Do you think Osama Bin Laden is really dead?


  • Jon - 13 years ago

    Blah-blah-blah! More empty rhetoric from a know-it-all, whiny, good for nothing Liberal.

    You guys are pathetic! Truly pathetic! And THAT is the truth!

    Do your parents know you're using their computer? Doubt it! What a disappointment you must be to them!

    It's WAY past your bedtime! Toddle on.

  • Disapponted - 13 years ago







  • Jon - 13 years ago


    You brain-dead Libs crack me up! You know everything about everyone and everything. That's probably why everything is just peachy now!

    Face it looser, your time came and you brew it! Now it's up to US to fix YOUR mess!

    Shut up and go away!

  • DISAPPOINTED - 13 years ago

    HEY JON,
    I work for a living and pay my taxes but your an ignorant ass who knows not what he does it's just easier for you to blame others, you must be a republician who agrres on how to waste our
    hard earned money. You probably don't have a real life anybody would be interested in, your probably one of those people who live off others, TIMR FOR YOU TO GET A REAL LIFE.

  • Jon - 13 years ago

    Disappointed - Sure hope you get you head unstuck from your ass sometime soon!

    As we have ALL learned in the last 2 days, The Messiah HAD to do something. Too many people knew exactly where bin Laden was for obama NOT to act. Yet still, the Ditherer-in Chief took 16 hours to decide to act on the intelligence! WHAT A DISGRACE HE IS! WHAT AN ABORTION! And then to go on a self-promotion tour in New York!

    DISGRACEFUL! But exactly what we have come to expect from this Butt-wad!

    I will give obama this, he's cased disaster and hardship with everything he and the Dirtbag Democrats have done!

    Thanks to brain-dead piss-ants like YOU, we all get to enjoy higher unemployment, higher gas prices, higher food prices, higher taxes, bigger government, less opportunity, lower world standing, the death of American Exceptionalism, Government dictated healthcare & death panels, and the biggest joke of a President since your last fiasco - Jimmy Carter!

    Thanks a bunch!

    Oh, but then obama in NEVER responsible for ANYTHING he does! It's all Bushes fault.

    Time for the little boy obama to grow up!

    Even better, time for him to go!

  • Brian - 13 years ago

    Jwins, I agree with you. (yes it's who you think it is)

  • DISAPPOINTED - 13 years ago

    All we ned to know is that he is gone, don't forget who put us in this situation. I t wasn't obamas fault it was the little man called bush, at least he had the decency not to make an appearance and ruin the day for all of us who were so glad to hear the news. Obama has had to pick up the pieces others have left behind, and you all say it's his fault things are the way they are, remember the war was started before him as well as the defeict. It's time to grow up and take responsiblity for those with poor judgement. DON'T FORGET IT STARTED WITH A MAN CALLED BUSH WHO THOUGHT HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING. Anybody stuck in a bottle always thinks he has the right plan, but you need a good team to make it happen and he didn't have a plan or a good team. Ypu all point the finger at someone else, take a look at us as MAINE CITIZENS.

  • Debby - 13 years ago

    I beleive he is dead, but there will always be someone else to take his place.

  • Jon - 13 years ago

    jtwins; Sorry to rain on your parade, but hey already hate us and plan to kill us. Fortunately for us, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!

    Charley; Fortunately for our troops, The Enlightened One decided to not release the pics. Now all hostilities towards our troops will cease. Thank God there are voices of reason like yours to pass judgment on all those right wing nay sayers & naysayers!

    Saul; Sorry to disappoint you man. Nothing better than a fair trial, followed by a first-class hanging! I agree with you, bring it on. The easiest way to kill a weasel is when it sticks it's head up!

  • Charley - 13 years ago

    I'm with Deke....let's move on...He dead, I trust the operation and too many of you folks just constantly want to add violence to violence. Read the information cover up here.

  • Bangor Bob - 13 years ago

    I highly doubt OBL is dead. Things moved way to fast. I'm sure he got away since he probably heard the helicopter crash landing in his compound. Come on folks, lets be real. Do you think after all OBL has done there there would not be any proof revealed to the public of his death?
    I think Jon above said it best. After all we got to see Saddam hang and his boys laying dead with shots to the head. We got to see photos of others in the OBL compound laying dead.with shots to the head. Why not prove to the USA that OBL is dead. I don't believe for a minute he's gone. I think he got away and the Navy Seals f'd up when the chopper went down and this "quick burial for religous reasons" is a crock to cover it up.

  • Saul Tarsus - 13 years ago

    i never wanted him dead. i wanted and still do, for him to pay for his crimes. i wantes his victims to look in his eyes, i wanted his buddies to see him in cuffs and dragged around a jail. i wantedthose protecting him charged with the crimes they are guilty of. This is a pay off. something is not right here. and as far as the retailiation, bring it on and lets kill those bastards too!

  • Charley - 13 years ago

    I am angry to think that the news station I have been watching for + 20years would ask such a ridiculous question. Why take that risk of retailiation to our American citizens and soldiers overseas by releasing pictures just to prove a point to whom? The right wing nay sayers? Does anyone remember our soldiers dragged through the streets of Somolia? Why bury the body at sea? We as Americans need to show that even though we lost 3000 of our precious citizens through a senseless and barbaric act of terrorism, that we are above this. That we can be respectful of other cultures and religions whether we agree with their beliefs or not.

    "It was a joint decision. We thought it was important to think through ahead of time how we would dispose of the body if he were killed in the compound. And I think that what we tried to do was--consulting with experts in Islamic law and ritual--to find something that was appropriate, that was, respectful of the body."-----President Obama

    Shame on all of the folks who cannot respect the Commander in Chief's decision. Isn't this what we have wanted for the last 10 years. Bin Laden dead?

  • Deke - 13 years ago

    Of course bin Laden is dead. The DNA proved that! Don't people trust the Navy Seals? Certainly a photo will not be "proof" of bin Laden's death! What are people thinking? The computer information gathered should help to support the Navy Seals claim that bin Laden is dead. Let's move on!

  • John Butland - 13 years ago

    I don't trust obuma .

  • jwins - 13 years ago

    First of all he is dead. The reason they buried him so fast is that the religion he followed says that they have to bury him with in the first 24 hours of his death. They don't want to release the photos because it could make even more terrorists and they might show up again in another large city maybe even Las Vegas.

  • Jon - 13 years ago

    Sure do! But since we paid for it (in so many ways), we should at least get to see the pictures.

    Seeing innocent bodies fall from the twin towers - Okay.
    Seeing the person responsible laid out on a slab - Not okay.

    Seeing abu ghraib pictures - Fine
    Seeing the world's most insidious with the top of his head shot off - Oh No, can't show that!

    To all those that feel releasing the pictures will inflame the dirt-bags and incite them to want to kill us, NEWS FLASH! They already do! F___ Em'!

    Thank you all who made this possible.

    Swim with the fishes, bin Laden! You and your brain-dead minions thought you were really something, but now you're nothing more than fish sh!t. Priceless!

  • Jeneese - 13 years ago

    I voted no because i want some proof that he is dead to believe it

  • susansgym - 13 years ago

    Where is the proof? He was buried too fast and with more respect than we have given anyone else. This is just a government lie to take the focus off the economy. Obama the poitician has started his re-election campaign.

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