbits, you won't make a smoker quit by doing this just as uping the prices doesn't work, they will quit when they are ready.
    Besides it is very hipocritical, to do so considering how much money the state has made off the tabaco tax, and lets not forget the states did receive some nice checks from the tabaco comapanies in the settlements a number of years ago

  • Herman 1940 - 13 years ago

    There are a lot of very good coments made today. I personally smoked for very many years. Started out at twelve cents a pack in the early fifties and quit in the early nineties at over two fifty a pack. Just like any other drug you will pay what ever it costs to get it. I don't condone it nor do i want to persecute anyone that does. It is a very nasty habit that i certainly wish that i never had. Worked hard all my life and paid my own way. Therefore I really dislike for any part of my taxes going to a recipient, that if able and chooses not to seek employment does so. The BIBLE clearly states if a man dosen't work he dosen't eat, and i would take that to mean smoke, drink, or do drugs. Whatever indulgance you choose you should have to work for. Some people work harder at using the system than they would if they got a real job. In fact i've known a couple of them in my short lifetime. Lets fix the problem!

    GO LAPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Sam - 13 years ago

    I agree with Mainah, smokers should be looked at differently when it comes to state aid, just like life insurance companies do. I see people everyday in my line of work that have NO JOB, are having ANOTHER child and smoke. How do you afford to smoke with no job? By us working tax payers, thats how! I can't afford a habit that expensive if I wanted, even with a full time job. If people can afford to smoke, then they can afford to pay for their children and medical payments, just like the rest of us. The Mainecare system is a huge mess and I hope that Gov. LePage changes it in the next 4 years. I'm tired of paying for people who do not attempt to find a job, and continuously depend on Mainecare and Welfare to support them.

  • Sarah Marie - 13 years ago

    If our government says its okay to smoke cigarettes (knowing full well that it is killing people that smoke and people around those that smoke) legal, then yes they should have to pay to help those very same people they are taking money from! They continue to allow cigarettes to be sold because the taxes put on cigarettes make up a lot of the money they receive every day! Our government knows how bad cigarettes are for our health and yet they close their eyes....I just don't understand why they don't legalize marijuana too, it doesn't do half of what a cigarette does to you!?

  • Met - 13 years ago

    I think it is un constitutional to use the peoples tax money to provide health care to people
    that dont take care of their health for any reason. I pay huge premiums just to get basic health care ,and I try to take care of my health because if I dont, I pay even more out of pocket expense.

  • MW - 13 years ago

    Reading through some of these comments, I can understand why people think it may be a type of "telling someone how to live" but why can't we tell you how to live. If I am going to work everyday, paying my own insurance costs, gas, groceries etc. then yes I live how I want. But if someone else is paying my way, then there needs to be "lots of rules". We are a state that invites people to move here that do not intend to contribute to "our way of life". Within 45 days, a person can move to Maine and be on welfare, sign up for subsidized housing, apply for college and who pays for that. Not them. Let's really think about what the problem is....get Maine working with good jobs not more Mardens and get these people on welfare off. Make them accountable, have rules, they don't get to decide how to spend my money. I've stood in line at a grocery store plenty of times watching what "my money" pays for. I'm really tired of going to work everyday to pay for people who don't care and don't want to change their lives.

  • michelle - 13 years ago

    I dont want my tax dollars paying for their smokes and their healthcare. If you choose to shell out the money (what eight dollars a pack?) for the smokes, that cause you to be unhealthy, then you choose not to be covered by ANY state monies.

  • sas - 13 years ago

    I agree with Linda. If the government wants to cut out expenses maybe they should look at the whole picture instead of targeting one section of it.

  • hates the smoke - 13 years ago

    I agree that our $ shouldn't be spent on Mainecare for those that smoke. I never took up the disgusting , nasty, and expensive habit. And for the life of me, could never understand WHY anyone would ever want to TRY it, and then ruin the rest of their ( and their childrens ) lives.'
    My Medicare has gone up and they are paying much less of our visit to the dr. But does Mainecare help the Seniors (that never smoked) pay their bills????? NOOOOO
    Not only should a smokers insurance be taken away, any other HELP that our money pays for, should be . Last week I saw a woman use her food card for nearly $100. then asked the clerk to get her a carton of cigs. She whipped out a $50.00 bill and paid for her cigs with it!!! Now, Maine people, wake up. Something is terribly wrong here. Lets get this stupidity fixed fast, Mr. LaPage.

  • jwins - 13 years ago

    It is a good idea if we help smokers try to quit smoking .

  • Linda - 13 years ago

    Although I do not smoke, I find it discriminating to target smokers. What next? People overweight more than 25 lbs. won't be eligible. Women that have more than two children won't be covered {let's be like China and dictate one child per family}. If you look at how many accidents were caused from someone that smokes, vs. someone that was drinking, then you would be checking into alcohol. I think people should see those statistics. To me that is much more serious, as is drugs. I feel schools should educate more on drug and alcohol use. The problem with our youth, and many adults is huge, and the help systems just are not here in Maine. Time for the media to get involved in that, smoking is second in my opinion. Let's not start letting the gov. tell us how to live. If we do, we might as well switch to a communism vs. a democracy. Weather you support smoking or not, this is NOT the answer.

  • Dsa - 13 years ago

    Sorry zack i didnt mean to upset you or anyone else that has or had a drug or alcohol problem i ment why are smoker targeted and congrats on being clean for 4 years i dont think a person with alcohol or drug problems should lose the right either

  • Zack - 13 years ago

    I like how you all keep bringing up drug addicts!!! I'm a recovering addict i'm going on my fourth year clean and I couldn't have afforded the help i needed if mainecare didn't help me on my way to being sobar. I know it's not there fault that i became an addict but I'll tell you I sure appreciate everyday the help that I got from mainecare when I wake up everyday now a sobar person..

  • Working Mom of 3 - 13 years ago

    I agree with Disabled Mom.

  • Dsa - 13 years ago

    Sorry didnt mean to post that twice.

  • Dsa - 13 years ago

    What about drug attics and alcohloics why just smokers i think its stupied if u dont wanna smoke then dont isnt this a free country? dont smoke or your bad but yea do drugs or drink and we will help but only if you dont smoke

  • Dsa - 13 years ago

    What about drug attics and alcohloics why just smokers i think its stupied if u dont wanna smoke then dont isnt this a free country? dont smoke or your bad but yea do drugs or drink and we will help but only if you dont smoke

  • Disabled Mom - 13 years ago

    I don't think the state mainecare or foodstamp program should pay for people to be able to smoke. Our family doesn't qualify for help we make a thousand dollars too much. So we go without, we buy second hand clothes, and eat cheaper meals The smoker spends on average 5.00 a pack 1820.00 a year just for one pack a day. It costs us 334.00 a month for health insurance plus copays. Tell me this is fair. People on welfare smoke, drink, have soda, steak, lobster, while my children have water and hamburger. Fair I think not.!!!!!! This is not taking away a right, If they want to smoke go get a job and pay for it !!!!!!!!

  • madeline - 13 years ago

    They say they are not targeting smokers, well they did not mention refusing maine care for people suffering from alcoholic illnesses nor did they mention fefusing maine care to people who are addicted to drugs. where's the difference? they are all self-inflicted illnesses.

  • Val - 13 years ago

    I have no problem with people who smoke, as long as I don't have to breathe it in or their children aren't smoking with them. I DO have a problem with MY tax dollars supporting someone else's habit with welfare and Maine Care. I am a working person who does not qualify for any assistance of any kind because my income is considered too high, however, I would have to pay an insurance company more than half my monthly income to get coverage, so I have health issues not being addressed, but smokers can have their nasty cigs and still get Maine Care... something's wrong with this picture. I am sure I am not the only one in the same situation. So, I DON'T think people who smoke and receive welfare and Maine Care should feel they are entitled for me to pay for their income, healthcare insurance or their cigarettes!

  • marc - 13 years ago

    My insurance rates went up this year and all workers had the option to receive a discount if they pledged to not smoke in 2011. I agree as a former smoker, if you can afford to smoke you should be able to pay for your insurance. I have to work full time and pay for my insurance; I decided to quit so I could afford a better lifestyle and lower rates. I am not ok with paying for someone elses healthcare if they cannot attempt at being healthy. We all have the right to access healthcare, but not to free healthcare. The very minimum should be if you smoke you should have to pay a co-pay or part of your benifits, but I don't think I should have to pay for someone else's health care if they are smoking, they should pay it themselves.

  • Mainah - 13 years ago

    Even though I smoked for 30+ years, I agree that MaineCare should treat smokers differently than non-smokers just as life insurance companies treat smokers differently. Smoking causes serious health issues that the tax payers ultimately pay end up paying for and I agree that if others are paying for your insurance - respect that and take good care of your health.

  • Mom of 2 - 13 years ago

    If people don't smoke then our tax paying money wont be wasted!! My health would be so much better I hate breathing in 2nd hand smoke if I wanted to fill my lungs with nasties then I would be smoking don't need someone else doing it for me!!! If people can afford cigs then they can afford insurance!!!

  • Sue - 13 years ago

    If you take smokers off Mainecare then why let there be meth clinics and Mainecare pay for that, why pay for medical marijuana thru Mainecare, why have rehabs and Mainecare pay for them. Why are smokers being selected as the only ones. Are we living in the US with a constitution that still applies or not?

  • jackie e - 13 years ago

    Here we go again!!! What kind of law,says the state has a right to deny health insurance to anyone, let alone welfare recipients? Just another ploy to make people stop smoking.Might as well be in a third world country,it's beginning to look like a dictator society here in the states.
    Next thing they'll come out with is if you smoke,it will be a crime and you'll be prosecuted.
    Half the state is on welfare,because of no jobs,if i was homeless and had nothing with a bunch of kids, i'd need a cig., to try and keep sane.I smoke i'm elderly,no one would tell me i can't smoke,it's all i have in life,this is so sick it's funny.If their were no smokers the medical profession wouldn't have anything to do.please give us a break.

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