Do you think Al-Qaida will strike in the U.S. in retaliation?


  • Will - 13 years ago

    Well I agree that they may strike but they may fail. But, you guys are really weird

  • Doug C - 13 years ago

    I LOVE that pic of Obama in the situation room while the raid was on going, you couldn't have pounded a 8 penny nail up his ass with a jack hammer!!

  • Jared - 13 years ago

    What is up with the big fight about on this public web-site..... Who ever you are, it needs to stop.....

  • Herman 1940 - 13 years ago

    Yes they will, that is their objective. They will proberbly have more failures than successes, but never the less they will keep on trying. Just like satin, they still think they can win. They will eventually self destruct just like this country will self destruct if we don't repent and get back to the Godly foundations that this country was founded on. We all should be hanging our heads in shame for letting thin country get into such a sinful mess. We will have to answer for it, have no doubt.
    GO LEPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    Should be a two part question.
    Will they try? Most deffinately
    Will they succeed? Probably not

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