Do you think Governor LePage should put the labor mural back?


  • Jon - 13 years ago

    No way in hell the mural is going back! Going in the trash maybe, but back.......never! Give it back to whoever painted pieces!

  • Beth - 13 years ago

    Deke, you are starting to whine. As a conservative business owner (if you really are one) you should ultimately be supporting the Governor on this. I propose that he either send the mural back or raise money to pay it back. I would give to that cause. I doubt your a conservative business owner, more like a whiny liberal in sheeps clothing.

  • Deke - 13 years ago

    This mural issue has nothing to do with being liberal or being a union member as I for one am neither. Rather, I define myself as conservative and a small business owner. But what Governor LePage did was wrong. Now the national press (Associated Press) had picked up this issue and Washington, DC has gotten into the issue as well. It is going to cost all us Maine taxpayers $60,000 for an act that should not have taken place. We cannot afford to pay the $60,000 back to the US Department of Labor. The Governor should realize that and put the mural back.

  • Jon - 13 years ago


    And to all you union thugs and whiners.......KISS MY BUTT!

  • smith - 13 years ago

    i say no. Its just another thing for people to bitch about. lepage rules and tells people like it is! and we need a gov. like that.

  • Rick - 13 years ago

    My opinion is that there is a lot more important issues than this,, Foreclosure? Homeless? Gas prices? Unemployment? Education? We should be worrying about these things not a mural... come on now it's a picture on a wall!!! Get over it!!!

  • Herman 1940 - 13 years ago

    Donna look at the yes & no's. That answer your question?

  • Gary - 13 years ago


    You are apparently a member of a small majority. The $60,000.00 was not brought on by LePage. It was brought on by a bunch of whining liberals that are too used to the status quo. Well the State is out of money and I for one do not want my kids to have to leave the state to find jobs. The $60,000.00 is an example of the broken system that we have now. This mural should not have been in the Department of Labor in the first place. That decision was also done under a Democratic Governor. ( Why I just gave you the time of day, I have NO IDEA?!?!?!?!

  • Aimey - 13 years ago

    I think LePage is great! I am anti-union. If it were not for all the unions then maybe everything would not be outsourced to other countries. Leftist, whining liberals is who complains. They are the working welfare, with your hands out for whatever you can take and put out the least amount of work. That piece of crap, so called "art" is horrific and creepy looking. Enough about a stupid pictue that has only been there since 08!

  • Donna - 13 years ago

    This is to all the people that are making comments that the Labor Dept. and the mural only represent the Unions . YOU ARE DEAD WRONG. If you read the history of how the Labor Dept. was formed you would think different. The Labor Dept. is for the working class people of this country whether you are UNION or NOT. The Mural represents what people have gone through to make the working place a better , safe and the right for equal rights in the work place. So people read about it before you speak you might be surprised on what you learn. And to Hermon 1940 the Removal of the Mural does not glorify the Unions its about every working person in the State of Maine and obviously you as well as LePage don't understand what that Mural represents. Now as for bringing business into this State. The Mural did not drive out or keep businesses in Maine. This is to Gary our new Governor is already a qoute "Laughing Stock" the right thing for him to do is to apologize to the people of Maine, the ones he represents and put the Mural back where it was and should be at the Labor Dept.. This is a personal agenda he is on and I can almost guarantee you that people will think twice when voting time comes again, not just in this State but all over the country. GOP's will have a hard time getting in again. I am all for change and do realize that things need to be different. LePage wants to cut spending but actually he has cost the tax payer's another $60,000.00 plus more in taxes due to a decision that he made alone. I for one pay enough taxes and do not like the idea that we have a Governor that looks down on the people of Maine as they are beneath him. NOT . Oh cut taxes why not ask the Governor why he gave his daughter $12,000.00 more then previously oppointed people to that position, but then again he feels he can do what he wants.

  • Markus - 13 years ago

    If you all step back, it seems that Paul LaPage hasn't really done anything as of yet? Well, he did go on vacation, and seems to be worried about whoopie pies and murals? I think in the end, he is just another politician like the rest, and the people will be the fools once again. People wake up, its not Democrats or Republicans its politicians as a whole, they don't have your interest at hand on either side of the fence.

  • Chris - 13 years ago

    If LePage wore a white suit and a cowboy hat, he'd have the looks to go with his Boss Hogg mentality. His behavior is completely inappropriate for an "elected" official. His statements not only demonstrate his ignorance of science and facts, but they set a bad example for children who might think this is how leaders should talk to people.
    The mural IS specific to Maine, and is not anti- anything, but simply depicts people/events responsible for improving conditions for Maine's workers, and it was hanging in the Department of LABOR. Most of us would have passed it by without a second thought, but a couple CEOs complained and LePage opts to please then over Maine's workers. Disgusting.

  • beth - 13 years ago

    Hang the mural in the welfare department

  • bill - 13 years ago

    LePage is a clown. What does this mural have to do with creating jobs. It does have to do with what people have done for jobs in the past.Watch out four the left hand while were watching the right.

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    It looks like he's taking "politics" out of politics. GOOD. About time
    You have to stop and wonder, "Why we do not hang say, a rebel flag or a swatz symbol."
    The actual-original meaning of these two things have nothing to do with what they have become to represent and been known to to be affiliated with..........And so goes the labor union/ mural.
    Plain & simple.

  • Gary - 13 years ago

    Wow the liberals that have made comments here are way too far gone. It is not even worth debating you. You all should live in Europe or a country where the government wipes your a$$ for you. Arguing with IDIOTS!

  • Mrs.C - 13 years ago

    The state of Maine is the people of Maines home. Would any of you, put a sign outside your home that says "open for business" ? I bet not. This isn't a job, being our governor, to make the state of Miane his own personal business. This is what hes doing. He is making the state of Maine look like nothing but a state full of crude, rednecks. He clearly is showing us he really isn't what a governor should be. Maybe running a store is something he's good at, then hecan make rules and his employees have to follow them or be fired. But this isn't what we need in our governor, or what will he do if we don't follow his rules??Take away our healthcare? Take away our jobs? Oh wait...this is what hes doing already.....we are in trouble Maine.

  • Mrs. V C - 13 years ago

    The state of Maine new governor is a joke!! Put the mural back, then maybe the people of Maine will think you have a real concern for us people, then do the job that the governor should be doing, helpinig our states people, not making yourself look even more all about your own opinions. People first he said...what a joke! There should be away to get him out of the governors chair, and put someone in it that helps us . Not divides us.

  • Tina Jakacky - 13 years ago

    I believe LaPage is making decisions based on feelings rather than the interest of Maine. This was a decision made on an unsigned letter (A cowardly and unprofessional way "to do business"). What will be banned next? Should something like this be voted on by the people of Maine? I'm not impressed with LaPage so far because he is too contraversal and self-pleasing. It seems like he doesn't care if he remains in office after his first 4 years.

  • Mary Kay Bramble - 13 years ago

    Now I get it....

  • Herman 1940 - 13 years ago

    You bleeding heart liberals had your shot and look at the shape that the state is in. If what it takes to get this state turned around is a little truth and guts, then I think we have the right guy in the governors office. The murial should never been in the dept. of labor in the first place. Lets quit glorifing the unions and get real. Anyone comming across the bridge from New Hampshire to Maine could hear a sucking sound from all the jobs joing south and overseas. To places where they didn't have to deal with the unions and the high taxes. I for one will support GOVERNOR LEPAGE, and if someone gets told that they are an idiot or what ever part of his derriere to kiss so be it. I say if the shoe fits then wear it!!!! Hope fully there is enough people in the state of Maine that is tired of all the crap we have been fed for the last two decades to be willing to help make some changes.

    GO LEPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Mary Kay Bramble - 13 years ago

    Larry, let me appeal to your your desire to cut spending. It cost $60,000 to acquire the mural, and it cost $??? to remove and store it. I can't defend such ridiculousness. The mural is more about the history of labor in this country and yes, Maine as well. The point is, it should never have been an issue in the first place. Our founding fathers were geniuses who disagreed on issues until they found ways to compromise. Freedom of speech is one of the best things about our constitution, but the fact that the founders decided that only white, land owners had the right to vote is no longer good enough. The mural simply depicts the changes in working conditions for all of us over time, and I am grateful for the lives those changes have saved.

  • Gary - 13 years ago

    The only way LePage would be made a "laughing stock" would be if he put the mural back. The only people that are laughing at us are the people who have ruined this state and are currently ruining this country. The media is spinning this to make people think that everyone feels this way and it is not the truth. The only way that this State is going to turn around is if we take some serious and drastic steps. The mural is a message and it needs to be done. The mural should rest in a museum, NOT the Department of Labor. The lawyers that are trying to bring this to court are showing us exactly what is WRONG with the system. The Republican Senators that spoke out are in for the wrong reasons. They want to be"lifetime politicians" and they will sway with what they think is popular at the time. These people should be voted out. Stand by your values or leave. Paul LePage is doing what he can to make the changes that are needed, however liberals are so used to the status quo that any change in the right direction is painful. Well the same can be said for Obama forcing socialized health care down a conservatives throat. The only difference is that this Country was founded to have little Government Involvement and more freedom for people to live and make choices. Mr. LePage, put the mural in a museum where it belongs and keep the changes coming that will make this State function again

  • MOPANG - 13 years ago


  • Daph - 13 years ago

    I think we have more important things to worry about in this state than a mural. Maybe if the people so ready to fight about a painting would put that same energy into say our education system, job creation, or the human services fraud problem something real could be accomplished, instead of all this bull!@#$.

  • jackie - 13 years ago

    I think he should be impeached.he is the laughing stock of the state of maine and elsewhere.
    calling people idiots was the last straw.

  • Mary Kay Bramble - 13 years ago

    Governor LePage is making Maine a laughing stock in our country! His priorities, comments and actions reveal his need to appear powerful, but all he really demonstrates is his egocentricity, lack of impulse control, and weakness in critical thinking. He is not our boss. He is supposed to be fulfilling his leadership role as a defender of the people of Maine and its constitution.
    I find him to be an embarrassment and am glad I did not vote for him. What can we expect for the next 3 1/2 years if all of this nonsense has happened up to this point?

  • warren valentino - 13 years ago

    i feel that the labor mural should be put back in the dept of labor office. it belongs to the people of Maine.also,so the people of maine do not have to pay the grant money back to the federal government.

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