Who would win Ironman or Hulk

1 Comment

  • amy rose - 12 years ago

    ironman might be better with tech and his suit is made to takes a lot of really hard hits and his suit does have super lasers but because bruce still has control over the hulk even after transformation his intelligence is still the same so the hulk is stil very smart also the hulk has his thunder clap attack that can deflect ironman's lasers and the more u hit the hulk the angrier he gets and when the hulk gets mad he gets stonger, he is also able to heal himself in a matter of seconds and if the hulk were to hit ironman's suit the suit would shatter into pieces and leave tony with a lot of serious injuries! in a fight like this you have to take everything into consideration so to be honest i think the hulk would win for sure! sorry ironman's fans but even u cant deny the fact that tony has nothing on hulk.... just being honest here.... ^_^

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