Are Harold Camping's doomsday prophecies putting all Christians in a bad light?


  • xNtx - 13 years ago

    I agree with Kathy. Every religious group (and non-religious group) has its radicals.

  • kathy - 13 years ago

    I voted no because I thought people would not paint with a broad brush. Isn't holding all Christians accountable for the acts of one just a wee bit politically incorrect? And isn't politically correct the thing to be these days? I mean if I were to say that all Muslims were attacking the United States based on the Muslims that were responsible for 9/11, wouldn't that be doing the same thing as you all are doing? Painting with a broad brush? and lord knows we can't say that and be politically correct. I just thought people were smarter than that...guess I was wrong.:P

  • xNtx - 13 years ago

    Not the first time in U.S. history. October 22, 1844 was the day the Millerites (named after William Miller) in NY declared the second coming of Jesus (which of course didn't occur). They also came up with readjusted dates to no avail.

  • Pagan - 13 years ago

    Are Harold Camping's doomsday prophecies putting all Christians in a bad light?


  • RMK - 13 years ago

    it does not bother me one bit that people predict the end of the world we know and if anyone wants to believe Camping or not, it is up to them. If anyone is Christian, a Jew or any other religion or no religion at all, where is your compassion for the man.
    I am speaking in particular of the senior pastor of the 1st Baptist Church of Dallas. where is the senior pastor's compassion for Mr Camping. There is no compassion and no Christian talk in telling Camping to shut up and he needs to go to a retirement home.
    For all who calls Harold Camping names or telling him what he should do like the Dallas Babtist pastor, just accept the man for who he is and just move on.
    Most of all, just show compassion for the man. He may not be accurate in what he says and most people know he is wrong, but it is not the religous thing to do to belittle him or anyone else for what they believe. the right religous thing to do, like I said, is to show compassion for him and for our fellow man.

  • jackson - 13 years ago

    I reside in a large city where 2/3 of the population aren't in any church. While I do think his time is better spent elsewhere, it does make some aware that they aren't here forever. At least, I hope it does. I think he may have gotten the attention of some that otherwise wouldn't know Christ as their Lord and Savior. So, to that end, I commend him.

  • BDK - 13 years ago

    This was my 4th "end of the world" prediction that I've lived through over the past 40 years. I now don't believe any of it anymore. Every time a person or church does this they destroy their credibility and undermine a persons faith.

    Harold Camping needs to be sued for fraud or criminal conduct for instilling panic amongst followers.

  • CC - 13 years ago

    Look, this (and other religions - not just Christianity) is silly. I was raised Assembly of God/Pentecostal, mainly because of my mom's family, but when we moved away from them, my dad (a former Lutheran) shifted us to Baptist. It's all BS. My maternal grandfather, the most faithful servant to Jesus I've ever seen, was slowly killed by Parkinson's disease over a course of 25 years. All denominations prayed over him - even other faiths. This is a guy who shared his faith personally, face-to-face, with ex-Nazis, Daniel Ortega, Mother Teresa, The Dalai Lama, and "us common man", and I have all the pictures to prove it. What did God do in his time of need? Nothing. He was never healed. He succumbed to that disease in a nursing home that smelled of urine and death, and that's where he was until the end, in a semi-vegetative state for months. I also know of other stories from my own experiences and others, where faithful Christians never found solace and committed suicide, died of cancer, etc. Pray it in Jesus name? Yeah, right. Won't do you any good. Oh, but it's God's will? OK, then why pray anyway, if it's all God's will? To give praise only in your prayers? How many people do yo know who give praise ONLY during prayer? Answer: NONE! It's all TOTAL BS! Wake up and realize there may be a creator, but if there is, that creator is NOT a personal god (involved in our lives).

  • Danny - 13 years ago

    The only difference between Harold and all other Christians is that Harold named the date.

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