Is paddling an idea whose time has passed, or is it still an effective form of discipline in our schools ?


  • Beatdown - 13 years ago

    Beat dat azz!!!

  • Dan - 13 years ago

    I don't think its a good idea to paddle them.

    It might set off the fire arms they have in their back pocket....

    Times sure have changed, and not for the better.

  • jackson - 13 years ago

    Paddle 'em. We wouldn't have the behavior issues we're having today if the kids had consequences for their behavior. It hurt me to paddle mine, but I did it. They got the idea after a few times that bad behavior wasn't the way to go. I went to school in the 60's and early 70's and got my share of paddling in jr. high and high school. Then, got it when I got home.

  • Felicity - 13 years ago

    I'm recently retired from DISD and taught 4th grade for 15 years. In the early '80's the vice principals always paddled and it made a huge difference in behavior. With continual cries from the "bleeding hearts" it went the way of the ice box. Too bad!
    But a funny story - a mother of a really troublesome boy gave ME permission to paddle her son. I knew I might get in trouble so I resisted the urge, but finally I got totally fed up and picked up a closed up umbrella and hit him a couple of smacks on his backside. His behavior improved and his mother even thanked me! I'm sure nowadays I'd be fired for that.

  • Dave Moore - 13 years ago

    The outcry to stop corporal punishment in schools comes mostly from liberal biased individuals. If they had their way we would all sit around and sing " Kumbayah " " and just hope kids will be nice. Keep the paddle as a deterent to smart mouthed kids who have little parent support.

  • T.Carter - 13 years ago

    When I first spanked my children, it broke my heart...I do believe in spanking though. And with that comment let me add. Teachers are there to instruct, as well as discipline, and they are NOT paid enough to spank a child, it is NOT their responsibility..I find it hard to believe that any parent would ever have the audacity to pass that responsibility off to another human being..

  • Gary Dill - 13 years ago

    I was never paddled in school. As my brothers and I were raised we were taught and knew for certain that if we got in trouble at school it would be much worse at home. Fortunately both of our parents were active in our schools. My wife and I raised our kids the same way and they never had a problem. The key as Roberts said if for parental involvement.

  • Roberts - 13 years ago

    Parents these days are younger and younger or kids are being parented by grand parents or aunts and uncles, making this generation of children less respectful and more likely to be problems in the classroom. Teachers are loosing their ability to keep control of their classroom because of the few teachers out there that take corporal punishment to the extreme. Parents, and kids alike, have the ability to blow the whistle on treatment (from teachers) they feel is unfair where the teacher feels it may be an everyday part of disciplining their classroom. Where is the happy medium? If parents or legal guardians check the box that corporal punishment is allowable, then why ban it? Let the teachers keep order in their classroom. If you, as a parent or legal guardian, are involved DAILY with what your child is learning and communicate OFTEN with your child's teacher, you wouldn't be the parent or legal guardian worrying if your child is going to get paddled today. If you are not involved DAILY or communicate OFTEN and your child has the impression that you don't care, they will find someone that will, either in a negative or positive way. Keep the paddle, increase parent involvement, help the teachers teach! These kids are our future, start treating them as such!

  • BDK - 13 years ago

    I was paddled in school and it worked. If these parents want paddling banned, then they need to find another way to supply teachers the tools they need to punish the children.

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