Are critics right or petty to suggest that President Obama shouldn't be talking about his March Madness brackets while Libya and Japan struggle?


  • Disillusioned - 13 years ago

    Jackson, I doubt Bush even gave a basketball tournament a second thought since he was so athletically incline, but if you are so concerned about what if he had taken 5 minutes out to talk about a silly tournament, one could only imagine what an outrage would have become of it. Good thing he didn't and just spend countless days away from Washington and played on the ranch in Crawford instead. Yeah I can see your point, it's far more infuriating to think Obama would take 5 minutes to comment on something so ridiculous as a national championship than taking several vacations a year in the midst of the numerous national crisis' that were going on at the time. make perfect sense. Not sure to whom though.

    Maybe you would be happier if Obama just headed for Hawaii 4 or 5 times a year like GW did with Crawford. But the point is this is nonsense even considering the question and only points out how narrow the mindset is on this guy. Anyone can point out problems with Presidents, as we all know through the previous administrations, but we have to work with what we have and make the best of it. If people only want to rebut every little issue we are going no where fast, and it will be no different whether one party is in power or not. We have to get past this gridlock! I hope you (all) can see that.

  • C Bauer - 13 years ago

    I thought W was a clown, but this idiot is the Clown Prince (or King, or god), hands-down. I've never seen a bigger buffoon as president in my lifetime, and that includes Jimmy Carter.

  • jackson - 13 years ago

    oldman68 -
    Surely you aren't addressing my comments as bile. If you are, then
    you can take a long walk off a short pier. Obama finally did do the right thing today.

    And, disillusioned -
    I compared Obama's actions to what would have happened had Bush taken 5 minutes out for a comment on the basketball tourney. It would have ignited a media firestorm of criticism. Obama always blames the Bush administration for his ills. Two plus years deep into his term, he should start accepting responsibility for his screw ups.

  • oldman68 - 13 years ago

    If these comments are any indication of the mentality of the American people then there is no way we will survive as a nation.We've got to find a way to inform the people what a president can and can't do.Read your civics books people instead of spouting such political bile.

  • creasy - 13 years ago


  • Disillusioned - 13 years ago


    In one breath you say GWB couldn't control the circumstances that presented themselves to him, and in the very next breath, you blame Obama for the same things. He has no control over who or how Libya was dealt with. Even if he did jump in the middle of it, you would be lambasting him for getting us into another confrontation we had no business being in. It's a no win situation with people who only see one side of the argument due to not being able to think independently of a political party's platform.

    Get over it, it's only a basketball tournament and he's able to take the five minutes off his schedule to make his picks. The world isn't coming to the end because he took that time, so lighten up. I think GW would even think this whole questioning him for that is absurd.

  • jackson - 13 years ago

    I don't know if the Clinton tandem presidency, or co-presidency, would be much better. I do think Her Thighness would have been a tougher negotiator/strategist for foreign policy than Obama. It's a tough call.

  • Felicity - 13 years ago

    Obama suffers from a lack of leadership and business experience. He is the Community Organizer In-Chief. Even though I'm a conservative, I would have preferred Hillary if it had to have been a Democrat. 2012 can't get here fast enough for me!

  • jackson - 13 years ago

    If George W had gone on ESPN and made NCAA tournament selections, there would have been a congressional investigation. Bush got blamed for Hurricane Katrina. I'll bet George Bush had no idea what a powerful force he truly was. Able to cause hurricanes, tsunamis, global warming, etc. Thank the Lord the weather steering wheel has been turned loose and given to Jerry Jones to stop ice from forming on the roof of his football palace. Obama had a chance to rid the planet of a despot in Libya and handed it off to the UN for a resolution to protect innocent civilians. Meanwhile, back at the White House, the fountain was green for St. Patrick's Day! La-dee-frickin'-dah!!

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