Do you prefer Mac or PC?


  • Vincent - 13 years ago

    I have been an OS/X user for about 3 years and have not looked back. I am Android all the way in the smartphone department. Previously Windows PC (since the 80's) and Pocket PC since their inception. I tried an iPhone with AT&T for one week, could not tolerate the network and was lukewarm, at best, on the device. It just seemed like phone functionality was an afterthought and less sophisticated than a plain old feature phone.

    I don't have an emotional alliance with any platform or company but I see OS/X and Android as best in their respective arenas.

  • Don LaVange - 13 years ago

    I went from C/PM to DOS to Windows to OS/2 to Windows to Linux to Windows and then to OS/X. And that was about 5 years ago, and haven't look back. I love mac. I love android.

    I do have one IOS device, my iPad. I think it's a great device but the reason I have it is that I needed software that will never be available for PC's or Android: Omnifocus. It's the best for GTD!

  • Josh Dale - 13 years ago

    I'm in the same boat as Sedat. GNU/KDE Linux distros for computers I use and Android handsets. You should modify the poll to include us...I clicked neither as well, but that makes it look like we don't use ANY computers???

  • Sedat - 13 years ago

    For desktops and laptops (notebook, netbook etc.), my OS choice is GNU/Linux. For smartphones and tablets, my OS choice is Android. FOSS (free and open source software) FTW!!!

    BTW, guess PC does mean MS Windows and 'cause of that I voted for "neither".

  • ravidavi - 13 years ago

    The premise of this entire article is that people buy or don't buy a product based solely on the name of the company that sells it.

    On one hand, the author says that Mac users are "unapologetically obsessed and irritating their fans are rather than by the merits of the product itself." Implying that people buy Macs purely based on the name of the company selling them.

    On the other hand, the author can't quite grasp why someone would buy a Mac and NOT an iPhone ... implying that the author himself associates products purely based on the name of the company selling them.

    I'm not calling the author any bad names over this ... after all, contradictions of the mind are human nature ... I just wanted to point it out to the author.

    In the end, he's right, many people DO buy a product based solely on the brand name. But one shouldn't really be surprised that with all the online research tools available, there will be people out there who actually have a preference based on the product itself.

    I have been using Macs since before 1995, and I love Android. Don't be so shocked. :)

  • Curly - 13 years ago

    Used Mac's for the past 4 years and currently do my Android development on them.

    However, with the imminent release of OSX Lion and the general dumbing down of OSX to iPhone usability, the lock-in associated with the OSX App Store, the requirement to use iTunes for everything and, more importantly, the lack of first-class Java support means that I'm looking to move back to Windows.

    Having used Windows 7 at work, then there's not much in it from a UI point of view.

    Mind you, the iMac form factor rocks.

  • JoE - 13 years ago

    Same boat as Jenny. The only reason I didn't get an iPhone is because I was with Verizon. Now that I have gone Android, I don't see myself ever switching over to iPhone. I got my Droid X about 6 months before Verizon finally offered the iPhone (after years of rumors) and was actually waiting to upgrade because I thought Big Red would get the iPhone a lot sooner than they did.

  • Jenny - 13 years ago

    I was actually a Mac user & dedicated fan for years before I got my first Android. And the only reason I didn't get an iPhone is because I was under contract with Verizon, and they didn't have them yet. Now, though, I don't think I'll switch from Android. OR from Mac. :)

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